Search Results for “me”

November 22, 2012

Rihanna Performs At The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

Man, it takes a gutsy kind of woman to perform at an event like the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show in New York and strut the runway alongside the models while you’re wearing little more than them but Rihanna is just the sort of gutsy woman who would do just that. It just so happens she looks fantastic as she does it. Somehow, Rihanna manages to hold her own alongside some of the most beautiful women in the world – probably because she’s a gorgeous woman herself. She has an incredible body, of course, but I think what is most appealing about Rihanna is her confidence. This is a self assured, relaxed woman that doesn’t try to be someone she isn’t to please people. There’s not a whole lot I don’t love about this woman and these pictures? Fantastic.

November 21, 2012

Nicole Scherzinger Shows A Whole Lot Of Leg At The X Factor UK Results Show.

I know Nicole Scherzinger isn’t the most popular lady we post about around these parts but I love her all the same. She can come off a little flat in the personality department but she is a talented singer and is super smoking hot so, yeah, I’m a fan. In these photos from The X Factor Live Results Show in London, I think Nicole looks great although I always think it’s better for coaches on shows like these ones to let their contestants shine and I’m not sure this revealing dress did that. I haven’t been watching The X Factor UK but I watched Nicole last season on the US version and I thought she did an okay job. Clearly from these photos, the judging process hasn’t gotten any easier for her. What a shame. It takes a special kind of person to destroy someone’s shot at achieving their dreams and I really don’t think Nicole has it in her. She’s softhearted woman and that job just isn’t for that kind of person.

November 21, 2012

Paris Hilton Looks Great Outside BOA Steakhouse.

I’m not normally one to dole out a lot of praise for Paris Hilton as there is a rather large part of me that rejects Paris and everything she stands for but I have to give credit where credit is due. She looks pretty damn good in these photos from BOA Steakhouse in West Hollywood. I love the dress – it’s daring and sexy but doesn’t completely cross the line. Is it a bit revealing for dinner at a steakhouse (even if it’s a super trendy steakhouse)? Maybe, but it still looks good on her and it’s definitely not the most revealing outfit a celebrity has worn for a night out. I think Paris looks good here. Well done.

November 21, 2012

New Courteney Cox Bikini Pics From Miami.

I know this is probably an unpopular opinion but I always felt like Courtney Cox was the most attractive member of the “Friends” cast. Jennifer Aniston is very pretty as well but she just never appealed to me the way Courtney Cox did. That’s a big part of the reason I love these Courtney Cox bikini pics from Miami. I think the lady looks fantastic. She doesn’t seem to be wearing a whole lot of makeup, if she’s wearing any makeup at all, and she still looks great. Is she starting to show her age? Maybe a little bit but I still think she looks incredible. I love this woman. She seems like a real class act and in an industry where trashy behavior is often rewarded, I have to give her credit for being a lady.

November 21, 2012

Minka Kelly Is A Very Pretty Lady.

It always amazes me when a woman can look as awesome leaving the gym as she did when she went in. I can promise you, I don’t look nearly as good as Minka Kelly does here as I’m leaving a gym after a hard workout. Granted, I don’t look as good as Minka when I go in either, but that’s kind of beside the point. So what is the point? Glad you asked. It’s pretty simple, really. Minka is gorgeous – absolutely stunning. She has a terrific body but more than that, her beauty isn’t just the result of a few hours spent in the hair and makeup chair. She has natural beauty and in the entertainment industry, that can be hard to find. I respect that and for that reason alone, I love these pictures.

November 20, 2012

The Taylor Swift Ass Collection: A Joyous Celebration Of Taylor Swift’s Ass

Before I even start, I’d like to point out that I did not come up with this idea. I am not responsible for pulling out the best photos featuring Taylor Swift’s ass and putting them together in the Taylor Swift ass collection. I don’t know who is responsible, actually. Regardless of who gets the credit for this fant-ASS-tic idea, I quite like the results. Of course Taylor is a beautiful, talented young lady who knows how to write a mean pop country song and she deserves credit for that. She also deserves credit for being in shape. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m of the opinion that Taylor is one of the most attractive women in the entertainment industry today. She also seems to be pretty down to earth. All in all, this is a great collection. Kudos to whoever came up with the idea.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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