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May 21, 2013
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Super Sexy Carmen Ortega Bikini Shoot

I know I’m going to get ripped to pieces for this one but I gotta be honest. It’s just who I am. I’m not really all that attracted to Carmen Ortega and I have absolutely no idea why. All the elements are there. She has a great body, a beautiful face and seems to know how to turn it on for the photographer but for some reason, I’m just not feeling particular Carmen Ortega bikini photoshoot in Beverly Hills. They’re sexy, yes, but I’m not really jumping up and down in my seat over them. Okay, so I never actually do that but I don’t even feel the desire to here. Maybe I’m just having an off day. She’s a beautiful girl with a killer body so I should be all over these ones. Instead, I’m just sort of yawning and asking what’s next. Maybe it’s the makeup. I’m not always a fan of heavy makeup. I dunno. I’m sure we’ll see her again and I’ll probably have a completely different opinion next time.

May 21, 2013
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Sexy Petra Benova Bikini Shots Make Me Smile

I like Petra Benova. She’s not a woman I often get to write about but I’m always happy when the opportunity comes up. These photos from Miami are really a great example of why. This woman just has something so unique and so fun about her. Every time I see a new set of photos, she looks like she’s having a great time. I always find that so refreshing. I am a naturally high stress person. If I’m not stressed out, I don’t function properly. I’ve never known or understood what to do with relaxation time. I suppose that’s why I like seeing people relaxing. I envy that ability. Perhaps one day, I will learn from their example and take a freaking break. I’m sure my body would appreciate it. Teach me how to relax, Petra! I want to learn and hey, if I’m gonna have a teacher, it might as well be a hot one.

May 21, 2013
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Theres Alexandersson Is A Pleasant Surprise

One of my favorite parts of this job is occasionally stumbling upon a beautiful model I’ve never heard of before. Such is the case here with beautiful Swedish model, Theres Alexandersson. I love everything about this young lady’s look. She doesn’t look like every other beautiful blond model out there. She has enough unique features to really stand out and I appreciate that. Sometimes as I write these posts, I find myself thinking that the subject of the photos looks like someone else but I can honestly say that isn’t the case here. I find that incredibly refreshing. Theres is a beautiful young lady. I hope I have the chance to write about her again and again.

May 21, 2013

Sexy Georgia May Lingerie Shoot

I wrote about Tina O’Brien just a short time ago and in that post, I mentioned the fact that I’m not great at keeping up with the actors and actresses on Coronation Street. It appears I’ve missed the boat on this one. I was familiar with Georgia May (or Georgia May Foote, if you prefer) before she was promoted to a series regular on the staple British show but mainly for her role as Alison Simmons on Grange Hill. I’m not sure how I didn’t make the connection that Katy Armstrong and Alison Simmons were played by the same actress, but I suppose that’s the way it goes sometimes. Looking at these photos, it’s hard to imagine I managed to forget about this young lady. She’s absolutely stunning and these photos are absolutely fantastic.

May 19, 2013
Comments Off on Another Sexy Look For Doutzen Kroes At Cannes

Another Sexy Look For Doutzen Kroes At Cannes

I adore Doutzen Kroes. I really do. She’s stunningly beautiful and seems to have this sort of grace about her that is sometimes missing in today’s most popular models. With all that said, if I have any problem with Doutzen, it’s this: I have a very hard time recognizing her at first glance. If I was asked to pick her out of a lineup of hot lingerie models, I’m not sure I’d be able to do it. She’s memorable, yes. I just suck at recognizing faces and there’s no single feature about Doutzen that stands out for me. That isn’t to say she isn’t beautiful, of course. A quick glance over these photos from the Cannes Film Festival proves that. I’m just saying I don’t think I’d recognize her if the name didn’t accompany the photos I write about. She still looks incredible here though. A truly stunning woman.

May 19, 2013
1 Comment

Jessica Lowndes Suddenly Confuses Me

I recently wrote a post about a set of Jessica Lowndes photos from an Aston Martin event and while I thought her body looked incredible, there was something about the photos that didn’t sit right with me. These photos, snapped in London, are the opposite. Well, not the complete opposite as her body still looks incredible but that’s kind of obvious. When I say opposite, I mean everything about these photos works for me. I like the dark eye makeup. I like the hair. I love her smile. I adore the dress. I’m not sure what I was seeing in the other photos that made them feel a little off for me but whatever it was, it isn’t present in these photos. I’m usually a pretty big Jessica Lowndes fan as well. I guess maybe I was just having an off day. Happens to the best of us, I suppose.

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