Search Results for “celeb ass”

May 31, 2011

Ass Shots Of Rihanna In Fishnets At Today

I know I’ve made it pretty clear in past posts that I love me some Rihanna. The girl is strong, confident and bold and I admire that. I’m not typically big on pop music, but I like most of what I’ve heard by Rihanna. That said, I’m not sure I’m really feeling these pictures from her performance on the ‘Today Show’. I mean, maybe it’s my childish imagination, but does it or does it not kind of look like Ri-Ri has gas in some of these pictures. I mean, in one, it really looks to me like she’s passing gas into the microphone. She still looks hot though? Nope, I’m sorry. I just can’t get over the whole gas thing. Love you, Rihanna, but I’m not a big fan of this particular set of pictures.

May 30, 2011
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Sexy Ass Shots Of Alessandra Ambrosio

Alessandra Ambrosio has got to be one of the sexiest women on the face of the planet. I mean, my good heavens. Look at the legs on that woman – the ass, the face… everything. What I love most about Alessandra though is the fact that she seems so down to earth. She’s just a girl on a beach in Malibu hanging out and having fun with her friends. The fact that she’s one of the most famous models in the world doesn’t seem to have gone to her head at all. Of course that’s just judging from the pictures we see. She might be a complete raging diva behind the scenes but I choose to believe she’s just as laid back as she seems to be.

May 11, 2011
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Sophie Turner – Peace Of Ass?

Sometimes celebrities like to speak their minds about the issues in the world that are important to them. They like to call attention to social or political causes. They understand that their position as a public figure gives them a unique advantage. People listen to them. Other people, like Sophie Turner at P Diddy’s Grammy after party, prefer to use their clothes to make a statement. I think. I’m assuming Sophie was taking advantage of the fact that she has a gorgeous ass that everyone wants to stare at by slapping a peace sign on it to make a statement about peace. Of course, she may have just thought it was cool or, more likely, her stylist thought it looked good on her and told her to wear it.

May 9, 2011

Eva Longoria Is A Classy Babe

Eva Longoria makes me smile. I can’t really figure out what exactly it is about her that has that effect on me, but it’s the truth all the same. She’s a stunning woman but she doesn’t seem like the sort of woman that’s completely hung up on her looks. She’s been photographed looking less than gorgeous, but it doesn’t real seem to bother her a whole lot. When it comes time to hit the red carpet though or attend some sort of social function you can be almost certain that Eva is going to look beautiful. She also doesn’t need to flash a lot of skin to be sexy. Just take a look at her in this relatively demure ensemble. She’s still sexy while remaining classy. I love this girl.

April 18, 2011

Kim Kardashian Still Has A Big Ass

And God love her for it – not to mention her willingness to show it off. Kim Kardashian once said she was tired of people talking about her ass. I can’t for the life of me understand why. It worked for Jennifer Lopez. I’ve honestly never been a big fan of big asses but it works for Kim. She’s a curvy woman – even with the weight she’s losing. I think she’s gorgeous. I’m a little torn on Kim. I don’t like her as a person and I don’t think, aside from her sextape, she’s ever done anything worth writing about, but as far as celebrities that are famous for no good reason go, she’s probably my favorite.

April 18, 2011
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Alexis Bledel Looks Classy And Sexy

I’ve always been a big Alexis Bledel fan, even if I didn’t always admit it. There was a time when I considered myself too cool to like “The Gilmore Girls” and “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” but now I’m older and more mature. I don’t care about being cool and I like that I like. I like Alexis. I’ve never actually seen “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2” but I loved the first one. Sadly, I haven’t seen Alexis in much lately, so I was happy to see these pictures. I always liked Alexis because she didn’t seem like she was in a hurry to grow up. She usually dressed age appropriately, but still beautifully. I think these pictures show that she still does that. She looks sexy but not sleazy. I love that. Those shoes though – as much as I love them, how on earth do women wear shoes like that and not fall on their faces. It’s a mystery to me.

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