Search Results for “Se”

January 11, 2014
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Xenia Deli Makes Me Giggle

On the first season of the US version of The Voice there was a young lady on Blake Shelton’s team that went by Xenia. Every single time I see Xenia Deli’s name pop up on my assignments list, I always think of Xenia from The Voice first and therefore, I’m always startled when I look at the photos. Blake’s Xenia doesn’t strike me as the kind of girl that would pose for these pictures. Probably because she isn’t. Different Xenia, obviously, but this Xenia is pretty awesome too. I don’t know much about her other than the fact that she’s hot but honestly, that’s all I really need to know.

January 11, 2014
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Claudia Romani And Her Banging Bikini Body

Claudia Romani is just one of those women I can never get tired of. She has the face of an angel and that body of hers? It’s just unreal. Totally out of this world. Of course, I don’t even really need to write that, do I? Just look at these shots snapped in Miami (not to mention the dozens of other Claudia Romani bikini shots we’ve got all over this site) and you’ll see the proof for yourself. I don’t know if Claudia ever wears regular clothes or if she lives in a bikini but I have to tell you, if I looked like her, you can be damn sure I’d be wearing a bikini as often as possible.

January 10, 2014
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Hilary Duff Out And About In West Hollywood

I’ll be the first person to admit my posts on this website can be a little inconsistent. I’ll love a girl one minute and be bored by her the next – usually with no discernible reason. I’m a complicated person, what can I say? The truth is though that I can’t see that happening with Hilary Duff. I love this girl. In these shots snapped in West Hollywood, Duff is looking great. I love the outfit and I love her whole attitude. I can’t say I’ll never tire of Miss Duff but I can say I can’t see it happening any time soon.

January 10, 2014
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Alyssa Arce Shows Some Nip

Yeah, I know – nipples! Let’s all get excited. Yeah … not so much. I dunno, guys. Maybe it’s because I have boobs of my own that I don’t go nuts over mostly bare breasts but I don’t and without that, these photos really aren’t all that exciting. Alyssa Arce is very pretty, yes but I don’t know if she’s the kind of woman I’m going to pin up on my wall. She’s just … pretty. There isn’t much about her – at least not in these photos – that stands out to me. They’re good, I guess. They’re just not great.

January 9, 2014
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Alexa Vega Is Like A Pretty Princess

Alexa Vega has always stood out in my mind but I’ll be damned if I can tell you why. She’s very pretty, of course, and she’s got a fantastic body. She’s talented and she seems fairly down to earth. If I’m perfectly honest though, none of those things really make her all that special. There are a lot of women in Hollywood I could attach all of those words to. I don’t care. Is she a perfect unique snowflake? Not really but I do love her all the same. I guess that counts for something.

January 9, 2014
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Jasmin Walia Is Somewhat New To Me And That Makes Me Excited

Full confession – I often don’t really know of a lot of the girls I write about here. Jasmin Walia is one such example. She’s clearly a lovely woman but I don’t really know much about her beyond that. I’m not really in a big hurry to change that. It’s not that I don’t find her attractive. She’s just not the kind of woman I’m about to go full girl crush on. With that said, these photos are pretty great. Jasmin looks great and I’m really liking her dress. Overall though, I just find them a little underwhelming.

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