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January 20, 2014
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Alessandra Ambrosio Shows Off Some Side Boob

Alessandra Ambrosio has always been one of my favorite models and after seeing these shots, I can honestly say I don’t expect that to change any time soon. There is just something so different about Alessandra. I just can’t quite put my finger on what that something is. I guess it’s just one of those things – the undefinable quality certain people have. Of course, it could also be her smoking hot beauty, her beautiful face, her ease in front of the camera or all of the above combined. Maybe it’s not quite the mystery I thought it was. Regardless, these photos are spectacular. That’s all that matters in the end.

January 20, 2014

Sexy Kendall Jenner Bikini Shoot

I can’t remember right off the top of my head how old Kendall Jenner is and I don’t care enough to look it up, but I believe she’s fairly young which makes me feel fairly dirty for finding these pictures as sexy as I do. This makes me wonder how others think about photos like these and how others think about Kendall herself. While it’s up to her whether or not she wants to pose for photos like these ones (or at least it should be), I just kind of … I dunno. I guess I’m torn. I do have to give Kendall credit for not just sitting back and hitching herself to her famous family’s free ride. She’s actually out there trying to make a name for herself. Of course, it was likely easier for her considering who her family is but at least she’s still doing it. Right?

January 19, 2014

Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Doing Something That Probably Isn’t Interesting Or Important

I’m over Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. They aren’t interesting in the least. They never were to me to begin with though but now I’m especially over them. These shots of the twosome in Los Angeles kind of make me want to go to sleep for a while and hope the whole relationship has been one bad dream. I’m exaggerating, of course. Even when Kim bores me I still find her fairly attractive most of the time so I guess these shots have that going for them. I wouldn’t say they’re my favorite Kim shots though and I think that may be because Kanye is in them. He’s a talented artist and I love his music but as a human being, he kind of makes me weep for humanity.

January 19, 2014
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Megan Fox Is Attractive To Me Again

There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Megan Fox is a really good example of that. Megan, in my opinion anyway, was way too overexposed a while back and after a bit, I got very sick of seeing her. It felt like every other photo set I posted was of Megan. Every other entertainment news story I read was about Megan. By the time she started to fade away, I was ready to be done with her for real. Now that some time has passed though and photos of Megan aren’t coming up as often, I’m appreciate them a lot more. These shots, for example, are terrific. I’m not sure they’re new photos but I don’t care. She looks lovely in them and that’s what matters to me.

January 18, 2014
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Jessica Biel Is One Of The Sexiest Women In Hollywood

How much do I love Jessica Biel? The woman is just fabulous. TO be honest though, I kind of forget she exists from time to time. I guess I’ll chalk that up to the fact that I don’t really get photos of her to write about very often. I guess that’s what makes these shots, snapped in Los Angeles, so special. Plus, of course, she looks awesome in them. Jessica is one of the few Hollywood women I find more attractive without makeup. She just has such natural beauty and it’s great when she lets that shine through. I wouldn’t be doing my job though if I didn’t mention the other women with her – very pretty, each and every one. Great shots overall.

January 18, 2014
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Eva Longoria Looking Adorable In Beverly Hills

Eva Longoria has long been a personal favorite of mine and these photos of her shopping at James Perse in Beverly Hills are a good example of why. There’s just something so sweet and innocent about her at times but at other times she can be a super hot sex siren – definitely a rare combination, especially in the entertainment industry. I love these photos. I think the outfit is great, due in no small part to how nicely the outfit shows off Eva’s lovely legs. I love red carpet photos of Eva and I love her glamour shoots but my favorite pictures are definitely her candids. She always looks great.

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