Search Results for “bikini”

June 13, 2013
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Some People Find Alessia Tedeschi Boring And That Blows My Mind

I look at these photos of stunning actress/model, Alessia Tedeschi, on a holiday in Formentera and the very last thing that comes to mind is boredom. I get that we feature a lot of photos of models in bikinis but I can’t for the life of me see anything wrong with that. Models in bikinis are awesome. I love models in bikinis. Maybe for some that’s the kind of thing a person could get bored of but not me. Not yet, anyway. No, I look at these photos of Alessia and I think of words like, ‘hot’, ‘sexy’, ‘stunning’, ‘beautiful’ and ‘breathtaking’. Is she everyone’s cup of tea? Probably not but boring? Nope. I don’t see it.

June 13, 2013

Karina Jelinek Shows Off Her Fantastic Ass In Miami

Sexy Argentinian model, Karina Jelinek, really knows how to rock a bikini, doesn’t she? These photos snapped of Karina in Miami are some of the hotter bikini photos I’ve written about in the last little while and much of that is due to the fact that Karina really does have an incredible bikini body. I have no problem with super skinny girls as long as they look healthy but there’s definitely something to be said for a girl that can fill out a bikini. Karina  is by no means a chunky girl but she is definitely curvy in all the right places. These photos are smoking hot. I’m not familiar with a lot of Karina’s work but after seeing these photos, I want to correct that. Immediately.

June 11, 2013
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Petra Benova Hits The Beach In Miami

I am a big Petra Benova fan but there’s something about these photos I’m not really loving. Perhaps it’s the fact that, in my eyes, Petra is looking a bit like Paris Hilton in some of these photos. I don’t really mind that as I think Paris Hilton is lovely and all but it’s just kind of weird. I’m sure I’m the only person that sees the similarities though. Weird Paris Hilton thing aside, these photos of Petra, shot in Miami, are pretty darn hot. This woman’s body is just incredible. I love the bikini she’s chosen to wear and she looks like she’s having fun. I really do think they’re great pictures. The Paris thing just kind of threw me off.

June 11, 2013
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Jamie Lynn Sigler Can Do No Wrong, In My Eyes At Least

I know there are a whole lot of people out there that say Jamie Lynn Sigler isn’t hot but I am most definitely not one of those people. I love Jamie Lynn. I think she’s gorgeous. That opinion stands when looking at these Jamie Lynn Sigler bikini photos that were snapped in Myrtle Beach. I saw an article posted on another website recently that stated Jamie has gotten fat. Let me shed a little light on why she’s gained weight. She’s freaking pregnant! What pregnant woman in the world has ever stayed stick thin throughout their pregnancy? It just defies logic that anyone could look at these photos and call Jamie Lynn fat when she’s so very clearly pregnant. People never cease to amaze me. Anyway, all that aside, I think Jamie Lynn looks terrific in these photos. She and her fiance, Cutter Dykstra, look so happy and I’m happy for them. I wish them nothing but the best.

June 10, 2013
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Claudia Romani Always Looks Stunning

There are a few girls I write about here on a regular basis that I can write a post about without even looking at the photos. Claudia Romani is one of these women. Before I even open the photos, I know she’s going to look incredible. I also know she’s likely going to be wearing a bikini. I like that about her. I rarely see photos of this woman dressed in anything more than swimwear which leads me to believe she never wearing anything other than swimwear. If I looked like here, I doubt I would wear much more than a bikini either. Of course I always still look at the photos. It would be silly not to. Why deprive myself the chance to feast on my eyes on a lovely sight like this one? In these photos from Miami, Claudia is looking every bit as sexy as I always expect her to look. Another set of great photos of this exceptionally beautiful lady.

June 9, 2013
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Myleene Klass Goes For Glamour

I suppose I’m kind of spoiled when it comes to Myleene Klass. I write about her on a fairly regular basis and nearly every time I do, the girl is wearing nothing but a bikini. For that reason, I was a bit disappointed when I opened this photo set and say Myleene was fully clothed. That disappointment did not last. Here at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards in London, Myleene is looking incredible. She chose the perfect dress for an event that has glamour right in the name. She looks sexy, yes, but she also does look very glamorous. I love the way the dress compliments her body without showing a whole lot of skin. I do like revealing dresses but I also like dresses that leave something to the imagination. For me, this look works on all levels. Great photos.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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