Search Results for “hot body”

June 13, 2013

Karina Jelinek Shows Off Her Fantastic Ass In Miami

Sexy Argentinian model, Karina Jelinek, really knows how to rock a bikini, doesn’t she? These photos snapped of Karina in Miami are some of the hotter bikini photos I’ve written about in the last little while and much of that is due to the fact that Karina really does have an incredible bikini body. I have no problem with super skinny girls as long as they look healthy but there’s definitely something to be said for a girl that can fill out a bikini. Karina  is by no means a chunky girl but she is definitely curvy in all the right places. These photos are smoking hot. I’m not familiar with a lot of Karina’s work but after seeing these photos, I want to correct that. Immediately.

June 12, 2013

AJ Lee Makes Me A Little Angry

How was I not informed that most female wrestlers these days are total babes? No, seriously. That was not a rhetorical question. I demand answers. I’m looking at these photos of gorgeous WWE star, AJ Lee and I’m wondering how it is even possible I was not alerted to this stunning creature long ago. I mean, she’s just incredible and that body of hers? It’s like she’s been chiseled out of stone. That tears it. I now have to start watching wrestling again. It’s been decades but I’m sure I can catch up pretty quickly. Turns out though, she isn’t just hot. She’s also very smart and savvy when it comes to business. That is something I can really respect. I’m going to be watching this girl from here on out. Love her.

June 12, 2013
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Mollie King Is One Of My Favorite Saturdays

Ah okay, I have to admit I don’t really have a favorite member of The Saturdays. They’re all stunning. Each and every one of them. There is something especially lovely about Mollie though. Mollie is one of the most traditionally beautiful members of the group and that makes her the favorite to a lot of people. I personally tend to go for less traditional women but that doesn’t take anything away from how beautiful I think Mollie is. In these photos from the Mahiki nightclub in London, Mollie has everything going for her. Her hair looks great. Her makeup looks great. That dress is a killer and really shows off her knockout body. All in all, this is a terrific set of shots.

June 11, 2013
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Petra Benova Hits The Beach In Miami

I am a big Petra Benova fan but there’s something about these photos I’m not really loving. Perhaps it’s the fact that, in my eyes, Petra is looking a bit like Paris Hilton in some of these photos. I don’t really mind that as I think Paris Hilton is lovely and all but it’s just kind of weird. I’m sure I’m the only person that sees the similarities though. Weird Paris Hilton thing aside, these photos of Petra, shot in Miami, are pretty darn hot. This woman’s body is just incredible. I love the bikini she’s chosen to wear and she looks like she’s having fun. I really do think they’re great pictures. The Paris thing just kind of threw me off.

June 11, 2013

Coco Austin Is Not My Cup Of Tea

No pun intended, I swear. Anyway, I get why people like Nicole ‘Coco’ Austin so much. She’s a beautiful woman and she’s got the kind of body many men go wild for but she just doesn’t really do anything for me, personally. I don’t even really know why. I guess it’s the way she poses sometimes. This is a hot woman that knows she’s a hot woman and wants to show you she’s a hot woman as often as possible. There’s really nothing wrong with that per say. I just find women sexier when they aren’t trying so hard. With all that said, I can say with 100% certainty that this photoshoot in Las Vegas is nearly enough to make me change my mind. I really like some of these photos. I think the first shot is absolutely stunning. I love her pose and the way she’s looking over her shoulder without actually looking at the camera. I also really like the fourth picture and the last picture. The others aren’t bad either. I’m not sure what it is about these photos but Coco doesn’t look quite as disproportionate as she normally does. While I won’t say these shots are enough to make me like her, they are enough to make me think I may have been at least a little wrong about her.

June 11, 2013
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Maria Menounos Makes Me Love Life

How can you look at Maria Menounos and not feel happy? Yes, she’s beautiful. Yes, she has an incredible body. Yes, she’s showing it off in these photos. All of that is great and everything but what always jumps out at me in photos of Maria is how much fun she always seems to be having. That is especially true in these photos from the Patron Tequila party for her birthday in LA. She looks like she’s having the time of her life and that makes me giddy. I’m not an especially happy-go-lucky person but when I look at Maria, I practically want to break out into song. This lady just makes my day. I don’t care what’s going on in my life at the time, Maria can make it all feel better, at least for a little while and that’s why I love her so very much. Did anyone else catch her on Hell’s Kitchen the other night? So adorable. No wonder the guys were all perguppled! I would’ve been too.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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