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June 5, 2014
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Katherine Webb… Remember Her

As you guys probably know, things have been pretty complicated for me over the last little while which has resulted in frequent absences from posting here on HQ Celebrity. I won’t bore you with all the details because trust me, they’re really boring. Anyway, during this time, old assignments have piled up and it was decided that I should just go and post the photos even though they’re a bit old now because, hey, hot women are hot women, yes? So far, just going back and doing those old, piled up assignments has told me that in the entertainment industry, change doesn’t really come in a hurry. The people that were in the news when their photo originally went up are still popular now, in some cases, a year later. That’s not something I would’ve guessed about pop culture. It seems to have such a short memory typically. That string has changed today with Katherine Webb. Gorgeous woman, yes, but without looking, can anyone remember why she was such a big name for about five minutes last summer? Give it a try. I’ll tell you the answer in a few hours when I get to another photo set for this lovely, but mostly forgotten, young woman.

June 4, 2014
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Rihanna Really Is A Stunning Woman

Rihanna is a beautiful woman. She’s stunning, in fact. She has this killer bone structure that kind of takes my breath away sometimes. I love those cheekbones of hers. She also, of course, has a beautiful body that she loves showing off in the craziest outfits imaginable. This is where I sometimes loose a little bit of love for the lady. Every now and again, it’s okay to, ya know, not wear a pink leopard print body suit. I mean, it’s okay to just throw on a pair of jeans and a tank top and head out. All the same, Rihanna’s sometimes questionable fashion sense is part of what makes her so special and I like that, even if I do think it’s all a little much from time to time.

June 4, 2014
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Minka Kelly Looks Like This Girl I Know…

…but hotter and more famous. I don’t know – I think it’s the big brown eyes. In any event, I think Minka Kelly is not only gorgeous but woefully underrated in this industry. People tend to write her off as just another pretty face but she’s also quite talented. Sometimes I fear people confuse being in a successful movie with being a talented actor/actress and I don’t think that’s the case. I’ve seen a lot of terrible actors and actresses star in hugely successful movies while genuinely talented people struggle away in flop after flop. It’s about writing and what connects with the general public, really. Hopefully Minka finds the right project soon and gets to be the household name I truly believe she deserves to be.

June 4, 2014
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Vanessa Hudgens Should Be My Friend

Here’s what I like most about these photos of Vanessa Hudgens shopping in Ischia. I could picture myself right by her side being her wise cracking, far less attractive bff. I’d help her pick out clothes by telling her what looks good on her and what doesn’t, which would obviously be an easy task as, come on, nothing would look bad on this girl, and then we’d have lunch and talk about whatever it is normal girls talk about when they hang out. It’d be awesome. Consider this my application for position of personal BFF to Vanessa Hudgens. References available on request.

June 4, 2014
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Kayla Collins Is A New Contender To Be My All Time Favorite

Ah, I’m full of crap, guys. I don’t have an all time favorite anything. I don’t have an all time favorite band, song, movie or television show and I especially don’t have an all time favorite model. If I did though, or if I was even stupid enough to set out on a quest to come up with my favorite model, Kayla Collins would definitely be in the running after seeing these photos, shot in Santa Monica. I love everything about them. First of all, Kayla is stunning. Second of all, I love the whole vibe of this series. They’re very retro and very laid back. I like that. Over all, this could be my favorite set of behind the scenes shots ever…. if I had a favorite. Which I don’t.

June 4, 2014
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Daisy Lowe Walks Her Dog

Yeah, I’ve never been a big fan of those “Celebrities Are Just Like Us” articles in gossip magazines that feature photos of celebrities doing regular, every day things but I’ve always made an exception for photos like these of Daisy Lowe walking her dog in London. I love photos of beautiful women and their pets. I suppose it’s because I’m a lover of beautiful women and a lover of animals. In all honesty, I’m more of a cat person than a dog person and I tend to prefer big dogs over small dogs but even I can’t deny Daisy’s dog is freaking adorable and what a happy little thing it seems to be. Of course, Daisy is always looking hot so no surprises there. All in all, a great set of photos.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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