Search Results for “bikini”

November 29, 2012
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Cindy Crawford Is Still So Freaking Gorgeous.

I’m working on an article about the hottest models in the industry and even though Cindy Crawford has mostly retired from modeling now, I had to put her on the list anyway. Cindy will always been one of the first people when I hear the word “supermodel” and she really hasn’t lost the traits that made her so attractive in the first place. Her face still looks terrific and her body is still fantastic. These bikini pics from Mexico prove Cindy is still one of the most beautiful women in the fashion industry and still has all of the confidence she had in her prime. Classy, beautiful – easily one of my all time favorite models.

November 28, 2012
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Anne Vyalitsyna Does A Little More Beach Vacationing.

Anne V is the kind of stunning you don’t see every day. I guess that’s probably why she’s becoming one of the most recognizable names in the modeling industry. A body like that is just begging to be shown off and while Anne sometimes makes questionable fashion choices, she can’t go wrong with a bikini and she proves that in these photos from Miami. I know people are bound to have differing opinions on just about everything but I have yet to find anyone that doesn’t believe Anne is absolutely stunning. It’s not just her body though. She has such a warm smile. I’m a sucker for a lady with a gorgeous smile. It just so happens everything else about Anne is stunning as well. I love this woman.

November 19, 2012

Rita Rusic Is Ageless.

The first time I posted photos of Rita Rusic I was shocked to learn she was over fifty years old. Since that time, I’ve continued to be shocked each and every time I’ve posted about her. This woman doesn’t age. I’m thirty years old and Rita looks better in a bikini than I ever have or ever will. While part of me wants to be jealous, a larger part of me just can’t be mad at her for taking such great care of herself. I’m sure genetics are part of it but it takes effort to stay in the kind of shape Rita’s in, good genetics or not. And let’s not even start in on the confidence this woman has. A stunner at any age. I absolutely love Rita.

November 17, 2012

Rihanna Looks Smoking Hot As Usual, This Time In A Cowboy Hat.

I’m sorry but I freaking love a gorgeous woman in a cowboy hat. I don’t really know what it is about that look that drives me so wild but there is definitely something about it. For that reason alone, these pictures of Rihanna are near unbearable for me. Of course, the cowboy hat isn’t all these photos have going for them. There’s also Rihanna in a very revealing bikini and bold red lipstick. While I always love the hair choices Rihanna makes, the long black locks have always been my favorite. All of these things combine to make this one of my favorite sets of photos of all time.

November 16, 2012
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Sexy Leryn Franco Shows Off Her Toned Physique In Miami.

I have a soft spot in my heart for sexy female athletes and javelin star Leryn Franco definitely fits the bill. This sexy Olympian/model is probably one of my favorite female athletes but that has more to do with her athletic ability that her physical beauty. I love seeing a woman who can not only excel in her chosen sport but can also pull off a successful career at the same time. Here in Miami, Leryn looks absolutely stunning. I love the bikini but I also love how relaxed she looks. She doesn’t look like she’s posing for the camera. Instead she just looks like she’s having a great time just relaxing and enjoying her time off. Love this woman. Can’t wait to see more of her.

November 12, 2012

Brunette Lady Gaga And Her Tattoos On The Beach.

These photos could possibly be my favorite set of photos of Lady Gaga ever. They’re just so unexpected. I’ve long said that the only way Gaga could really still shock people after the meat dress, the weird egg thing and her cross dressing would be to wear something completely normal and that’s exactly what she’s done in these photos from Rio de Janeiro. If I didn’t know better, I’m not sure I’d even believe that was Mother Monster. The bikini is normal. The hair is normal. The sunglasses are normal. She looks just like the average girl on the beach and I absolutely love that. This is a woman who goes out of her way to stand out. It’s kind of nice to see her blending in. I’m also a big fan of the tattoos. I have a lot of tattoos myself so I guess I feel Gaga and I have that in common. I love these photos. She looks fantastic.

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