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July 13, 2013
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Jordana Brewster Shows Off Her Stems

I think I’ve mentioned before that I think the true test of whether or not a woman has especially nice legs is whether or not those legs still look incredible when the woman is wearing flat shoes. Jordana Brewster has passed that test in these photos. She looks downright leggy in these shots, snapped as she headed out in Century City. I love this woman. I love that she doesn’t seem to feel the need to dress up just to head out and run a few errands. That isn’t to say she doesn’t look incredible though. She very obviously does. I really like Jordana. She’s great on Dallas, even though I do feel her storyline is starting to head into “ridiculous” territory. I think she’s fantastic and I think these photos are as well.

July 12, 2013
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Paris Hilton Enjoys The Malibu Sun

It’s either cold and rainy or hot and humid in my neck of the woods but it always seems to be beautiful and sunny in Malibu. Maybe that’s why Paris Hilton seems to spend so much of her time there. Or maybe it just seems like she spends a lot of time there because her Malibu photos always stand out. I really like Paris for some reason and that’s especially true when she’s in a bikini. These photos are great. Paris looks happy, healthy and relaxed. To be honest though, I usually think Paris looks happy, healthy and relaxed. Maybe she’s just a naturally happy person. Maybe it’s all the money. Maybe it’s the beach time. Who knows? I like it though.

July 12, 2013
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Sofia Vergara In Stretch Pants At The Airport

I stand by my assertion that Sofia Vergara is one of the most beautiful women on television but I need to follow that up with a confession: I’m not really feeling these photos snapped at LAX Airport. I’m going to cut Sofia some serious slack though. It’s an airport and as I said a few days ago in regards to Pam Anderson, airports aren’t exactly known for offering glamour shot opportunities. All told though, Sofia still looks pretty fantastic. I suppose I just don’t find airport shots all that special. I’m  not going to complain too much though. Thrilling or not, Sofia Vergara shots are Sofia Vergara shots and I’m happy to have them. I love this lady, even if I don’t love these photos.

July 12, 2013
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Julia Pereira Hits The Beach In A Black Bikini

Now these photos of Julia Pereira are exactly what I like to see in bikini shots. Julia has an incredible body, a beautiful face and she’s soaking wet. How could you go wrong? On top of that, these photos were taken in Miami which provides such a lovely backdrop. Finally, we get to see Julia looking like she’s having quite the relaxing day which is definitely nice to see. All told, I’d say this is a pretty great set of photos. Julia doesn’t seem all that concerned with the cameras snapping away at her and why should she? She looks fantastic. If I looked like her, I might want people to take pictures of me every time I went to the beach.

July 12, 2013
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Kelly Brook And Her Fantastic Rear End

Kelly Brook is one of the women I can almost always count on for a fantastic set of photos. These ones are no exception. She looks incredible here and not only that, she looks incredible in every possible way. I love the rear end shots, of course, because I love Kelly’s rear end but each one of these photos is great. I love the outfit she’s wearing here. It flatters her beautiful while also being stylish yet comfortable looking. It isn’t always easy for a woman to hit all points with an outfit but that’s exactly what Kelly did here. Great shots of an incredibly beautiful woman. I know I say this every time I post about Kelly but I really don’t think it would be possible for me to love her more than I do now.

July 12, 2013

Heidi Klum Still Has A Fine Bikini Body

A lot of things bother me about the way the world is today. I’d list them off but I’d be here all day. Sometimes I look around and think we’re all doomed. The internet pretty much confirms that for me on a near daily basis. Some people out there are just terrible. I mention all of this because I recently read some comments about Heidi Klum wearing a bikini – comments that were not very nice at all. I don’t understand the thought process there. Heidi is getting older, yes, but her body is still incredible. I look at these photos of Heidi wearing a bikini in the Bahamas and I can say for certain she still looks a whole lot hotter than most of the people I see in bikinis when I go to the beach. In my opinion, that counts for a lot. I think Heidi is fantastic I think these photos are fantastic.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }