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July 7, 2013
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Claudia Romani Continues To Impress

Sometimes I post about one particular girl over and over again and find myself getting a little bored of her but that just doesn’t seem to happen with Claudia Romani. I love her. I love her. She has such a fantastic body and such a beautiful face. More than that, she rarely seems to dress in anything but a bikini. That’s always a nice treat with a woman as stunning as Claudia. In these shots, snapped in Miami, Claudia is looking fabulous. I love the bikini and I especially love the bracelet. I want one just like it. Someone hook me up! My birthday has passed but it would make an awesome “good job on the posts” present. Just a thought.

July 7, 2013
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Raica Oliveira Is Quite Possibly The Most Stunning Model I’ve Ever Seen

If you’ve been reading my posts here for any length of time, you’ve likely heard me refer to many, many women as “one of my favorite models” and I mean it every time I write it. That does not mean what I’ve written in this title though because I absolutely do. I don’t know enough about Raica Oliveira to say she’s one of my favorite models but I can definitely say she is perhaps the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen in my life. Why? I have absolutely no idea but when I opened this set of photos and looked at her for the first time, I gasped. I’m not even exaggerating. I sincerely gasped when I looked at this woman. She just takes my breath away. I don’t have a clue what it is about her that is so appealing but there’s definitely something. I absolutely want to see more of this woman. Right away. I really hope I have the chance to write about her again … soon.

July 7, 2013

Massive Selena Gomez Wardrobe Malfunction

By now, I’m sure most of you have seen these Selena Gomez photos so most of you have probably seen the things that have been said about these photos. Yes, this is a huge Selena Gomez wardrobe malfunction and yes, I likely would’ve been a little more careful on stage were I wearing an outfit like this but can we cut Selena a bit of a break? These things do happen. These photos are by no means proof that I’ve been wrong every time I’ve written about Selena. I don’t think this is ‘Selena Gone Wild’ as so many people seem to be saying. I think this is nothing more than a little accident that will perhaps make Selena a little more cautious with her wardrobe choices.

July 7, 2013
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Lucy Pinder Has Large Breasts And Other Massive Understatements

I can’t help looking at these photos of Lucy Pinder and wondering how often she’s asked if her breasts are real. It’s the first question I have when I look at these photos and I can’t imagine I’m the only one. I don’t honestly care if they’re real or fake. That’s never been a concern for me. I think fake breasts are fine. If a woman decides she wants to get implants, I say she should go ahead and do it. That doesn’t mean I’m not a little curious. Boob question aside, Lucy looks incredible in this lingerie shoot. Her body is fantastic but I also really like her facial features. She just has something unique about her looks and I like that. I think this girl is gorgeous and I love these photos.

July 6, 2013
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Reese Witherspoon Shows Off Her Legs In Brentwood

I’m rather indecisive on Reese Witherspoon. I think she’s a pretty lady and I think she’s a very talented actress but I’m not sure I like her as a celebrity. Just so we’re clear though, that has nothing to do with whole DUI arrest mess. Sure she pulled out the “Do you know who I am?” card and made herself look like a jackass but she also apologized and admitted she acted like a jackass. That took guts and not a lot of celebs would’ve done that. Even so, there just seems to be something about her that sits wrong with me. I don’t know what that something is though. I guess there are just some people out there like that. With all that said, I do like these shots of Reese leaving a gym in shorts in Brentwood. I think she looks cute and comfortable. I also think her legs look incredible. To me, a woman has really nice legs if those legs look great even in sneakers or flats so judging from these photos, Reese does have really nice legs. She also looks adorable without makeup, something else I respect about her. I can tell you for certain, I would not look nearly as good as Reese does here if I were snapped leaving a gym after a workout so I have to give her credit for that.

July 6, 2013
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Super Sexy Taylor Swift Performance Pics

I will never be able to understand the Taylor Swift backlash. She might not be the most vocally gifted young woman in country music but she’s definitely still talented. She has a knack for writing catchy pop country songs and whether you’re willing to admit it or not, that does take some measure of talent. And her voice is far from bad. Does she go through a lot of men? Sure, but she’s young. No one should be expecting her to settle down and get married right away. Aside from all that, from the looks of these in concert shots on stage in Vancouver, British Columbia, she knows how to put on a great show for her fans. I won’t lie. I don’t love her music enough to sit down and listen to one of her albums end to end without skipping a song or two but I do like a lot of her singles. I’m a fan, even if just a casual one, and I certainly think she’s earned her spot in the music industry.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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