Search Results for “bikin”

April 12, 2013

Kristin Cavallari Takes Her Hot Bikini Bod To Mexico

Yes, I’m back and forth on Kristin Cavallari. Sometimes I think she’s gorgeous, sometimes I think she’s just kind of hot. With these photos from Mexico, I’m leaning toward gorgeous. This woman knows how to rock a bikini with confidence and I find that incredibly sexy. I have to say though, I’m not entirely sure what’s going on in this first photo. I’d assume she was slathering a little suntan lotion on that fine behind of hers but I don’t see a bottle. Maybe she was just checking to make sure her butt cheek was still there. It doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things though. She looks great and she looks like she’s having a nice, relaxing day. That’s always nice to see. I’m not her biggest fan, but I have to give credit where credit is due and in these photos, a lot of credit is due. She looks fantastic.

April 11, 2013
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Sexy Jessica Alba Bikini Pics

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Jessica Alba is one of the sexiest actresses of her generation. She’s also smart, talented and outspoken; all things I both respect and admire. It’s probably no surprise at all then that I love her as much as I do and it should also be no surprise that I love these photos as much as I do. I love seeing Jessica relaxing and enjoying life. It doesn’t happen nearly often enough. People like to accuse Jessica of taking herself too seriously and maybe she does, but she just looks so happy and relaxed when she’s just enjoying a little time in the water. I think that’s probably what I like about these photos so much. She just looks so laid back. Another fantastic set of photos of this beautiful woman.

April 11, 2013

Sexy Eva Longoria Bikini Pics From Puerto Rico

I have been a big, big Eva Longoria fan since the first season of Desperate Housewives and while I stopped watching about halfway through the series, I always loved Eva all the same. In these photos from Puerto Rico, she’s showing she’s still just as gorgeous as she was back in the early days of the show and isn’t afraid to show off that gorgeous bikini body of hers. Of course, there’s so much more to love about this woman. She isn’t just beautiful and talented. She’s also intelligent and willing to stand up for the things she believes in. I find that incredibly appealing. Eva is the kind of woman I’d like to sit down and have a conversation with which is a big part of the reason this lovely lady is one of my absolute favorites.

April 5, 2013

More Sexy Bikini Photos Of Hayden Panettiere

I wrote a post about Hayden Panettiere just a short while ago and I noticed some of the photos from this set are the same (or at least very similar) to the photos I posted earlier. All the same, there are a lot of photos here I felt were worth sharing so here they are. I love this woman. She’s pretty. She’s sexy. She’s talented. I think she could have a very bright future ahead of her if she makes smart career choices and keeps herself out of trouble. She’s always struck me as someone who is mature for her age and I think that will do her a lot of favors. I love these photos because Hayden looks so happy in them. Her engagement might seem a little rushed to some but I think she looks happy and in the end, isn’t that all that matters?

March 24, 2013
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Miley Cyrus Hangs Out Poolside In A Bikini

Yeah, I’ve gotta admit it – I’m a big fan of this new Miley Cyrus we’re seeing so much of. She’s distanced herself so much from the girl she used to be. She’s showing off a new, more mature style and I can really get behind that. I’m not convinced it’s genuine, but I think it’s a lot more genuine than what we used to see. I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about Miley and her fiance, Liam Hemsworth, but I’m not going to buy into them until it’s confirmed by either Miley or Liam. Did he cheat on her? Did she cheat on him? Have they broken up? Did they break up a long time ago? I have no idea and I honestly couldn’t care less either way. I think they make a cute couple but they’re both very young. They’ll bounce back.

March 24, 2013
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Audrina Patridge Poses For Some Bikini Shots With A Hula Hoop

I can be pretty hard on Audrina Patridge from time to time but that doesn’t mean I don’t like her. It just means I sometimes can’t decide how I feel about her. In these photos, I absolutely love her. Sometimes I feel like Audrina’s photo shoots look a little too forced but in these photos, shot on a beach in LA, I don’t find that to be so. She looks like she’s having fun and that helps keep everything feeling a little more relaxed and natural. Then again, she has a hula hoop in her hands. How can someone not relax and have fun when a hula hoop is involved?

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }