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July 25, 2012
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Avril Lavigne Continues Her Vacation In Mexico.

So “American Idol” producers have foolishly ignored my suggestion to bring Avril Lavigne on as a judge for the show’s next season. They chose Mariah Carey instead. I’m going to go ahead and call that a massive mistake. Mariah is a nutcase – a talented nutcase, but a nutcase none the less. Crew members have said she was a nightmare to work with during her stint as a guest mentor a few seasons back. The same crew members have said Jennifer Lopez was a delight. I’m not sure what they would say about Avril, but I guess we’ll never know. None of that matters though. What matters is the fact that Avril Lavigne is on vacation in Mexico which means we can expect at least another set – maybe more – of gorgeous Avril Lavigne bikini pictures similar to this one. I can’t complain about that. I think Avril is gorgeous. More than that, she’s unique. She does things her own way – her hair for example – and I think that’s just fantastic. I think she would’ve been a great judge but hey, can’t win ’em all, I suppose.

July 25, 2012

Victoria Silvstedt Shows Off Her Booty In Saint Tropez.

Here’s the weird thing about Victoria Silvstedt. People either love her or hate her. What’s that phrase I so often read in the comment section that’s used to describe Victoria? Ah yes, plastic vomit. I don’t really get that. Sure she’s probably had a little work done – maybe even a lot – but she doesn’t look plastic to me and she definitely doesn’t look like vomit, at least from where I’m sitting. I think she’s a beautiful woman. Here in Saint Tropez, she looks as pretty as ever. I guess everyone is going to have a different opinion. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder, after all. To me, she looks fantastic. To you, she might not. Agree to disagree?

July 25, 2012

Kate Upton Is Not Freaking Fat.

If Kate Upton is fat, I demand to see photos of someone who is skinny. I mean that. I don’t believe a skeleton with skin stretched over it is sexy. You know who I think is sexy? Kate freaking Upton. Look at this woman! I demand to know where the fat is on that body. For those of you that have no idea what the heck I’m talking about, let me tell you all about it. A few weeks back, a blogger posted a rather scathing review of Kate’s body. In this post, the woman called Kate a whole lot of extremely unpleasant names, fat probably being the nicest of them. I would link to the blog but it doesn’t deserve more traffic than it already gets. Let me be clear. There is nothing in the world wrong with being skinny. I am a very skinny girl. The skeleton with skin stretched over it? That’s pretty much me. I’m okay with that. Kate has a bit of meat on her bones but that does not mean she’s fat. The blog in question said it’s designed to help skinny women feel comfortable with who they are. That’s fine. I agree that skinny women sometimes get picked on just as much as heavier women and that’s wrong. My problem is the idea that you have to tear someone else down to make yourself feel better. I can be harsh on celebrities sometimes but I’m not here to make anyone feel good and I would never call out a woman on her body type unless she looked unhealthy – heavy women and skinny women alike. People need to learn how to be cool with who they are or work toward looking how they want to look in a healthy way. It’s about respecting yourself but that doesn’t mean disrespecting other people in the process.

July 25, 2012

Sofia Vergara And Her Gorgeous Ass In New York.

I’m not sure I’m mentioned my deep, unyielding love for Sofia Vergara lately. I have? Well good then. It should come as no surprise then that I adore these photos of Sofia. While I do prefer swimsuit photos of Sofia because they show off more of her gorgeous curves, I definitely appreciate the fact that Sofia is able to look just as sexy dressed in casual attire going about her normal daily routine. This woman is just so incredibly beautiful. She also happens to be witty, talented and always seems down to earth in interviews. I’m a little concerned about the drama going down with Sofia and her “Modern Family” cast members regarding contract talks. I have to imagine they’re making a fair bit of money but at the same time, the show is probably making the network a fair amount of money. I guess if I had to choose, I’d side with the cast. No matter what though, I hope it all gets worked out so we get more of one of the best shows on network television.

July 24, 2012
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I Kind Of Forgot Jenny Frost Existed.

Major confession here, folks – I was a huge Atomic Kitten fan for a time in my late teens and then I just sort of lost track of them. I always loved Jenny Frost in the group although I wasn’t a big fan of her in her first group, Precious. Kind of weird how that works. Now that Atomic Kitten will be touring again, I feel like I need to get out their old album and give it a listen. I have to admit that looking at these photos of Jenny really brings back some fond memories. She’s so pretty and seems so relaxed in front of the camera. Funny story – I believed all of the members of Atomic Kitten were transexual for several years before learning I had been misinformed. I have no idea how many people I told. Oops. For the record, they are all natural born women to the best of my knowledge. The more you know.

July 24, 2012
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AnnaLynne McCord Sizzles In A Mismatched Bikini In LA.

It feels like it’s been ages since we’ve gotten new AnnaLynne McCord bikini pics. Maybe it hasn’t actually been all that long but it still feels that way. I’ve missed pictures like these. I really have. The first thing I noticed when I looked at these photos is how much healthier AnnaLynne looks. She was verging on too thin there for a while but she looks like she doesn’t look quite as thin anymore. She looks toned and fit. It looks like she’s been spending some time in a gym not like she’s been eating nothing but a celery stick for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Above all that though, the one thing that stands out about these pictures of AnnaLynne in LA is her smile. This woman has such an incredible smile. While her show, “90210”, isn’t quite as hot as it once was, AnnaLynne doesn’t seem to be letting that get her down and why would she? I’m sure she’ll have a career long after “90210” is off the air.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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