Search Results for “Katy Perry ”

September 21, 2010

Sexy Katy Perry And Rihanna Celebrate

Now, this is just about my dream come true – two of my absolute favorite popstars and style icons coming together to celebrate an upcoming wedding. The popstars in question are Katy Perry and Rihanna and the wedding is Perry’s wedding to Russel Brand. I love everyone involved in this scenario. Perry and Rihanna look fabulous, celebrating in style at the MGM Grand Hotel in Vegas; Rihanna in her sexy gold colored bikini and Perry in a white bikini and shades. The girls look like they’re having a great time and Katy looks like she couldn’t be happier. I can’t wait to see pictures from this wedding. It’s going to be epic.

September 20, 2010

Katy Perry And Her Wind Blown Dress

Katy Perry is one of my favorite popstars at the moment. She’s talented, unique and seems like she’d be a long of fun. Having lunch at Dusty’s restaurant, Katy manages to be almost understated in a lose black and white sun dress and over-sized hat; a far cry from the usual form fitting dresses we usually see her in. She still looks stunning though. In fact, I almost prefer this look. She looks more relaxed and casual – like she can actually breathe. With her protector and fiancĂ©, Russel Brand, at her side she actually looks moderately demure. On the heels of the news that Russel attacked a photographer defending her honor (the photographer was apparently trying to stick his camera lens under her skirt), Katy and Russel look closer than ever. These are one of the very few couples who seem real and genuine. I love Katy and I love these two together.

September 17, 2010
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Katy Perry Rocks Her Old High School

Maybe I’ve mentioned this before, but I seriously love Katy Perry. I gave her a bit of a hard time with the last pictures we saw of her, but she’s back to true form for these ones. She sexy, feisty yet still almost innocent looking. That’s not what I love about these pictures though. Actually, it’s not even the pictures I love, but the story. These were taken during Katy’s performance in Dos Pueblos High School in Santa Barbara, California; Katy’s old high school. During her surprise performance at her old school she singled out the boy who wouldn’t date her – the most popular boy in her class – and dedicated her song ‘You’re So Gay’ to him. It’s actually one of my favorite songs Katy does, but I love the message behind it. Any girl who was ever picked on or tormented for being different in school dreams of a moment like this – I speak from experience here – and it’s great Katy got her moment. Sure it backfired when the old flame basically said he didn’t care, but Katy should be no less proud of where she is. My moment came when my biggest tormentor approached me in a bar and said I got ‘so hot’. Good moment for me, bad moment for him. Remember, high school boys. Be nice to the weird girls too. You never know who they’re going to end up becoming. We remember these things, ya know.

September 11, 2010
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Katy Perry Looks Unusual. Who’s Surprised?

Normally, I have to say, I’m all for Katy Perry and her crazy get-ups. I love the way she mixes innocence and sexuality; wholesomeness with trashiness. Her porcelain doll looks and pin up hair have made her one of my favorite celebrities style wise. These photos of Katy for ProSieben’s Star Face campaign are a different story though. I am sad to admit, I’m not a fan. Her face is as adorable as ever. Her body’s killer. Her spunky personality shines through, but I’m finding myself a little bored. It’s the same thing we’ve already seen and, well, I expect more of Katy. I’m not disheartened though. I know the next time I see her, she’ll be wearing something fun and all will be right with the world. Today though? Well, I’m a little disappointed.

July 22, 2010
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Katy Perry In Cute Ruffled Bikini

Katy Perry can be so incredibly sexy, the epitome of the raven haired bombshell, one moment and be adorable like a little girl the next. She pulls it off like no one else can. That’s why Katy is one of my favorite female celebs right now. She doesn’t have one style. She isn’t always shocking. She isn’t always adorable. She can be anyone she wants to be whenever she wants to and the whole time, the public has to wonder if anyone will ever know who Katy Perry really is? The sultry siren or the adorable popstar? Here in the Bahamas, Katy looks completely oblivious to the paradox that she is. Lovely. She keeps us guessing and that’s what makes her so exciting.

July 20, 2010
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Katy Perry Has Fun In Grey And Red Bikini

What is it about Katy Perry I love so much? Is it the glorious boobs, the rock hard ass, the tight toned belly or all of the above? I don’t think it’s any of that. Katy has this feisty, take no guff off of anyone attitude that makes me think she is actually the one that wears the pants in her relationship with Russell Brand. Maybe that’s why they work so well. He needs someone to keep him in line and Katy is just the sort of girl that can do it. Here at Atlantis Paradise Island, Katy looks like she’s having a blast. This is a girl that knows how to have fun and looks gorgeous while she’s doing it.

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