Search Results for “miley Cyrus”

November 7, 2010
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Miley Cyrus In Madrid, Spain

Here is Miley Cyrus at her photocall and press conference at Ideal Cinema in Madrid, Spain. I don’t really know what to say beyond that because I really don’t know how I feel about Miley anymore. She’s cute enough, but she looks well beyond 17. Maybe that’s how she got her paws on that naughty bottle of beer she was photographed with while working in Spain. I think it likely has more to do with the fact that she’s Miley freakin’ Cyrus and Miley freakin’ Cyrus can do whatever she wants. Ah well, what can you do? I’m not going to chide her too much for having a drink. I was drinking when I was 17. I was even drinking in bars when I was 17. Besides, after her recent split from her pretty boyfriend, she must be in a rush to find someone new. I mean, come on – in the past however many years she’s been single for about two days. She must be jonesing for a new BF by now.

October 27, 2010
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Miley Cyrus Flashes The Peace Sign

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I really like Miley Cyrus when she’s just being Miley Cyrus. Her recent trend of mouthing off with the paparazzi has be changing my mind about her as well – at least a little bit. Maybe Miley isn’t the fame whore I thought she was. Fame whores would never tell off aggressive paparazzi. Here in Toluca Lake, Miley is just being herself – wearing normal clothes, doing normal things. It’s nice to see that side of her. Maybe she’s getting tires of all the attention. One can hope, at least. It’d be nice to see her grow up somewhat well adjusted. The last thing Hollywood needs is another child star turned train wreck.

October 15, 2010
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Miley Cyrus In Floral Sundress

It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to rant about my distaste for Miley Cyrus and it seems it’s going to be a bit longer. I think Miley looks adorable in her little sundress – not overly sexualized. Not flashing more skin than she needs to flash. She looks fresh, youthful and happy. I like this Miley. The popstar Miley who is catching heat for writhing around half naked on a bed (and various other places) in her new video for ‘Who Owns My Heart’, I can do without. Why can’t Miley just be herself? She can’t really sing, but I’ve heard worse out there. If she actually put real, human emotions into some of her music, she might be okay. It makes me angry that it’s considered generally acceptable to let her pass on sex and seduction but little else. She’ll look back on these days in time and realize she made all the wrong decisions. It’s a shame her career will probably be over by then.

September 17, 2010
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Miley Cyrus Goes Casual In Toluca Lake

I’m pretty hard on Miley Cyrus most of the time. There’s something about the girl that irks me, but I have to admit, the girl is looking pretty good in these pictures from Toluca Lake. Maybe it’s the fact that all the popstar pretense is gone. She isn’t wearing some crazy, revealing getup and flashing her junk for the world to see. She looks like a normal girl stopping for a bottle of water in her cutoffs and a comfy looking sweater. I like this side of Miley – the normal girl that doesn’t feel she needs to put on a show for attention. I know there are a lot of secrets Miley is hiding from the world and she’s been up to some not-so-innocent behavior but seeing these pictures gives me hope that she’s not as wild as she sometimes acts.

September 11, 2010
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Miley Cyrus And Ashley Greene In France

Miley Cyrus continues filming “Lol” in Paris, France at the Trocadero Fountain with co-stars Douglas Booth and Ashley Greene and I’m still as conflicted as ever about this movie. I’ve made no secret my deep, deep affection for Ashley Greene and my rather irrational distaste for the Cyrus girl but the movie doesn’t look all bad. The mere fact that Miley is in it shouldn’t be enough to dissuade me from seeing it and it probably won’t be. I’ve been surprised before. I saw Repo! the Genetic Opera despite Paris Hilton being in it and it’s not one of my favorite movies. Could LOL be next? Probably not, but hey, Ashley Greene is a babe, so the movie will at least have that going for it.

September 6, 2010

Miley Cyrus Is All Grown Up

Miley Cyrus is a woman now and she wants everyone to know it. She is no longer the little girl that made Hannah Montana a household name. The Disney days are far behind her. I mean, just look at the dress she’s wearing here with the Bieber at Madison Square Garden. She flaunts her body for money right alongside her poptart peers and yeah, she looks pretty darn good. My problem is that I miss the old Miley. Sure she can’t be tamed. We get it. She’s a young girl breaking free of her good girl bonds. The problem with that is I can’t help but wonder if she was ever really a good girl at all. She has been playing staring roles in scandals since she was sixteen. If she really wants to be taken seriously in the music industry, she has to start putting out some decent music and stop flaunting her body. I mean, it’s all very been there done that at this point and in Miley’s case, it’s been there, done that, seen better.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }