Search Results for “eve angel”

January 19, 2014

Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Doing Something That Probably Isn’t Interesting Or Important

I’m over Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. They aren’t interesting in the least. They never were to me to begin with though but now I’m especially over them. These shots of the twosome in Los Angeles kind of make me want to go to sleep for a while and hope the whole relationship has been one bad dream. I’m exaggerating, of course. Even when Kim bores me I still find her fairly attractive most of the time so I guess these shots have that going for them. I wouldn’t say they’re my favorite Kim shots though and I think that may be because Kanye is in them. He’s a talented artist and I love his music but as a human being, he kind of makes me weep for humanity.

January 18, 2014
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Jessica Biel Is One Of The Sexiest Women In Hollywood

How much do I love Jessica Biel? The woman is just fabulous. TO be honest though, I kind of forget she exists from time to time. I guess I’ll chalk that up to the fact that I don’t really get photos of her to write about very often. I guess that’s what makes these shots, snapped in Los Angeles, so special. Plus, of course, she looks awesome in them. Jessica is one of the few Hollywood women I find more attractive without makeup. She just has such natural beauty and it’s great when she lets that shine through. I wouldn’t be doing my job though if I didn’t mention the other women with her – very pretty, each and every one. Great shots overall.

January 11, 2014
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Claudia Romani And Her Banging Bikini Body

Claudia Romani is just one of those women I can never get tired of. She has the face of an angel and that body of hers? It’s just unreal. Totally out of this world. Of course, I don’t even really need to write that, do I? Just look at these shots snapped in Miami (not to mention the dozens of other Claudia Romani bikini shots we’ve got all over this site) and you’ll see the proof for yourself. I don’t know if Claudia ever wears regular clothes or if she lives in a bikini but I have to tell you, if I looked like her, you can be damn sure I’d be wearing a bikini as often as possible.

December 27, 2013
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Rita Ora And Her Very Interesting Look

So here we have Rita Ora at the Angel Ball in NYC and she’s looking … hot? I’m not really sure I know how I feel about these photos, to be honest. I don’t really dig the blond locks on Rita. They don’t look bad by any stretch of the imagination but I think she’s look better with a nice chestnut brown color instead. In any event, I’m really loving the dress Rita’s wearing here. It’s a different sort of look for her but I really think it works. It shows off her killer body but it isn’t quite as loud and showy as her typical wardrobe choices.

December 27, 2013
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Irina Shayk Has Been Hit Or Miss For Me But That’s All Changed Now

Don’t get me wrong. I love Irina Shayk. She’s a stunningly beautiful woman with an incredible body and this natural, casual charm in front of the camera. With that all said, lately, some of her photos have been leaving me a little unimpressed. That is not the case with these photos from the Angel Ball in NYC. I love everything about these photos. I love her outfit. I love her hair. I love her makeup and I love – absolutely adore – her poses on the red carpet. In my humble opinion, these are some of the best Irina Skayk photos I’ve seen in quite some time and that makes me very happy indeed.

December 22, 2013
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Kim Kardashian In A Lace Doily

Blech. Just not feeling this Kim Kardashian look on any level. First of all, she looks nothing like herself. Second of all, the dress is ridiculous. In these shots, snapped in Los Angeles, Kim is looking nothing at all like the stunning fashionista I’m used to seeing in her photos. A few short hours ago, I wrote a post about Kendall Jenner being hotter than Kim. I don’t think I’d get any argument if we were just judging on these photos vs. the Kendall photos from a few hours ago. Maybe Kim’s losing her touch or maybe she just had an off day.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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