Some might say taking a spot as a judge on American Idol is a big step backwards for someone as successful as Jennifer Lopez, but let’s put it into perspective. When’s the last time she had a hit single? When’s the last time she had a blockbuster movie? Yeah, exactly. I don’t think she has to worry about hurting her career too much since it’s pretty well already done for. These days, there isn’t much exciting about American Idol. Winning doesn’t even really seem like such a great prize anymore considering the winners have a few days of fame and then are never heard from again. With Lopez added as a judge, maybe things will get a little more interesting. What I’m really looking forward to is seeing Aerosmith’s legendary frontman, Steven Tyler, in the judge’s chair. J-Lo still looks hot though. I mean, just look at those legs. The lady still knows how to rock it. Only time will tell whether this job will give her career a boost it needs or bury it further in the past.
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Search Results for “me”
Lindsay Lohan Goes For Some Retail Therapy
I don’t care what anyone says. I think Lindsay Lohan is finally waking up and seeing her life for what it is – full of drama and trouble; much of which she brought on herself. She owned up to her mistake (at least this last time around) and I think she’s taking rehab seriously. So what if she took a little trip to do some shopping? A lot of patients at Betty Ford do the same thing. Most of them aren’t tailed by the press when they do it though. Here in Palm Springs, Lindsay looks tired and worn out – not exactly how she usually looks when she’s out spending her money. Sure she still looks thin but aside from the cigarette between her fingers, she’s looking a lot healthier. I wish her nothing but the best and I hope we see a new, healthy and responsible Lohan to 2011.
Christina Aguilera At American Music Awards
I want to like these pictures. I really do. I want to like them because I love Christina Aguilera. There was a time when I thought she was the one pop star that was really going to go the distance but several albums with low sales figures, I can’t help but think I may have been wrong. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the girl, but I’m starting to get worried she can’t compete with the younger stars. And then comes this performance. Her voice is as great as it always has been, but when pictures come out and immediately start pregnancy rumors, it’s time to worry. I like her fuller figure. It beats the super skinny pop stars we’re used to but what I don’t like is the pounds of makeup. These days, she looks like she’s trying to hard and that’s a sin. She has more vocal talent than most of her competition combined. She needs to let her voice shine and stop relying on theatrics. The other pop stars need all that to compensate for a genuine lack of talent. Christina just doesn’t need it.
Juliette Lewis Frightens Me In A Sexy Way
Juliette Lewis is pretty hot, right? But she’s not the typical, boring, bland sort of hot you usually see in Hollywood actresses. No, Juliette Lewis is a special kind of hot. She’s the kind of hot that makes me a little afraid. Sure she’s pretty but I’m also well aware that she’s also more than capable of kicking my ass. Probably with her hands tied behind her back somehow. I love the girl, but she plays crazy just a little too well. I mean, Kalifornia? Natural Born Killers? Classic roles and brilliantly acted but if she’s not a little crazy herself she is the most phenomenal actress I’ve ever seen because she played both of those roles perfectly. So perfectly, in fact, that seeing her in her bikini in Los Cabos, Mexico makes me a little afraid. I’m scared she’s going to somehow know I’m ogling her hot body, show up at my door ‘My Name Is Earl’ bounty hunter style and knock my teeth out.
Selena Gomez Poses For Her Fashion Line
In a world full of drama and scandal prone teen idols, Selena Gomez is a breath of fresh air. In these pictures from behind the scenes for her 2011 clothing line, Selena looks fresh faced, innocent and beautiful. She doesn’t need to flash her various body parts to feel try to get her name in the headlines; although that might be why her more rehab inclined counterparts get more attention. The great thing about Gomez is you really get the feeling that while she might like a little more of the spotlight shining on her, she knows the kind of attention her peers get isn’t the kind of attention she wants. I don’t want this to come across in any way as a dig at Demi Lovato. I think it took a lot of guts for a girl her age to admit she has problems she needs help with. Even so, it’s nice to see her pal Selena looking healthy, happy and – most importantly – drama free.
Pamela Anderson Has Some Freaky Eyes
I’ve always been a fan of Pamela Anderson although I can’t exactly explain why. She’s kind of the epitome of blond bimbo and I generally don’t like that, but there’s something about Pam I identify with. I love her outspoken support of animal rights even if I sometimes think PETA goes a bit overboard in it’s methods. I have to say though, after looking at these pictures of Pam on Big Brother, Mumbai, she’s really starting to show her age. While some in Hollywood (the vast minority) choose to age gracefully, Pam is really going to other way with it; trying to conceal her age with pounds of makeup and those eyes? I dunno – maybe she thought the whole dead eyes thing works for her, but it just kind of looks a bit too creepy. The last few times I’ve seen Pam she’s left me scratching my head. I’d like to see her look not so desperate.
Recent Comments
- patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
- David { Most likely stinky. }
- David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
- { working that body }
- { spell check recently? }
- { awesome awesome miley!!! }
- { awesome miley!! }
- { salu }