Search Results for “bikini”

March 15, 2013

Claudia Romani Lets Her Ass Hang Out In Miami

I love Claudia Romani so I therefore love these photos snapped of her in Miami. At first, I was a little concerned for the questionable fashion choice but as I investigated further and realized she was on the beach and not in fact letting her bare butt hang out on the sidewalk, I felt much better about the whole thing. I don’t like bikini coverups that look like actual dresses. It’s confusing and I don’t need any help getting confused. I do that perfectly fine all on my own, thank you very much. Anyway, so that’s Claudia Romani’s ass and it’s a pretty awesome sight. I can’t get enough Claudia, in all honesty. She’s definitely one of my favorite celebs at the moment.

March 9, 2013
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Claudia Romani Is Absolutely Gorgeous

I think I’ve made myself pretty clear on the subject of Claudia Romani. The woman is so absolutely beautiful it’s a little ridiculous. I adore her in ways I can’t really capture in words. She has a fantastic body and she clearly has no problem showing that off, as she’s doing here in these photos from Miami. That rear end of her is a real work of art. I also have to comment on the bikini she’s chosen here. I think it looks fantastic on her and I love the colors and the print. If I could only post about one woman for the rest of my days, I would be perfectly okay if that one woman were Claudia. Well, honestly, I’d actually probably get bored pretty quickly but that’s beside the point. Claudia’s gorgeous and I adore her. These photos are fantastic.

March 5, 2013
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Rosie Huntington Spends A Day At The Beach With Her Dog

I love Rosie Huntington and I love that Rosie Huntington loves her dog. I think that’s just fantastic. I don’t know why it makes me smile like it goes, but I seriously grinned when I saw these photos. Maybe they make me feel like she’s just a normal human being. I’m not rich, famous or especially beautiful but I love my dog and so does Rosie. We have something in common. Of course, I’m sitting in my house with nothing but snow out my window as I give my dog a good scratch behind the years and she’s frolicking on a beach in Malibu but hey – at least we have that one thing in common. I think these photos are fantastic and, of course, very hot. This woman has just an incredible body. I like that she’s wearing something a little more conservative than a bikini even though she looks terrific in one of those as well. Just because you’ve got the body doesn’t mean you have to flaunt it all the time. Rosie gets that. I don’t think I could possibly love these pictures more.

March 2, 2013
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Rihanna Relaxes In The Sun In Hawaii

I’m not sure how I feel about this first photo of Rihanna in Hawaii. She looks great in her bikini as always but she’s kind of looking a little sad. Maybe she’s just super relaxed though. I know I would be. We got bombarded with more snow than I’ve been in years yesterday and the day before. It’s up to my freaking knees. I look at these photos and I think, man – how nice would it be to be there instead of here? Of course, it’d be even better if Rihanna was there with me. That girl seems like she’d be a lot of fun to spend time with, even if it doesn’t necessarily show in these photos.

February 13, 2013

Dear Kelly Brook: Will You Be My Valentine?

valentine’s Day is only a few hours away and I would like very much for you to be my Valentine this year, Kelly Brook. You are a beautiful woman and I love how confident you are. People sometimes like to talk smack about you but it doesn’t seem to bother you in the least. I think I have a lot to learn from you for that reason alone. I know I’m a straight lady and I know that I’m married but couldn’t we be Valentines anyway? We could just get a cup of coffee – maybe see a movie. I know you’re probably very busy and I’m very busy too but I could scratch in a little time for you. I’m sure you’re straight but don’t worry – I am too, mostly anyway. This isn’t a romantic gesture but more of a gesture of respect and admiration. I hope you’ll accept my offer but there are only a few hours left. Perhaps I’ll try earlier next year.

February 4, 2013

Courtney Stodden Is Wearing Less Makeup – Still Looks Like A Super Skank.

Seriously – how much longer until we’re done with this girl. If you stop paying attention to it, it will go away. ‘Teen Bride’ Courtney Stodden is like a scab that you just can’t help picking at. You know that if it leave it alone and let it heal it will go away but you just can’t stop yourself from opening it up all over again. With all that said, I think she looks good here. Yes she’s wearing heels and a bikini to walk her dog, lounge around the yard or do whatever the heck she’s doing in these photos (attention whoring) but she’s also wearing far less makeup than she normally wears. The ‘less makeup’ look works for her. Now someone just needs to tell her she needs to put on some clothes.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }