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October 8, 2012

Sexy New Performance Pics Of Cheryl Cole In Dublin.

I like Cheryl Cole. She’s a pretty woman with lots of talent even though I’m only really into a few of her songs. I still think she’s fantastic. In these photos from her performance on her tour in Dublin I think she looks great. I’m not sure I love some of the wardrobe changes but for the most part, I think she looks beautiful and probably put on a very entertaining show. I would go see Cheryl live. Even though I don’t love all of her music, I think the show itself would be worth seeing. She really seems to know how to entertain. I think Cheryl has what it takes to stick around in the music business, as long as she makes smart choices. Of course, I’ve been wrong before. I suppose only time will tell where her career will take her.

October 7, 2012

Rose McGowan Running Errands In Los Angeles.

i haven’t had the opportunity to mention how much I love Rose McGowan lately. That makes me sad because I love this woman a whole heck of a lot. She’s beautiful, she’s gutsy and she does things the way she wants to do them. I love the way she seems to gravitate towards strong female characters in her film roles and always executes them so flawlessly. Here in Los Angeles, Rose looks as gorgeous as ever. While I like seeing Rose all glammed up for her film roles, I also love these more casual, candid shots of her. It’s nice to see she’s just as beautiful without a team helping her out.

October 7, 2012
Comments Off on On Set Photos Of Natalie Portman In Texas.

On Set Photos Of Natalie Portman In Texas.

I enjoy Natalie Portman. She’s just such an unusual sort of celebrity. She’s one of those women that really seems to have everything going for her. She’s beautiful, talented, unique and intelligent. She’s not afraid to tackle smaller, lower budget projects but also doesn’t seem to be against more high budget films either. One gets the impression Natalie does movies she wants to do instead of doing movies that will put more money in her bank account. I both respect and admire that. Plus, she’s smart. There’s nothing sexier, to me anyway, than a woman with intellect. Here on set in Texas, Natalie is showing off a completely different kind of look and I love that. While the style is clearly for the movie, I think it really works for her. This is a woman who can play anything, and I love that about her. I’m not sure what movie these photos are from but I am sure I want to see it.

October 7, 2012
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Sexy Bikini Pics Of Gorgeous Samara Weaving.

I will admit this just this once. I am seriously addicted to Australian soap, “Home and Away”. So much tremendous talent has come from that show. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Samara Weaving’s name is one day added to that list. She’s talented, beautiful and seems driven to succeed. Here on Sydney Beach, Samara looks incredible. I love the fact that she doesn’t seem to notice or care about the cameras snapping away at her every move. She’s just a pretty girl enjoying a day at the beach. I always find that so refreshing. While it’s hard to say where her career will go from here, I really do hope it includes lots of great opportunities. She deserves them.

October 4, 2012

Kristin Cavallari Looks Sexy In Hollywood.

I’m really back and forth on Kristin Cavallari. She always looks fantastic, she has a great body and I love her style but I’m not really sure how I feel about her as a celebrity. She has her moments, I suppose. In these photos of Kristin in Hollywood, Kristin looks great as always. I adore the outfit although if I’m being honest, I think the shoes would’ve worked better in a different color. All the same, she looks good and that’s really what counts, right? I don’t really know what the future holds for Kristin. I’m not even entirely sure what path she’s going to decide to pursue in terms of her career but I’m sure no matter what she chooses to do, she’ll look great while she’s doing it.

October 3, 2012
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Racy Photos Of Sexy Cameron Diaz

Now this is the Cameron Diaz I know and love. We aren’t always treated to photos like these ones of Cameron so it feels extra special when we are. There isn’t a thing I don’t love here. Cameron really knows how to turn it on for the cameras and I appreciate that. Cameron just oozes sex appeal in these photos. She’s always so charismatic and charming. It’s nice to see her really play up that sex appeal. I remember the first time I saw Cameron in “The Mask”. It was like love at first sight. Since then, I’ve only fallen in love with this woman more and more. She’s is her own woman. She doesn’t apologize for being who she is. She’s feminine, strong and beautiful and these photos put all of those qualities on display.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }