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July 11, 2013
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Victoria Justice Hits The Stage

Victoria Justice really makes me smile. She’s a pretty girl with a lot of talent in a lot of different areas and I think that bodes well for her in terms of a long lasting career. Of course I’ve been wrong about such things before. Many times before, in fact. I think if Victoria makes the right choices though, she could really stick around the entertainment industry for a long time. I think Victoria really has an advantage over some of her contemporaries. She’s never been involved in any major scandals and isn’t really super well known for Victorious so she shouldn’t have to worry too much about being typecast. Plus, I also think she’s a pretty talented singer so she could also choose to focus on music. Whatever she chooses, I hope she does well. I really like this girl.

July 11, 2013
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Julia Pereira Is A Beautiful Woman

Here’s the thing about these photos of gorgeous Brazilian model Julia Pereira in Miami: I don’t really like them. I love Julia and I was excited by the idea of some new bikini shots of her but when I opened the photos, I wasn’t crazy about them. She looks hot as hell and all that but I’m not a fan of the lack of clear photos of just her. There are a couple of really good shots I liked but for the most part, I found most of them a little uneventful. I want to see Julia, not a bunch of other people. She’s a stunner though so these photos definitely aren’t bad. I just don’t think they’re as good as they could be.

July 10, 2013

Jennifer Nicole Lee Shows Off Her Ass In Dallas

So Jennifer Nicole Lee decided to spend a little time at a pool in Dallas recently and this is what she wore. This is kind of a weird bikini. I wanted to call it a teeny tiny bikini but it isn’t – at least not the top half of it. It’s almost kind of conservative on the top – at least as conservative as a bikini top can be – but the bottom is a different story entirely, especially if you’re looking at it from behind. To be honest, I like the suit although it’s a little too ‘fringy’ for me. It still looks great on her and shows off all of her best features. This woman is in shape. While I give her a bit of a hard time for wearing very little when she goes to the grocery store, I can’t and won’t say anything negative about her wearing a bikini to the pool. I mean, that’s what bikinis are for, after all. Overall, a great set of photos of a ridiculously gorgeous woman.

July 9, 2013
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Selena Gomez Wearing Pajamas?

I’m not sure what Selena Gomez is wearing in these shots but it kind of looks like pajamas to me. I’m not really sure this particular look is working for me which is a little unusual. I typically love Selena’s fashion sense but yeah … this look is a little far removed from Selena’s typical fashion. The print is just so busy and the style itself is so unflattering. Not really what I would consider a good look for her – or anyone else for that matter. She still looks super cute but I think that just goes without saying with Selena. Now, I of course can’t do a Selena Gomez post without mentioning the latest of her and The Biebs. Apparently he tweeted a photo of the two together the other night making it look like they’re back on. Some people are whining about the lack of consistency with these two. I just think it’s par for the course. They’re young. They’ll probably break up and make up a few more times before they decide whether or not they want to stay together for keeps.

July 9, 2013

Jessie James Is Going To Fall Out Of Her Bikini Top

I will never understand how women can wear bikini tops like this one but I’m also not going to complain about it. The fact that this strapless bikini top Jessie James is wearing in these bikini shots in Maui looks like it’s about ready to fall off at any second is proof that these sort of tops have a place in the world. A good place. A happy place. I love these shots but let’s be honest. It must be a little difficult to really relax and have a good time when you have to constantly be worried that your boobs are about to flop out. Jessie seems to be doing okay with it though. I guess that’s really all that matters in the end.

July 8, 2013
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Jennifer Hawkins Is A Real Stunner

I simply adore these photos of gorgeous model/beauty queen/tv host, Jennifer Hawkins. She just has such a fresh faced, girl next door vibe going on and I’m a sucker for a woman like that. While she is certainly capable of steaming it up in sexy photoshoots, I really like red carpet shots like these ones when it comes to Jennifer. I feel shots like these ones really let her true beauty shine through. While she’s obviously had her hair and makeup done, she isn’t as worked on as she might be in a photoshoot. I think she has a natural, comfortable feel in front of red carpet cameras as well and for some models, that can be tricky to pull off. Some models wind up looking like they’re trying to hard but I’ve never found that with Jennifer. She’s a lovely girl.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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