Search Results for “hot body”

March 15, 2013

Halle Berry Shows Some Skin On The Tonight Show

Ah, Halle Berry. One of my absolute favorites. Everything about this woman thrills me. I love her body. I love her face. I love her hair. I love her personality. I would say Halle Berry is about as close to perfect as a person can get – male or female. I honestly believe Halle is not just one of the most beautiful actresses of her generation but also one of the most talented. “Monster’s Ball” remains to this day one of my all time favorite films. In these photos from “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in Burbank, Halle is pulling off an outfit I’m not sure many other women could pull off. On someone else, it might look trashy but Halle manages to avoid making it look that way. She’s just absolutely beautiful. I don’t think I could love her more than I do.

March 9, 2013
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Claudia Romani Is Absolutely Gorgeous

I think I’ve made myself pretty clear on the subject of Claudia Romani. The woman is so absolutely beautiful it’s a little ridiculous. I adore her in ways I can’t really capture in words. She has a fantastic body and she clearly has no problem showing that off, as she’s doing here in these photos from Miami. That rear end of her is a real work of art. I also have to comment on the bikini she’s chosen here. I think it looks fantastic on her and I love the colors and the print. If I could only post about one woman for the rest of my days, I would be perfectly okay if that one woman were Claudia. Well, honestly, I’d actually probably get bored pretty quickly but that’s beside the point. Claudia’s gorgeous and I adore her. These photos are fantastic.

March 6, 2013
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Liz McClarnon Spills Out At The Top And Bottom

My, my – that is a lot of body for not a lot of dress. The result? Hotness, I’d say. Maybe there are those out there that would disagree but looking at these photos, I’m not seeing much to complain about. Here we see Liz McClarnon performing at a recent Atomic Kitten concert in London and I’ve got to say, she’s looking pretty good. I was never a big fan of Atomic Kitten but they had a few songs I enjoyed enough to say I’m glad they reunited. Photos like these ones only further cement my belief that yes, the Atomic Kitten reunion was a good thing indeed.

March 5, 2013
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Rosie Huntington Spends A Day At The Beach With Her Dog

I love Rosie Huntington and I love that Rosie Huntington loves her dog. I think that’s just fantastic. I don’t know why it makes me smile like it goes, but I seriously grinned when I saw these photos. Maybe they make me feel like she’s just a normal human being. I’m not rich, famous or especially beautiful but I love my dog and so does Rosie. We have something in common. Of course, I’m sitting in my house with nothing but snow out my window as I give my dog a good scratch behind the years and she’s frolicking on a beach in Malibu but hey – at least we have that one thing in common. I think these photos are fantastic and, of course, very hot. This woman has just an incredible body. I like that she’s wearing something a little more conservative than a bikini even though she looks terrific in one of those as well. Just because you’ve got the body doesn’t mean you have to flaunt it all the time. Rosie gets that. I don’t think I could possibly love these pictures more.

February 27, 2013

Miley Cyrus And Kelly Osbourne Would Make A Cute Couple.

I know I’m supposed to be writing about Miley Cyrus here but I have to take a moment to talk about Kelly Osbourne. My good Lord – that lady is looking good these days. She’s clearly been working on her body and it’s paying off. I hope she’s doing it in a healthy way though. She’s had her problems in the past. As good as she looks, it’s not worth putting her health at risk. With that said, she doesn’t look unhealthy in these photos with Miley from the Elton John Academy Awards Viewing Party. To me, both girls look beautiful and they look like they have a good time together. This is a celebrity BFF pairing I can really get behind.

February 27, 2013

Heidi Klum Shows A Lot Of Skin At Elton John’s Oscar Party

My heavens, Heidi Klum is a good looking ladt, isn’t she? Just look at the body of hers. Absolutely incredible. Sure she’s showing at lot of skin at Elton John’s AIDS Oscar Party in West Hollywood but she somehow avoids looking trashy or desperate for attention. She’s just the kind of woman that can pull off that look and that isn’t always easy. I’m not sure I’m loving how she’s styled her hair here but it’s really just a minor complaint about an otherwise exceptional look. I love this woman. It’s good to see her looking happy and smiling. It’s been a rough stretch of time for her but you’d never know it from looking at her. Beautiful lady full of class and sophistication. This is how it’s done.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }