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December 29, 2012
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Stephanie Seymour Hanging Out And Looking Gorgeous In St. Barts.

I remember seeing Stephanie Seymour for the first time and thinking she was possibly the sexiest woman I’d ever laid eyes on. It’s now more than a decade later and as I look at these photos of Stephanie in St. Barts, I can’t help thinking that’s still true. She’s such a beautiful woman with an incredible body who doesn’t seem to care at all what anyone thinks of her. I have to give her serious credit for that. That takes real confidence and self assurance, something a lot of people are lacking these days. Stephanie seems like the kind of person who knows who she is and I appreciate that. I also like the fact that Stephanie has chosen a one piece suit here. While I’m sure she could rock a bikini, it’s nice to see a woman looking sexy in a one piece every now and again. Great photos of a beautiful woman.

December 29, 2012
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Claudia Galanti Looks Stunning In Miami, No One Is Surprised.

Claudia Galanti is one of the most consistently gorgeous women I’ve seen in quite some time. I will never understand how she isn’t a household name. In a world where being rich is enough to make you famous as long as you have the right look, I’d think Claudia would be a little more recognized. It’s crazy how this woman can look killer time and time again. I’ve never seen a bad photo set of her. I’m not sure who the man is with her but I can say for certain he is one very lucky guy. I’m a straight girl and all but even I’m a whole lot of jealous that he gets to put his hands on that body. In these photos from Miami, Claudia is looking just as stunning as she always is. Bikini shots of her never get old.

December 29, 2012
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Ashlee Simpson Hangs Out With Her Son In Hawaii

I think Ashlee Simpson gets a raw deal sometimes. She’s never really released an album that could set the world on fire but she’s put out some decent pop music. Her biggest mistake was getting caught lip syncing, something many, many singers do in this day and age. I don’t know that she really deserved the backlash she got over that one. That was a long time ago though and while her career has never really recovered from it, she certainly seems to have moved past it. In these photos from Hawaii, Ashlee looks fantastic. I’ve always thought she was pretty and I don’t think she’s lost that at all. She also looks like she’s having a great time. I enjoy these pictures. They might not be the sexiest beach pictures ever posted here but they make me smile and that counts for something, to me at least.

December 29, 2012

Kim Kardashian In Her Workout Clothes

By now you’ve probably heard the rumors that Kim Kardashian is carrying a mini Kanye in her womb but I’ve never been one to listen to rumors, especially rumors about celebrity pregnancy. If I bought into that sort of thing, Jennifer Aniston would have several children by now. Even so, these photos of Kim do make one wonder. In some of the photos, she seems to be taking care to hide her belly. Or, perhaps, I’m just reading way too much into it. In any event, it’s always nice to see photos like these of Kim – the less glamorous photos that show what Kim probably looks like when she’s just strolling around the house with no cameras pointed at her. I think Kim is a beautiful woman and while I also think she’s an indication of everything that’s wrong with celebrity culture in this day and age, I have to give credit where credit is due. Hey, remember when you actually had to be good at something to be famous? I miss those days.

December 21, 2012
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Candice Swanepoel In St. Barts For Sexy Victoria’s Secret Photo Shoot.

Man! How can I get an ass rinser? Better yet, how can I become Candice Swanepoel’s ass rinser? What a job! Is there an online application I can fill out somewhere? What does the job entail? Thowing a bucket of water on Candice’s ass when it gets too sandy? Yup. I’m pretty sure I’m qualified to do that. Seriously though, these behind the scenes shots of Candice Swanepoel in St. Barts for Victoria’s Secret are stunning. She looks so happy between shots. No wonder. If I was able to get paid to be in a place like St. Barts, I’d be smiling too. I love Candice. Her smile makes everything feel okay. I also love these pictures because they’re more candid in nature. I’m sure I’ll love the finished shoot when I see it, but it’s always nice to see the behind the scenes shots too.

December 21, 2012

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Soccer Babe Alex Morgan.

Man I have to tell you, there are some seriously sexy woman in the world of pro soccer and Alex Morgan is definitely close to the top of the list. The lady is just incredible. She was a fantastic body and she isn’t afraid to show it off. She doesn’t just look hot in these bikini shots though. She also looks like she’s having a pretty relaxing day on the beach and that’s always nice to see. While she doesn’t seem thrilled with the cameras snapping her picture in some of the shots she always seems unwilling to let them spoil her day. I love this woman. I can’t wait to see more of her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
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