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December 4, 2012

Megan Fox Looks Foxy As Usual.

Ah, I know I’m going to get nasty comments on this one but I always try to be honest when I write these posts and that means being honest about Megan Fox. I know men love her and I can see why but in all honesty, I don’t think she’s as attractive as people like to say she is. She is definitely beautiful and she definitely has a fantastic body but I don’t think she’s the most attractive woman in the entertainment industry or even close to it. I wouldn’t even put her in my top ten. Of course, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there are more than enough people out there who would call Megan a perfect ten to ensure her sex symbol status is not the least bit threatened by the 7 I would give her. If this is all coming off as a little bit rude, keep in mind we’re talking about Megan Fox. This is a woman who couldn’t care less what people say about her. She’s strong, confident and gutsy. I admire those things about her. I just don’t happen to think she’s a ten. Beautiful? Yes. More beautiful than I could ever hope to be? Most definitely. Perfect? Not exactly.

November 29, 2012

More Sexy Anne Vyalitsyna Bikini Shots.

I don’t care how many times I get photos of Anne V in a bikini. It never gets old. This lady is such a stunner. I’m not a huge fan of the bikini she’s wearing here but it still looks absolutely fantastic on her. I’m not sure what happened between Anne and Maroon 5’s Adam Levine but I can’t help thinking it’s such a shame these two gorgeous people couldn’t make it work. They’d have the cutest children ever. Ah well, Anne has clearly moved on and I’m happy for her. She looks great in these photos, as she always does. I can’t wait for the next set.

November 24, 2012

Kate Winslet Lets Her Bare Butt Hang Out In This Sexy Photo Shoot.

I have been an enormous fan of Kate Winslet since “Titanic”. Even though I didn’t love the movie, I thought Kate and Leo were great in it. Since then, my love for Kate has only grown over time. She’s a beautiful, talented and sensual woman that is completely fearless when it comes to her career. She also has no shame about showing off her body on the big screen despite the fact that a whole lot of people like to give her crap about the way she looks. Ridiculous, I say. These photos are incredible. I love Kate’s body but more than that, I love her confidence. The way she’s posing in these pictures is so sexy and so alluring. I absolutely love everything about them. Well done, Miss. Winslet.

November 19, 2012
1 Comment

Kristen Stewart Meets Her Fans At The Breaking Dawn Premiere.

Okay, here’s the deal. I like Kristen Stewart, I liked the Twilight books and I enjoyed the first Twilight movie. I hated New Moon, thought Eclipse was a serious improvement but never quite got around to watching Breaking Dawn Part 1. Breaking Dawn Part 2 is now in theaters and I really couldn’t care less. I’m sure I’ll watch the movies eventually but I really didn’t think they did the books justice. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about Kristen Stewart. I don’t care about the cheating scandal. I’m not even entirely sure I believe it wasn’t just a push for publicity but I guess that’s beside the point. In all honesty, I just don’t think Kristen is all that attractive and I don’t think she’s the fantastic actress some seem to think she is. I think she has a lot of potential in the acting department. She just needs to explore new types of characters because, as far as I can tell anyway having seen all of her movies, she plays variations of the same type of character over and over again. Looking for new kinds of roles will help her grow and develop and she could, one day, be a real force to be reckoned with. Now, I mentioned I don’t find her attractive but, still being honest, that’s starting to change. I love these photos and I think she looks fantastic in them. I love this side of Kristen. Maybe my overall opinion of her is starting to change not that it matters. She has more than enough fans and is wildly successful. My opinion isn’t really anything she needs to concern herself with.

November 19, 2012
Comments Off on Tamara Ecclestone Relaxes Poolside.

Tamara Ecclestone Relaxes Poolside.

I really like Tamara Ecclestone. While heiresses are not typically my cup of tea, Tamara doesn’t seem like a typical heiress who just sits back and lets the fortune of her family carry her through life. She’s actually out there doing things to earn her place in the spotlight and I appreciate that. From modeling to hosting, Tamara might not work as hard as some of us but she works and that means something to me. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything to anyone else as Tamara does occasionally get a little hate thrown her way but in my opinion, the fact that she isn’t just sitting back and letting her father’s money take care of her is appealing.

November 19, 2012

Rita Rusic Is Ageless.

The first time I posted photos of Rita Rusic I was shocked to learn she was over fifty years old. Since that time, I’ve continued to be shocked each and every time I’ve posted about her. This woman doesn’t age. I’m thirty years old and Rita looks better in a bikini than I ever have or ever will. While part of me wants to be jealous, a larger part of me just can’t be mad at her for taking such great care of herself. I’m sure genetics are part of it but it takes effort to stay in the kind of shape Rita’s in, good genetics or not. And let’s not even start in on the confidence this woman has. A stunner at any age. I absolutely love Rita.

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