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June 27, 2012
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Jennifer Lawrence To The Rescue!

Well maybe she really didn’t rescue anyone but she definitely helped a young girl that collapsed on her lawn. Apparently Jennifer was getting ready to take her dog for a walk when she noticed a young girl lying unconscious on her lawn. She called 911 and sat with the girl until help arrived. From what I understand, the girl was fine in the end, possibly thanks to Jennifer’s quick response. Now that we’ve talked about that whole thing, let’s take a moment to discuss how Jennifer looks in these photos. I’d have to say she looks pretty darn good. I didn’t really care for “The Hunger Games” (I know, I know) but I really enjoy Jennifer. I think she’s a beautiful, talented young actress that has a bright future ahead of her. I can’t wait to see where it takes her.

June 26, 2012
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Rihanna Hits The Stage So You Know She’s Wearing Something Crazy.

I really do like Rihanna. I like her music. I like her personality and I love her style. It takes a special kind of woman to rock an outfit like the one Rihanna is wearing in these photos from BBC Radio 1 Hackney Weekend in London. I don’t care about what the critics say. I think she looks great. The thing I admire most about Rihanna is her ability to keep her style feeling fresh and new. I also really appreciate the fact that she doesn’t always have to wear elaborate costumes on stage. I could imagine seeing her in candid shots wearing an outfit similar to this one without her even batting an eyelash. She’s just that kind of girl. Love her.

June 24, 2012
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Miley Cyrus Flashes A Little Butt Cheek In LA

It’s hot out there. Over the last two days, I have strolling around the house in my bra and panties and still can’t keep cool. For that reason, I understand Miley’s wardrobe choices in these photos snapped in LA. Sure she’s letting her butt cheeks hang out but I don’t honestly think she cares. They’re just butt cheeks. A lot of other websites have been calling these photos trashy but I don’t think they’re all that bad. I plan to venture out later on today and if I had Miley’s confidence, I might let my bum hang out a little bit too. Was Miley thinking about staying cool or getting attention? It’s hard to say but considering some of her wardrobe choices on stage, I don’t think these cut-offs are really all that bad.

June 21, 2012

Lana Del Rey Upskirt Pics Give Us A Peek At Her Panties.

I don’t care what anyone says. I really don’t. Not even a little. I freaking love Lana Del Rey. I absolutely love her. Her music isn’t exactly groundbreaking but it’s nice to put on and just groove to. It doesn’t hurt, of course, that Lana is a beautiful girl that gives off that sort of retro throwback vibe I love so much. Here at the Lovebox Festival in Victoria Park, London, Lana gives us a little upskirt shot and a little peek at her panties which is probably going to be what most people focus on when they look at these photos. Not me. I can’t help focusing on the pictures as a whole. I could look at them all day. I don’t care if what I’m seeing is the real deal or a manufactured product. What matters to me is how the music makes me feel and Lana’s music makes me feel warm and cozy. Love this girl. I think she really gets a raw deal. Gotta admit though, the whole Axl Rose thing was a little weird.

June 21, 2012

Miley Cyrus Looks Thin But Not Unhealthy.

A few weeks back, rumors were swirling that Miley Cyrus was anorexic. She denied the rumors but her denial did about as much good as her denials normally do – none at all. I have been hard on Miley in the past and haven’t exactly been a fan of many of her career choices but I’m a little distressed that magazines and websites are throwing around the word anorexic so carelessly. Miley does not look unhealthy. She’s clearly lost weight but that sometimes happen as women age. Sometimes it goes the other way and women gain weight as they age. Aside from that, Miley has been working out and doing yoga. Yoga is a great way to lose weight and tone up. She does have a wedding coming up. Maybe she just wants to get in shape. After seeing these pictures, I feel like she looks pretty good. I might be worried if she continues losing weight but as it stands now, she looks fine. Next controversy please.

June 20, 2012
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Katy Perry Lets Her Bum Hang Out

There are a lot of things Katy Perry could be accused of. Some say her music is a little lacking on originality. Some say she likes to use a lot of flash to disguise the fact that she isn’t all that talented. I disagree on both counts but that’s kind of beside the point. While people may throw a lot of accusations her way, one thing I doubt anyone will ever claim is that Katy is too modest. She proves why here at the Cirque du Soleil nightclub in London. Perhaps she was intending to wear a skirt and forgot or perhaps she just doesn’t care if people can see a bit of her butt. Katy has always been the kind of girl that does what she wants without caring what people will think. I’m guessing that’s the case here.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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