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June 8, 2013
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Candice Swanepoel Poses For Victoria’s Secret

There are no photos in existence of Candice Swanepoel that I don’t absolutely adore. There just can’t be. There can’t be one photo of this beautiful model out there I don’t love because I have certainly never seen one. I have never really seen Candice looking anything short of phenomenal, especially when she’s doing a shoot for Victoria’s Secret as she is here. These photos are on fire. Every single one of them almost takes my breath away. I don’t care how often I saw this model is one of my favorites or that model is one of my favorites; Candice Swanepoel is absolutely one of my favorite models currently working in the fashion industry. I’d go as far as to say she’s in the top five. Love her to bits. I really do.

June 8, 2013
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Adriana Lima Attends The Fashion Awards In NYC

I don’t entirely know what the Fashion Awards are but I know they were held in New York and a whole lot of extraordinarily attractive women attended. Over the last few days, I’ve had the pleasure of writing about many of those hot women. Now that I know Adriana Lima was there as well, I can’t help but feel like I should’ve been there. I can’t imagine what all of that hot must’ve looked like in one spot. I would’ve almost certainly felt like some kind of mutated freak with my normal looking face but I wouldn’t care. Just to bask in the beauty of all these supermodels for one evening? Totally worth the hit to my self esteem. It’s not like I’d be thinking about how I looked anyway. I’d be way too busy trying to figure out a way to convince everyone to turn the ritzy event into a panties party without sounding like a freak. Pretty sure that wouldn’t be possible. Yup – probably a good thing I wasn’t there.

June 7, 2013
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Candice Swanepoel Hits The Fashion Awards In NYC

I know you all know how much I love Candice Swanepoel so I’m not even going to bother stating it again. When something has been stated so much, it should be accepted as fact. These photos from the Fashion Awards in NYC, however, really make me want to say it again. Why? Well just look at her! She’s so beautiful. I love the way she walks the red carpet. There is just so much confidence in the way she carries herself but at the same time, she doesn’t seem stuck up or full of herself. There is just something about the way this woman looks into a camera that makes me melt. Maybe she is stuck up. I have no idea. I don’t know her but I wouldn’t think so from the photos I’ve seen of her and trust me – I’ve seen a lot of photos of her. Another beautiful set of photos of Candice and yes, this makes me very, very happy.

June 7, 2013
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Anais Zanotti And Tahiti Cora Working Out In Miami

Seriously, Anais Zanotti and Tahiti Cora? You look this hot when you work out? How is that even possible? In these photos, we see Anais and pal Tahiti doing their workout in Miami and the photographs are just so hot I can’t even stand it. Both of these women are so incredibly beautiful. It doesn’t look like these shots were taken as part of a planned photoshoot but I have to imagine it was no accident that they wore these itty bitty outfits in a public space to work out. These women know how to get attention and while I’d normally call that desperate and sleazy, I’m enjoying the photos too much to care. Is that hypocritical of me? Probably but hey, at least I’m honest about it.

June 7, 2013
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Miranda Kerr Wants To Sell Me Razors

I don’t care what Miranda Kerr is trying to sell me. I’ll buy it. Not kidding. She could be selling $500 punches in the face and I’d be all over it. I’m not sure what it is about Miranda that does that to me. There are lots of gorgeous woman around the world – gorgeous women I post about on a regular basis, no less – that advertise all sorts of products but very few of them actually make me want to run out and purchase said product. Here at The Gillette Venus Step Up NY event, Miranda is looking exceptionally lovely. I don’t typically like yellow but I think it looks fantastic on her. The design of the dress is lovely as well, complimenting her body beautifully. These are fantastic photos. I absolutely love this girl. Now I have to buy one of these razors though. It better be worth it.

June 7, 2013
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Roxanne Pallett Is Still Very Pretty

Roxanne Pallett has been a bit of a stranger around these parts as of late and I’m quite happy to see her back again. I really like Roxanne Pallett. She’s very pretty and has a fantastic body. These photos, snapped in Majorca,Spain, are a great way to welcome Roxanne back to the site. She looks absolutely incredible in them but more than looking sexy, she looks like she’s having a great time. I’ve always loved that about this lady. She seems to be such a laid back, relaxed sort of woman and I just find that whole vibe so appealing. In the past, I’ve speculated as to whether or not I’m so attracted to women who can relax because I have a hard time relaxing myself but after careful consideration, I think I’ve decided that has nothing to do with it. I think I just like relaxed women because I really don’t like uptight women. Go figure. Sometimes I just read way too much into things. Am I alone in that?

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