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December 29, 2012
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Ashlee Simpson Hangs Out With Her Son In Hawaii

I think Ashlee Simpson gets a raw deal sometimes. She’s never really released an album that could set the world on fire but she’s put out some decent pop music. Her biggest mistake was getting caught lip syncing, something many, many singers do in this day and age. I don’t know that she really deserved the backlash she got over that one. That was a long time ago though and while her career has never really recovered from it, she certainly seems to have moved past it. In these photos from Hawaii, Ashlee looks fantastic. I’ve always thought she was pretty and I don’t think she’s lost that at all. She also looks like she’s having a great time. I enjoy these pictures. They might not be the sexiest beach pictures ever posted here but they make me smile and that counts for something, to me at least.

December 29, 2012

Kim Kardashian In Her Workout Clothes

By now you’ve probably heard the rumors that Kim Kardashian is carrying a mini Kanye in her womb but I’ve never been one to listen to rumors, especially rumors about celebrity pregnancy. If I bought into that sort of thing, Jennifer Aniston would have several children by now. Even so, these photos of Kim do make one wonder. In some of the photos, she seems to be taking care to hide her belly. Or, perhaps, I’m just reading way too much into it. In any event, it’s always nice to see photos like these of Kim – the less glamorous photos that show what Kim probably looks like when she’s just strolling around the house with no cameras pointed at her. I think Kim is a beautiful woman and while I also think she’s an indication of everything that’s wrong with celebrity culture in this day and age, I have to give credit where credit is due. Hey, remember when you actually had to be good at something to be famous? I miss those days.

December 18, 2012

Aisleyne Horgan Wallace Is One Classy Lady.

Aisleyne Horgan Wallace is one of those women I will just never understand. I mean, I just don’t get what her deal is. I know she wants to keep her name in the headlines and extend her fifteen minutes of fame but isn’t there a better way to do it? It seems like every time I see photos of her, the first words that come to mind aren’t hot or sexy. No, the first words that come to mind when I look at photos of Aisleyne are trashy and desperate. In these photos from the Lipsy Party in London, Aisleyne once again puts everything she has to offer on display and it’s kind of gross. I’m sure she looks hot to some people but to me, she just looks sad and desperate. Am I too hard on her? Probably but without any obvious talent, I can’t see why we’re supposed to care about this girl anyway.

December 18, 2012
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Super Sexy Erin Heatherton Bikini Pics

A few short hours ago, I had the opportunity to write a post about some very sexy Candice Swanepoel pics and decided it was probably the best way to start by day. Now I get to write about a set of Erin Heatherton bikini pics and I’ve decided this is shaping up to be an awesome day at the office. Although looking ahead at the names on my assignment list I feel certain there will be a few low points, Erin and Candice have me in a good enough mood that I don’t even care about those low points. It’s hard to decide what I love most about these pictures. I think it might be the fact that they aren’t solely bikini pictures. I like a woman in a nice one piece. It proves that it’s possible to look great without showing as much skin as you would show in a bikini and I appreciate that. No matter what kind of suit she wears though, Erin always looks incredible.

December 14, 2012

Nicole Scherzinger Wears Pink Panties.

Nicole Scherzinger wears pink panties. I wear pink panties. Clearly we’re meant to be best friends, right? I like Nicole. I really do. I think she’s talented, beautiful and doesn’t seem to have quite the ego some of her contemporaries have. She might be a bit stuck on herself but I can forgive that because I am a fan. With all that said, I’m a little turned off by these photos. The upskirt shots here? Entirely avoidable. I know sometimes upskirt shots happen but come on – that first one, at least, could’ve been avoided by just being a bit more careful. It doesn’t really change how I feel about Nicole though. I think she’s stunning and she looks great in these photos – pink panties and all.

December 12, 2012

So … Miley Cyrus Did This The Other Day.

I know these pictures are a bit outdated now but who cares? Miley Cyrus is on stage with a stripper and she seems to be enjoying the show. I dunno, guys. I like the stripper Miley brought in to perform with her at Borgore’s Christmas Creampies Concert in Hollywood but I’m not sure how festive it is and I’m not sure I’m loving Miley’s look. Maybe the stripper could’ve worn a Santa hat or something or even worn a red and green thong. And Miley … I’m just not sure. I still like the shorter hair but I’m not sure about the outfit. It doesn’t seem exactly flattering. Ah well, they can’t all be winners.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }