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August 18, 2012
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Ashley Tisdale Reminds Me That Sons Of Anarchy Is Back Soon.

First things first, Ashley Tisdale looks fantastic in these photos. I’m not generally a fan of super short shorts and whatnot but I actually kind of think they work with the stockings (leg warmers?) she’s wearing here. I don’t really get the point but it looks good so I’m going to let the lack of logic of this outfit pass. What really excites me about these pictures though is the fact that they serve as a reminder that in less than one month, “Sons of Anarchy” will be back on the air. It seems like a guest stint on a show like “SOA” is a weird career move for Miss. Tisdale, but I think it’s a smart one. She’s introducing herself to a whole new audience and branching out into new territory. I, for one, can’t wait to see what she does. I also can’t wait for the new season of “SOA” to start. Best show on television? Yes.

August 18, 2012

Candace Bailey Looks Gorgeous.

I usually try to think up a snappy title for these posts but in honor of Candace Bailey, I decided to keep it simple. Why? Because that’s what Candace has chosen to do in these photos. Her bikini isn’t especially revealing and the blue and white stripped pattern is far from bold but that’s really what I like about it. It doesn’t look like Candace was dressing to grab attention here. It looks like she was dressing to be comfortable and that’s not something I’m used to seeing. She looks fabulous, of course, but her low key style actually makes her stand out more. I haven’t yet seen Candace in her new gig as co-host of “Attack of the Show” but I remember her from “Jericho”, a show I loved dearly and miss terribly. After “Jericho” (unfairly) got the ax, Candace worked as a waitress and a babysitter, making her more appreciative of the opportunities she had as an actress. It really shows. She seems to be so grounded. Love this woman. I hope there are big, big things in her future.

July 30, 2012

Imogen Thomas Gets Her Smut On In London.

I know I’m supposed to be writing about Imogen Thomas right now but I can’t do so without commenting on the book we see her reading in these photos from London. Yes, Imogen Thomas is reading “50 Shades of Grey”. Now as a woman at thirty who enjoyed the “Twilight” books and like to read the occasional erotic novel, I checked this series out because I thought it would be good steamy fun. It wasn’t. The books are terrible. It’s not the author’s fault. I think she has real potential. I just personally didn’t get the appeal. Want some real, incredibly written erotica? Check out “The Sleeping Beauty” trilogy by Anne Rice (writing under the name A. N. Roquelaure). Brilliant, twisted and so hot I went through a full package of batteries. You can draw your own conclusions from that one. Oh right, and Imogen Thomas is hot.

July 22, 2012
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Sexy Ashley Tisdale Peeping Tom Candids

Perhaps peeping tom is the wrong phrase to use here but they do sort of give one that feeling, don’t they? It looks as if Ashley had no idea the cameras were there although to be fair, she may have just been ignoring them. This is a woman that’s spent a fair amount of time in the limelight. It’s not like paparazzi are unfamiliar territory for her. Regardless, I want to make my feelings for Ashley clear as I’ve admitted to being a bit up and down on her in the past. Those days are over now. I love her. I love her madly. Why? Because she had the guts to take a guest spot on my absolute favorite television series – FX’s criminally underrated, “Sons of Anarchy”. Serious respect to the girl. I can’t think of a better way for her to break the tween girl image that’s been haunting her. I look forward to how she fits into the show and what she’s able to bring to the table.

July 15, 2012

Gorgeous Bikini Pics Of Kelly Brook

Before I even post this, I can already see the comments in my head. Kelly Brook just seems to inspire passionate responses in people, and they’re usually not terribly favorable. Here on vacation in Italy, I think Kelly looks great but I know people are going to disagree with that assessment. Kelly isn’t stick thin and people really seem to have a problem with that. Maybe she could use a little toning up, but I would rather see someone looking healthy and full figured than someone looking anorexic and frail. Sure there is plenty of middle ground but just in terms of those two extremes, I have my preference. I guess that’s the thing about opinions. Everyone has their own and is entitled to share it. I think Kelly is beautiful and I’m the only person I am able to speak for. Your opinion is your own. Feel free to share it in the comments section. That’s what it’s there for.

July 3, 2012
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Erin Andrews Enjoys A Little Time In The Sun

It’s hard to see Erin Andrews without thinking about the massive “peeping tom” scandal that brought her to the attention of the general public. While she had some level of fame before someone filmed her walking around naked in her hotel room without her knowledge, that invasion of privacy really put her name on the map to those who aren’t big sports buffs (like myself, for example). Even so, in the years that have followed, Erin has really tried hard to distance herself from that scandal while still staying relevant. I think she’s done a great job. Here in Miami, she doesn’t seem terribly worried that one chapter of her career is ending, probably because she knows it just means a new chapter is just beginning.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }