Search Results for “hot body”

October 12, 2012

Arianny Celeste Is So Ridiculously Smoking Hot.

I am one of those people that tries not to rush to judgement on things, especially when celebrities are involved. The tabloid media has a way of taking a story and spinning it so it becomes something entirely different and I like to think I’m smart enough to see through that spin. Sometimes though, I have to wonder. Arianny Celeste is a great example of that. Back in May, Arianny was arrested for domestic violence and that, for me, is a deal breaker. Since her arrest though, the domestic violence charges have been dropped. It’s worth noting that both she and the man she allegedly assaulted were arrested and both made claims of violence against the other so who knows what really happened. One thing is for certain though, Arianny is a stunningly beautiful woman with an incredible body. With that said, domestic violence is never okay. I’m giving Arianny the benefit of the doubt though. Charges were dropped due to insufficient evidence so I’m going to go with that unless there is proof to the contrary.

October 11, 2012

Tamara Ecclestone Shows Off Her Body.

I like Tamara Ecclestone. Would she be where she is today if she weren’t a mega-rich heiress? Probably not but what separates her from some of the other young women in the super-hot, mega-rich heiress category is the fact that she doesn’t seem content to just sit back and let her money speak for her. She seems willing to work for her position in the spotlight and I appreciate that. Does she work hard? That’s debatable but she at least does something. There are so many “famous for being famous” celebrities out there that it’s nice to see one such woman try to get beyond that label. With that said, I will admit there are some things about Tamara’s physical appearance I’m not fond of – things that seem to have been surgically altered but her confidence overshadows those little physical things for me. I like this woman and it’s always a pleasure to have the chance to write about her.

September 26, 2012

Melissa Satta Shows Off Her Bikini Body On The Runway In Milan

I’m positive I’ve mentioned my love of Melissa Satta a time or two but I think it’s worth repeating. I love this woman. She’s gorgeous and she knows how to walk the runway with confidence and poise. In these Melissa Satta bikini photos from the runway in Milan, all the things I love most about this woman are on clear display. Her gorgeous body, her beautiful smile, that long flowing hair – in my eyes, this lady is perfection. Some might argue that walking down a runway isn’t a big deal but there are definitely women out there who don’t do it nearly as well as Melissa. She doesn’t look posed or over polished. There is a natural ease about her stage presence and I like that. I’ve never been to a live fashion show – doesn’t seem like my type of deal – but I’d gladly go see one if Melissa was one of the featured models.

September 5, 2012
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New Sexy Rosie Huntington Lingerie Photo Shoot

Eh, I dunno. Rosie Huntington is gorgeous for sure but there’s something about these photos I’m not in love with. She looks hot and she has an incredible body but I guess I’ve just come to expect something a little more from Rosie. I can’t really complain too much though. She’s a gorgeous woman and she’s in her underwear. It’s hard to be completely disappointed with pictures when those two factors are in place. I remember all the fuss back when it was first announced Rosie would be taking over for Megan Fox in ‘Transformers’ but I didn’t see the big deal. I’ve always prefer Rosie over Megan by a mile. I’m not saying these pictures aren’t fantastic because they really are. They’re just not the showstoppers I’m used to seeing with Rosie.

August 24, 2012

Tamara Ecclestone Is Smoking Hot In LA.

Tamara Ecclestone is a babe. She also happens to be the heiress to a massive fortune. I have to imagine life is probably pretty awesome if you’re Tamara Ecclestone. I don’t hold that against her, of course. She’s a beautiful woman who hasn’t relied entirely on her family to make her somebody. She’s worked a bit in television and as a model which tells me that she’s not content to just live off her trust fund and while she’s not waiting tables or busting her hump at a 9-5 like most of us, she’s at least doing something to earn her own money. I respect that. I hate this idea that rich people are automatically bad. That would be like saying poor people or average income people are automatically lazy. Tamara seems like a pretty decent girl although, to be honest, I don’t know a whole lot about her so I might be completely wrong. I just like giving people the benefit of the doubt.

August 23, 2012

Sexy Behind The Scenes Shots From The New Ciara Video Shoot.

I am so conflicted on Ciara. I love some of her songs and hate others. She’s talented but I don’t always thinks she lives up to her potential. One thing I’m not conflicted on is how beautiful she is. She’s just absolutely stunning. You know what convinces me that Ciara is one of the most beautiful women in music today? Pictures of her without makeup. She looks every bit as good without makeup as she looks with makeup. I recently did an article focusing on celebrities without makeup and Ciara really surprised me. There are few women in the entertainment industry that benefit from a little makeup but don’t need it to make themselves beautiful. Ciara is one of those women. In these pics from her new music video shoot in Malibu, Ciara looks incredible. Her body is just ridiculous. Of course she’s wearing makeup but trust me, she looks just as good without it. Love this woman. I hope the new song does this talented babe justice.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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