Search Results for “celeb ass”

September 8, 2012

Nicola McLean And Her Nipples.

Um … yeah. Not sure where to even start with these photos. I guess I’ll start by writing a little bit about who Nicola McLean in. She started out as a glamour model and parlayed her success as a model into a career as a television personality. While she still models, she is probably more well known these days for her time on various celebrity themed reality shows including, “I’m A Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here” and “Big Brother”. Okay, now you have an idea of who she is. Let’s talk about the really perplexing part of these photos which is basically everything else about these photos. Here at the Jeans for Genes event, Nicola just looks flat out trashy. I guess she looks cute in a very plastic sort of way but I just can’t get passed that outfit. I like the jeans but it’s hard to focus on them when her nipples are so clearly visible through her top. They kind of remind me of the see through skirt pictures of Sophie Turner from a few days ago except those photos seemed to be taken in a more private setting while these ones were snapped on the red carpet. Tasteless, classless but not entirely surprising.

September 6, 2012

Jenna Jameson Looks … Something, Alright.

I don’t even know what to say about these photos. I kind of want to like Jenna Jameson. I can forgive the trashy clothes because she’s a porn star. If you have build your career on letting strangers ram you, no one really expects you to be the picture of class and good taste. I suppose she’s even kind of pretty in a “too much plastic surgery” kind of way. I just don’t think I can fully support a woman who threw her support behind Mitt Romney. I’ll leave it at that since this isn’t really a politics kind of place but I couldn’t let it go unmentioned. Anyway, in these photos, we see Jenna at the Crazy Horse III strip club in Las Vegas looking like one would expect Jenna Jameson to look – hot but just slightly … off.

September 2, 2012

Adorable Jennette McCurdy Hangs Out At The Beach.

I like Jennette McCurdy. I’m surprised she hasn’t had more success that she has. She’s not the best actress to ever take up the profession but she’s certainly capable of holding her own with many of her contemporaries and, unlike the masses apparently, I really enjoyed her foray into country music. That really should say something considering I’m not really a fan of the genre. In these photos from Maui, Hawaii, Jennette looks just as adorable as ever and she looks like she’s having a great time on the beach. I don’t really know what’s in store for her next but I hope it’s nothing but wonderful things. I think she could really surprise a lot of people if she’s given the right role and a chance to shine.

September 1, 2012

Bar Refaeli Is Almost Too Hot To Handle.

The other day, I wrote a little post about Bar Refaeli and in it, I focused a lot on her relationship with Leonardo DiCaprio. I’m not going to do that this time because there are far more important things to write about this time around, namely, how smoking freaking hot Bar looks in every single one of these photos. I am a sucker for a woman in thigh high stockings. I’m a sucker for a woman in a sharp looking hat. For those reasons alone, this set could possibly be my favorite Bar Refaeli set to date. It’s been a good morning. Moments ago, I wrote a post about my favorite Candice Swanepoel photo set to date and now there are these photos of Bar? Fantastic. It’s not going to be all roses and sunshine. Looking ahead at the rest of my assignment list, the morning is going to take an unfortunate turn toward the ragey in about two photo sets so I am going to take a moment or two to bask in Bar’s beautiful glow before I move on.

September 1, 2012

Sexy New Photos Of Candice Swanepoel For Elle

Candice Swanepoel is stunning. She’s absolutely gorgeous and I get a little excited every time I see her name on my assignment list because writing about her is always a joy. This set of photos (shot in BRazil for Elle) is perhaps my favorite Candice Swanepoel set yet though. She doesn’t necessarily look any more or any less attractive than she normally does. What I like about these photos is the mix of professional shots and candid shots. We get to see the photo shoot from another perspective and I enjoy that. It sets these shots of Candice apart from many of the other shots we’ve seen. It’s a nice behind the scenes look at the gorgeous model between poses and I hope this is only the first of many sets like this I get to write about.

August 30, 2012

Bar Refaeli Looks Just As Sexy As One Would Expect.

Bar Refaeli may have gotten the bulk of her fame when she dated Leonardo DiCaprio but I don’t think that should take away from the work she’s done as a model. This is a woman that is successful in her own right and I think it’s important to point that out. Bar never seemed to be out to capitalize on her relationship with him. She attended events with him but she seemed to back off and let him have his moment – something I always admired about her. Many of the other women who become well known because of who they’re dating take every opportunity they’re given to show off their relationship and Bar never gave me that impression. Since breaking up with Leo, Bar has remained successful and I think that will continue. In these photos from Mykonos, Greece, it’s pretty obvious Leo is little more than a distant memory in her mind. She has definitely moved on and good for her. I think Bar is a classy, beautiful woman and I see nothing but success in her future.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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