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November 20, 2012

Vida Guerra Really Seems To Be Impressed With Her Ass.

I can’t say I blame Vida Guerra for being a little stuck on her behind because it is most definitely a great behind but it’s hard not to feel like these Twitter pics are a little over the top. I mean, we get it – you have a killer body. Twitter pics like this always make girls look so full of themselves. Having confidence is great. Confidence is sexy. There is, however, a fine line between being confident and being full of oneself. I think Vida crossed that line with these pics. I have to be fair though. If I looked like Vida I might very well post pictures of myself just like these ones. I can’t say for sure because I love big juicy hamburgers, potato chips and pizza way too much to ever look like Vida.

November 20, 2012

Sexy Rihanna Concert Pics From Toronto.

I posted new photo shoot pictures of Rihanna yesterday and wrote a bit about why I love her so much. This time, I’d like to focus entirely on the photos and, more specifically, why I prefer candid Rihanna pics and Rihanna concert pics to Rihanna studio pics. I always think Rihanna looks gorgeous but I like seeing her look more natural. By more natural, of course, I mean without Photoshop touch ups and all of that. In these photos, taken live in Toronto, Rihanna is looking fantastic. I’m not sure I adore the outfit but I do love her body and the way she works the stage. I would love to see Rihanna live one day. It looks like she puts on a fantastic show.

November 20, 2012

Gorgeous New Rihanna Photo Shoot.

At this point, I feel it’s kind of pointless to state my love for Rihanna because, by now, most of our regular readers know all about it. I think this girl is spectacular. She always look amazing (even when I don’t love her fashion choices) and I like a lot of her music despite not being a big fan of her genre. These photos are great, as usual. I love the outfits. I love the hairstyles. I also love the relaxed, easy going vibe she always has when she’s in front of the camera. I love this lady’s smile. There’s something so genuine about it. Sometimes a smile can come across as forced but Rihanna’s never seems to. I can’t say enough good things about this girl or these pictures.

November 19, 2012
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Tamara Ecclestone Relaxes Poolside.

I really like Tamara Ecclestone. While heiresses are not typically my cup of tea, Tamara doesn’t seem like a typical heiress who just sits back and lets the fortune of her family carry her through life. She’s actually out there doing things to earn her place in the spotlight and I appreciate that. From modeling to hosting, Tamara might not work as hard as some of us but she works and that means something to me. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything to anyone else as Tamara does occasionally get a little hate thrown her way but in my opinion, the fact that she isn’t just sitting back and letting her father’s money take care of her is appealing.

November 19, 2012

Rita Rusic Is Ageless.

The first time I posted photos of Rita Rusic I was shocked to learn she was over fifty years old. Since that time, I’ve continued to be shocked each and every time I’ve posted about her. This woman doesn’t age. I’m thirty years old and Rita looks better in a bikini than I ever have or ever will. While part of me wants to be jealous, a larger part of me just can’t be mad at her for taking such great care of herself. I’m sure genetics are part of it but it takes effort to stay in the kind of shape Rita’s in, good genetics or not. And let’s not even start in on the confidence this woman has. A stunner at any age. I absolutely love Rita.

November 19, 2012
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Victoria Silvstedt Looks A Little Mannish, Doesn’t She?

Here’s the thing about Victoria Silvstedt. Everything I write about her, I write about how hot I think she is and how great she looks in whatever pictures I’m posting because, honestly, I’ve never seen a bad set of photos of this woman. However, there seem to be a lot of people who disagree with me. I’ve read some comments on past posts that are, well, a little “unkind” to say the least and apparently, it’s my turn to get in on that. I’m not sure what it is about these pictures from Miami – perhaps the fact that she isn’t wearing sunglasses in a few of them – but they’re really not the most flattering photos. Sure there are a few great shots but some of them really don’t show her in the most flattering light. The first picture? Fantastic. She looks killer. However, in the photos of her without her sunglasses on, she sort of reminds me of Shawn or Marlon Wayans in “White Chicks”. In other words, she looks like a man dressed in drag. I can’t possibly be the only person who sees that. She’s still very pretty but she’s just a very masculine kind of pretty. Not sure how I missed that before. So sunglasses really make that much of a difference?

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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