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January 6, 2011
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Halle Berry Is A Special Kind Of Star

I recently heard a story about Halle Berry from the set of one of her movies. It involved the infamous “don’t look the star in the eyes, don’t speak to the star” signs common on many Hollywood movie sets. You know, the pretentious, ‘better than you’ signs some celebs demand to make sure they don’t have to speak to the ‘little people’. I prepared myself – ready to have my illusions of Ms. Berry blown out of the water. I was wrong. Instead of demanding the signs, Halle demanded they be removed. She then took the entire cast and crew for dinner to show them she knows she isn’t any better than any of them and wouldn’t be anywhere without the people that work on the movies she’s in. Love that. There is no ego with Halle. More proof? She pumps her own gas. Here at a local gas station in Los Angeles, California, Berry doesn’t have an assistant get out and pump her gas. She does it herself. While that might not seem like a big deal, try to find pictures of other celebs of her caliber doing the same thing. Gonna be hard to do, my friends.

January 4, 2011
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Jennifer Love Hewitt In Her Hawaiian Finest

Now, J-Love, I will admit, you and I have had our problems. I haven’t always been your biggest fan when it comes to your fashion choices but I am fully behind this one. A grass skirt and a white bikini top? I can’t see much wrong with that. These pictures from Maui show the fun, playful side I love so much about you – that Jennifer Love Hewitt charm I fell in love with back when ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’ was in theaters and the whole weight was still way off in the distant future. What I love most about you, though, is that you don’t have the perfect body and you genuinely don’t seem to care. Most women in Hollywood would starve themselves to look stick thin if they were planning to leave the house wearing so little but you, on the other hand, look healthy. You don’t look chubby or chunky. You look like you don’t scream and run when confronted with food. That’s pretty sexy in and of itself.

December 25, 2010
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Lady GaGa Isn’t Wearing Pants… Again

I’ve made my feelings for Lady Gaga pretty clear. I am totally pro Gaga, but I always tell the truth here. That’s kind of my job. That’s why this post hurts a little to write. Lady Gaga – put on some freaking pants! This boring, worn out, over played no pants thing is just so old now. We’ve seen it all before. We get it. You’re edgy. You’re out there. You have got to be freezing your damn ass off. It’s to the point now that I see a picture of you wearing something normal and I’m more shocked. You’re a talented singer and your songs are catchy as hell. You don’t need all of this anymore. At least, you don’t need to be replaying your own stunts. If you’re running out ideas, hit the town wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I promise you – that will make the news.

December 24, 2010
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Lindsay Lohan Takes A Tumble

Although it’s widely being reported that these photos were taken of Lindsay Lohan recently, that isn’t true. The more recent photos of her show hair closer to her natural color and looking a bit heavier than she does in these ones. I know I can sometimes be cruel here and I won’t lie, I kind of enjoy it. I refuse to jump on the dump on Lindsay bandwagon. Addiction to drugs is a serious disease regardless of who the addict is. I’m also inclined to believe the logical – the staffer she supposedly attacked at Betty Ford isn’t telling the truth. No one knows what happened yet, but it has come out the Lohan passed a drug and alcohol test after the incident and is actually the one who made the 911 call to get police assistance. If it were anyone other than Lindsay, the whole thing would be reported a lot differently. Anyway, I love the girl and I hope she is getting the help she needs and continues to get better once she’s done in rehab. Go ahead, rip me apart in the comments. I’m just calling it like I see it.

December 23, 2010

Paris Hilton Can’t Dance But Is Great At Posing

While on their own, these pictures of Paris Hilton at the Supermartxe VIP Party at Fabrik disco in Madrid, Spain are pretty hot. She looks good, right? She’s got all the standard Paris Hilton poses included – the ‘hands behind her head checking out her own boobs’ pose, the ‘bending over and sticking out her ass as far as possible’ pose, the ‘grabbing her own ass to call attention to it’ pose – and on their own, things look fine. When you see her actually dancing though? The girl has no rhythm at all. I mean, she’s not Elaine from Seinfeld bad, but a lesson or two wouldn’t hurt her. Who am I kidding though? No one pays attention to how well she’s moving as long as she showing off tits, ass or both while she’s doing it. And we’re talking about Paris here, so she usually is.

December 22, 2010
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Jennifer Love Hewitt Going About Her Business

Hot off the heels of those incredibly sexy Jennifer Love Hewitt photos we brought you a few short days ago come these considerably less, but still kinda hot pictures of J-Love going about her daily routine. Sure I prefer her topless in jeans and a cowboy hat, I have to say, she isn’t looking all that bad here. The question is though, does she pass the street hot test? What is the street hot test, you ask? It’s simple. Imagine yourself walking down the sidewalk. J-Love and her blond pal are strolling down the street as well looking exactly as they look in these pictures. Jennifer isn’t famous – you’ve never seen her before in your life. Does she turn your head? I gotta say, based on these pictures, I’d likely be looking at the blond more than her. Even so, Love is still a gorgeous babe – just like to see more from her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }