Search Results for “work out”

January 21, 2012

Blue Haired Katy Perry Filming An Adidas Commercial

So I suppose I have to mention Katy Perry’s impending divorce from Russell Brand. There, I’ve mentioned it. Let’s move on. I think Katy is an absolutely adorable young woman that is complete, one hundred percent in control of her public image and how she wants people to see her. She can play up the sex appeal when she wants to but she can also play it down and look like the cute girl next door. She can be edgy. She can be outrageous and, as these photos of her filming a commercial for Adidas show, she can be just another normal girl working out. Sure she has blue hair but a lot of people like to play with their hair color. When I was in my teens, I used to dye my hair all sorts of crazy colors just to change things up. I love Katy and wish her nothing but continued success.

January 19, 2012

Layla Flaherty Upskirt Pics Leave Little To The Imagination

Nothing screams class act like letting your panties hang out in front of a crowd of photographers. With shoes in hand, Irish model, psych student and reality television personality Layla Flaherty lets it all hang out and after looking at the pictures, I can’t help thinking it was anything but an accident. I have little good to say about this particular brand of celebrity so I’ll keep this one short. Sure getting photographed looking like your wasted with your skirt hiked up probably gets your name in the headlines – I’m am writing about her after all – but there much be better ways to go about it grabbing attention. Perhaps through work? Layla is a very pretty girl. Why not stick to the modeling. She also insists she has brains. Maybe she could put them to good use instead of whatever she’s doing in these pictures.

January 17, 2012

Big Brother UK’s Georgia Salpa In Lingerie Photo Shoot

As I’ve said a few dozen times before, I’m not big on reality television stars but Georgia Salpa isn’t just a reality television star. Before appearing on “Celebrity Big Brother UK”, Georgia worked as a model and occasionally an actress. It’s not hard to see how she got into modeling when looking at these pictures. The woman is beautiful – absolutely stunning. Her career has not been without its controversies though – first thanks to a rather controversial bikini photo shoot and second thanks to her decision to quit “Sleeping Beauty” via text message just a short time before it was to begin. I’m not sure I like her as a performer or really as a person but I do like these pictures so I suppose that’s really all that matters.

January 16, 2012

Lady Gaga Poses For Terry Richardson

I’m not normally the kind of girl that goes nuts over a particular photographer but there are two photographers working in the industry today I get genuinely excited about. Tyler Shields and Terry Richardson. When I heard there was a set of Lady Gaga pics from a Terry Richardson photoshoot coming up, I hoped I’d get the chance to write about them and here I am. First, I love Lady Gaga. She bizarre, outrageous and has a knack for writing catchy pop songs. More than that though, she can legitimately sing. Terry Richardson is the perfect photographer to capture the essence of who Gaga is as a person and as a performer. His shots of Jared Leto are among my favorite pictures of all time but I have to admit, these Gaga pics are pretty close to the top of the list. There’s just something about them I like. Perhaps its the rawness of them or the glimpse they give us into what the Lady’s life is like off the stage. I love this whole series and I can’t wait to see more.

January 16, 2012

New HQ Pics Of Jessie J At The Brit Awards 2012

I really didn’t want to like Jessie J but I just couldn’t help it. She got under my skin. There’s only so much room in my heart for pop artists and I was at capacity just Jessie forced her way in there and I feel pretty good about that. I have to admit I’m not convinced I love the dress Jessie wore to The BRIT Awards 2012, but I will say it compliments her very well. It’s very sexy but it’s also very unique. It just seems that she’s showing a lot of skin just to show off skin but I guess it works for her. This doesn’t happen very often, but the more I look at this dress, the more I like it. Now I’m confused. Thanks a lot Jessie J.

January 13, 2012

New Sexy Bikini Pics Of Victoria Silvstedt

Victoria Silvstedt is a beautiful woman but I have to admit to being more than a little jealous. It’s not really that I’m jealous of her beauty. I’ve been given what I’ve been given to work with and that’s fine with me. The jealousy I feel toward Victoria is all about her lifestyle. Every time I see pictures of her, she’s just hanging around in a bikini relaxing and while she’s certainly put the time into cultivating a successful modeling career that’s allowed her to live the life she lives today, I’m still envious. Here in St. Barths, Victoria continues what seems to be a never ending beach vacation. I’m not complaining, mind you. If she didn’t spend so much time hanging out on boats and on the beach, I wouldn’t get to see nearly as many pictures of her in various bikinis and that would be a shame.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }