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November 18, 2010
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Pink Is Pregnant!

Breaking the tradition of celebrities hiding their pregnancies until the babies are practically popping out, Pink took to the Ellen Show to share her happy news. I have to say, Pink looks happier than she’s looked in a long time – tiny baby bump and all. Here in LA, Pink looks like she’s having a blast playing in the water and letting her baby bump show for the whole world to see. I think Pink is going to make an amazing mother – telling her son or daughter to be who they are and now make any apologies for that. Besides, any child of Pink is sure to be well behaved. That is not a woman I’d want to see angry.

November 15, 2010
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Kristin Cavallari Shopping In LA

I don’t know, folks. I just don’t find Kristin Cavallari that attractive. I mean, sure she’s pretty, but I’ve seen prettier girls waitressing at the bar here in town. I also can’t figure out why we care that she’s shopping in LA. Is she really still famous? Well, regardless, she does look pretty cute. I like celebrities dressed in their every day clothes doing every day things. It’s nice to be reminded that, like us, celebrities are just normal people. Maybe I’m being too hard on Kristin. She has a pretty nice ass. There’s just something about her that screams average. She does look good in a bikini though. Maybe I’d have a more favorable post to write is she was showing more skin.

November 15, 2010

Emma Watson At The Premiere Of Harry Potter

It’s confession time. Everybody ready? Okay – here goes. I’ve never seen a Harry Potter movie. I’ve never ready any of the books. I guess it just isn’t my cup of tea. I tried to watch one once, but I fell asleep a few minutes in. That said, I love Emma Watson and unlike most of the world, I love her new haircut. Here at the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I Premiere in London, I think she looks adorable. The dress suits her perfectly. I love that the pixie like feel of the dress compliments her pixie cut hair; not to mention the fact that it shows off her gorgeous legs. If the rumors that there are topless pictures of her floating around the internet are getting her down, she sure isn’t showing it. She’s a strong girl – one of the things I like most about her. I’m looking forward to seeing more of her. Maybe I’ll get around to checking out the Harry Potter movies after all.

November 14, 2010

Katy Perry At The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

The 2010 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was one of the most highly anticipated nights in fashion – at least for those men and women who love seeing women in sexy underwear. Leave it to Katy Perry to steal the show – even if only briefly. Her wardrobe choices were over-the-top yet sexy; exactly what people expect from Katy and Victoria’s Secret. Having Katy perform at the show was a stroke of genius and she pulled it off well. There’s something about Perry’s combination of down to earth, girl next door good looks and sultry sauciness that makes her appealing and she didn’t hold anything back in this performance.

November 13, 2010
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Kesha Wears A Black Bikini In Sydney

It has been brought to my attention that I may have been a little hard on Kesha the last time I spoke of her. I felt a little bad as I admit, I haven’t really given her much of a chance. I hated Katy Perry in the beginning but grew to like her. Perhaps that’s all I needed with Kesha. I put her CD on and gave it more of a listen than I did the first time through. I still don’t get it . That said, I started to have a little hope when I saw these pictures of Kesha in Sydney. While most people like to say she looks out of shape, I love the fact that she’s open about the fact that she isn’t a typical size zero pop tart with more tits than talent. Well, maybe I wouldn’t go quite that far, but kudos to the girl for rockin’ her curves and showing the world that a woman doesn’t have to have a perfect body to make it in pop music.

November 13, 2010

Katy Perry In Vinyl Cupcake Dress

Yes, I love Katy Perry. I find her pretty like a trashy china doll. She isn’t afraid to show off her body, but she looks adorable at the same time. Her music can be a bit grating and generic but for some inexplicable reason, I enjoy it. I’m also the first person to admit I don’t really know why. Performing here at the Windows Phone Launch Concert in her vinyl dress printed with cupcakes, Katy put her foot in her mouth (figuratively) when she asked the crowd if they were enjoying their free drinks only to find out it was a cash bar. Oops. Even though she reminded the crowd that Microsoft pretty much owns the world and didn’t even shell out cash for an open bar, she still managed to keep the crowd happy and entertained.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }