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July 23, 2012
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Eva Longoria Is An Absolute Beauty.

There really aren’t enough words in the English language to describe how much I love Eva Longoria. She’s classy. She’s beautiful. She’s intelligent. She’s witty. She’s talented. For those reasons, and so many more, I both adore and admire this woman. Although there are a lot of women in the entertainment industry I have mad lust for, Eva is a little different. She is someone I respect and look up to. It’s weird for a woman to say she has a role model at 30 but I’m saying it anyway. I don’t feel I’ve grown up yet. When I do, I’d like to be someone like Eva. I don’t mean in a physical way, of course, because come on – that just couldn’t happen. I mean in terms of who she is as a person, or at least who she is when the world is looking. I couldn’t care less about what she’s like behind closed doors. The image she puts out there for the public is the image I see and it’s the image I want to see when I look in the mirror. Figuratively, of course. Although looking like Eva wouldn’t be half bad either.

July 22, 2012

Dianna Agron Is As Gorgeous As Ever.

I loved the first season of “Glee”. The second season? Not so much. The third season was a bit of a mixed bag for me but one thing never changed. I’ve always loved Dianna Agron. I look at Dianna as a shining example of everything young Hollywood could be. She’s classy, low key, talented and driven. She doesn’t seem desperate to hold on to her fame and I find that incredibly appealing. While some of her contemporaries (not just from “Glee” either) are busy getting themselves into phony “for the press” relationships or always seem to be front and center in some new scandal, Dianna just seems normal. She seems to live her life how she wants to live it instead of living her life to get headlines. Here we see Dianna leaving The John Frieda Salon looking like a normal, every day girl. The cameras don’t seem to bother her but she doesn’t seem thrilled to see them either. Instead, she just seems to sort of ignore them and I find that alluring. Of all the women her age in the business today, I’d put my money on Dianna to be the one with the longest career.

July 22, 2012

Miley Cyrus Isn’t Too Skinny … Yet.

How can it be that just appearing outside her hotel in Philadelphia, Miley Cyrus has managed to get people talking. It’s not like she’s wearing anything scandalously revealing or anything like that. She’s just there. I’m not exactly a huge fan of what she’s wearing but that’s beside the point. So what has people so worked up this time? Why the same thing as last time, of course. People think she’s too skinny. Sorry. I just don’t see it. I think she looks fine and yes, perhaps if she loses much more weight I’ll be concerned but for now, she just looks like she’s working out and taking care of herself. That doesn’t sound like a train wreck to me.

July 22, 2012
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Jennifer Lopez And Casper Smart Spending Some Quality Time Together.

Oh to be Jennifer Lopez. She has had an incredible career that, although it’s been a little up and down, had made her one of the most famous woman in the world. She’s stunningly beautiful even without makeup and she has two beautiful children she adores. Plus, ya know, she has a piece of man candy like Casper Smart on her arm. I’m not sure I’m a big fan of the guy but he definitely looks good next to her. More importantly, he seems to make her happy. I’m not going to say these two are headed for the alter or are even in it for the long run but the girl just went through a tough breakup with the father of her kids. If a girl’s gonna rebound she might as well do it in style.

July 19, 2012
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Eva Longoria Goes Paddle Boarding And Is Almost Too Sexy.

So what is too sexy? I have no idea but when I opened this post and saw these photos, my breath caught in my throat for a moment. If there is such a thing as too sexy, I’m quite sure Eva is almost there. Just look at that woman. Her rear end is fabulous. That heavens she chose white bikini shorts because … okay. I need to take a moment. I’m a professional writer here and I’m having trouble formulating sentences here. See? Too sexy. She’s got my brain all scrambled. I adore Eva. Maybe that shows a little bit. She’s smart, funny, talented and of course, absolutely beautiful. I can’t wait to see what she does with her career now that “Desperate Housewives” has come to an end. I think she could do bigger things. I hope that happens.

July 19, 2012
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Aida Yespica Looks Stunning In A Bikini.

How many of you have heard about the whole “thinspiration”/Kate Upton controversy from a few days ago? If you haven’t heard, basically it went something like this – some blog about skinny girl pride posted an absolutely cruel diatribe against Kate Upton (whom I think is gorgeous, for the record) and got in all sorts of trouble. Here’s the thing about that and here’s how it relates to these pictures of Aida Yespica. I don’t think there is anything wrong with Aida although I’ve heard other people talk about her being too skinny. Some women are just naturally very thin. Other women prefer to strive for a thin frame. I don’t see a problem with either of those things as long as the woman is healthy and takes care of herself. I’m a naturally thin woman myself – probably about as thin as Aida although I have much less muscle definition than her – and I look in the mirror and feel too thin. That doesn’t mean I think Aida is too thin. I think she’s a stunning woman that looks great in a bikini. At the same time, Kate, who is a little curvier, is more what I would like to look like myself. What bugs me about the skinny versus chubby debate is the fact that it exists at all. Every woman has her own body type and should be able to feel good about how they look. Shaming them for their body – if they’re healthy – is cruel and completely unnecessary, especially when the cruel comments are made by a nameless, faceless individual who isn’t risking having their own appearance picked apart.

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