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October 20, 2012

Natalie Portman Is Freaking Adorable.

There aren’t many women in the entertainment industry that can pull of cute while still being sexy but Natalie Portman is most definitely one of those women. Those big beautiful eyes of hers absolutely melt my heart. What I like about Natalie most though is that she’s a woman with a brain. So many women in Hollywood feel they have to hide their intellect but Natalie doesn’t and I find that extremely appealing. Natalie doesn’t hide anything about herself to try to boost her career. She is who she is and she lets her genuine talent speak for itself. I absolutely love her in every possible way and these pictures? Fantastic.

October 20, 2012

Georgia Salpa Shows Off Her Hot Body And Promotes A Product.

Georgia Salpa is a stunner. I absolutely love this girl. The model/actress/reality star/a bunch of other things looks just as hot as I would expect in these photos as she promotes Lynx Hair Product at her salon. Whenever I see photos like these ones, I always ask myself whether or not I would be willing to buy the product based on the photos I’m seeing and in this case, I actually might be. That doesn’t have much to do with Georgia though. I just think seeing hair products in front of a salon makes sense. The woman in the tight short dress is awesome and all but it doesn’t have much to do with hair so it doesn’t really sell the product for me. Who cares though? Georgia looks hot and isn’t that really what people come here for? These photos shouldn’t disappoint then.

October 20, 2012

Gorgeous New Halle Berry Photo Shoot Pics

In my always humble opinion, Halle Berry is everything a woman in Hollywood should be. She’s strong, confident, smart and doesn’t seem to be all about playing the Hollywood game. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that she’s smoking freaking hot as well. There are few actresses I respect and admire as much as I respect and admire Halle. I love the way she carries herself. She always seems to self assured but, at the same time, doesn’t take herself too seriously. This is, after all, the woman who showed up to the Razzies to accept her “Worst Actress” award, something not many actresses (Sandra Bullock being a notable exception) would do. I don’t give a flying rat’s behind about Halle’s personal life. I’m confident it will all work out for the best interest of her daughter, which is what I think Halle really wants. Even if she doesn’t get exactly what she wants in the custody battle, I’m sure she’ll make sure she does what her daughter needs instead of doing what she wants.

October 20, 2012

Rihanna Hits The Recording Studio.

I’m a big Rihanna fan. I think she’s gorgeous, has a great body and is a talented musician. With that said, she’s looking a bit of a mess in some of these photos. I assume some of the pictures were just taken at bad moments as tends to happen from time to time but I’m honestly not really used to it from Rihanna. I’m used to seeing her constantly looking hot in her candid photos. It’s worth mentioning I believe these photos were snapped as she was leaving the recording studio in Los Angeles so there’s a pretty good chance she was feeling a bit tired. I don’t care though. She looks fantastic in most of the photos. I like the dress. It’s casual but sexy and I’m still loving the pixie cut. While these aren’t my favorite photos of Rihanna, I still enjoy them so that has to count for something.

October 15, 2012

Kim And Khloe Kardashian Spend A Little Time Together.

Now, I’ve said this a million times but I think it’s worth repeating. I am not a fan of the Kardashian family. I just don’t understand why they’re famous or why I should care about what they do in their day to day lives. That doesn’t change the fact that they’re popular and people like reading about them, so here we are. All that out of the way, I like Kim Kardashian’s style. She always looks so put together. I like Khloe’s style as well but not quite as much as Kim’s. They’re both beautiful women who know how to pick out a great outfit. I don’t like them as celebrities and think they’re great examples of everything that is wrong with the celebrity cultures these days but I have to give credit where credit is due. They look great. I guess that’s enough.

October 14, 2012

Rihanna Shows Off Her Curves In Sexy, Body Hugging Dress.

Not let me be the first to say that I don’t always agree with the choices Rihanna makes in her personal life but I respect her decision to make those choices. It really is her life. She shouldn’t live in a way that isn’t honest to herself, who she wants to be and what she wants out of life just because it’s what the rest of us think she should do. Her “I don’t care what anyone thinks” attitude is one of the most appealing things about her, in my opinion anyway. I worry about her, sure, but I don’t know her, I don’t know what she wants and I don’t know what happens behind closed doors. With all that out of the way, let’s talk about these photos of Rihanna in LA. I think she looks absolutely fantastic. I love the pixie cut on her and think it really suits her. While I have been a fan of some of her more outrageous hairstyle choices, I really like what she’s got going on here as well. And the dress? Fantastic. I love these pictures. I wish nothing but the best for Rihanna.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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