Search Results for “sar”

July 23, 2012
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Kendall Jenner Rides A Segway In Malibu.

Sometimes I forget why so many people seem to dislike the Kardashians and their family members so much. Then I see photos like these of Kendall Jenner riding her Segway in Malibu and it all comes back to me. People think of the Kardashians and the Jenners as spoiled rotten brats who get everything they ask for. They think of the Kardashians and the Jenners as super famous celebrities that have never done anything to earn the attention they get. I don’t think that’s necessarily fair. Well, maybe it is for some of them, but Kendall seems a little different and let’s be fair, she can’t help the way she was raised. If you’re raised in a certain kind of environment, you’re going to behave a certain way until you’re old enough to know better. I like Kendall and I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe she’ll do something incredible with her fame. Maybe she’ll just hock endless lines of perfume, makeup and all the other products her Kardashian cohorts like to slap their names on. Only time will tell.

July 23, 2012
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Hayden Panettiere Is Stunning In Purple At The Teen Choice Awards.

Hayden Panettiere is officially okay in my books once again and that’s thanks in no small part to the lovely metallic dress she chose to wear to the 2012 Teen Choice Awards at Gibson Amphitheatre in Los Angeles. She looks so pretty! As some of you may know, I’ve had some issues with Hayden’s fashion choices at times but I think she nailed it to the wall with this one. The dress is nearly perfect, the shoes are perfect, the hair is perfect and the makeup is perfect. My only complaint – and it’s a minor one – is that the cut of the dress doesn’t necessarily flatter her as much as it could. There’s just something about the fit that looks a little off. Regardless, the color is bold but desperate and most importantly, it’s a dress suited for someone her age. Great look.

July 19, 2012

Katy Perry Goes For A Little Less Drama In Striking New Photo Shoot.

I know I say this constantly and it must be getting old, but I can’t help it. I love Katy Perry. I love Katy like this nice cool breeze blowing through my window on this scorching hot day. She’s just as refreshing to me. She puts on a show for the photographers every time she gets the chance and one gets the feeling that Katy Perry is a character she portrays in the media and not what she’s like at home. Some call that fake. I call that necessary. She keeps something of herself private and I think celebrities need that. While we see all the trademarks of a Katy Perry photo shoot here (the cleavage baring dress, the unusually colored hair, the dramatic, attention grabbing eye makeup), this is definitely a more stripped back version of Perry’s normal photo shoots. There is no dramatic backdrop. There is no crazy costume. Even her breasts are mostly covered albeit covered by black lace. It’s just Katy and a couch and I think the result is sensational. This is quite possibly my favorite set of Katy Perry photos. Just beautiful.

July 19, 2012
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Aida Yespica Looks Stunning In A Bikini.

How many of you have heard about the whole “thinspiration”/Kate Upton controversy from a few days ago? If you haven’t heard, basically it went something like this – some blog about skinny girl pride posted an absolutely cruel diatribe against Kate Upton (whom I think is gorgeous, for the record) and got in all sorts of trouble. Here’s the thing about that and here’s how it relates to these pictures of Aida Yespica. I don’t think there is anything wrong with Aida although I’ve heard other people talk about her being too skinny. Some women are just naturally very thin. Other women prefer to strive for a thin frame. I don’t see a problem with either of those things as long as the woman is healthy and takes care of herself. I’m a naturally thin woman myself – probably about as thin as Aida although I have much less muscle definition than her – and I look in the mirror and feel too thin. That doesn’t mean I think Aida is too thin. I think she’s a stunning woman that looks great in a bikini. At the same time, Kate, who is a little curvier, is more what I would like to look like myself. What bugs me about the skinny versus chubby debate is the fact that it exists at all. Every woman has her own body type and should be able to feel good about how they look. Shaming them for their body – if they’re healthy – is cruel and completely unnecessary, especially when the cruel comments are made by a nameless, faceless individual who isn’t risking having their own appearance picked apart.

July 10, 2012

Lady Gaga Forgot Her Pants Again.

Man, I have to tell you, Lady Gaga must be getting up there in age because her mind really seems to be slipping. Here we see Gaga at LAX Airport in LA clearly having forgotten a very important part of her wardrobe – her pants. Or possibly her skirt. Boy, I bet she was embarrassed when she realized her mistake. I’m kidding of course. She clearly left her drawers in the closet on purpose because Gaga is just outrageous like that. Seriously though, I love Lady Gaga. I love her music. I love her message and I love her personality. I just wonder sometimes if the crazy get ups are necessary. I can see how they would’ve helped when she was just putting herself out there for the first time but now everyone knows her name. The grabs for attention just don’t seem worth it anymore. Then again, maybe she just wears outfits like the one she’s wearing here because they’re comfortable. I’m sure the tights and panties were more comfortable than what most people wear these days. Maybe she should just try a simple sarong instead though – super comfortable and a lot less trashy looking.

July 10, 2012
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Eva Amurri Martino And Her Beach Bum.

I am a huge Susan Sarandon fan and was excited to learn her daughter, the beautiful Eva Amurri (now Eva Amurri Martina) was planning to follow in her famous mother’s footsteps. Perhaps what I like most about Eva is the fact that she doesn’t use her mother’s last name – a last name that would easily open a few doors for her in the entertainment industry. Instead, she’s trying to make it on her own talent and it’s really no wonder. This lady has talent to spare. While Eva isn’t the most classically attractive woman in the entertainment industry, there is something unique about her that I find absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to see where Eva’s career takes her and am hoping for nothing but bright things in her future.

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