Search Results for “celeb ass”

June 5, 2014
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Katherine Webb… Remember Her

As you guys probably know, things have been pretty complicated for me over the last little while which has resulted in frequent absences from posting here on HQ Celebrity. I won’t bore you with all the details because trust me, they’re really boring. Anyway, during this time, old assignments have piled up and it was decided that I should just go and post the photos even though they’re a bit old now because, hey, hot women are hot women, yes? So far, just going back and doing those old, piled up assignments has told me that in the entertainment industry, change doesn’t really come in a hurry. The people that were in the news when their photo originally went up are still popular now, in some cases, a year later. That’s not something I would’ve guessed about pop culture. It seems to have such a short memory typically. That string has changed today with Katherine Webb. Gorgeous woman, yes, but without looking, can anyone remember why she was such a big name for about five minutes last summer? Give it a try. I’ll tell you the answer in a few hours when I get to another photo set for this lovely, but mostly forgotten, young woman.

June 2, 2014
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Vanessa Hudgens Has Such A Beautiful Smile

I know there are other pictures in this Vanessa Hudgens bikini photo set but I can’t help being a little obsessed with the first shot. Snapped, in Ischia, this first shot shows Vanessa looking absolutely incredible. She just looks so happy and at ease. Vanessa hasn’t always made things easy for herself, getting all mixed up in a lot of unnecessary drama and scandal but maybe she really is finally starting to come through that. That is my hope for her. I don’t know what the future holds for Vanessa and I don’t know where her career will take her but she has my support, assuming, of course that she can keep herself out of trouble.

May 3, 2014
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Fernanda Marin Is Always A Nice Treat

There are some ladies who appear to pop up on my assignments list every singe week. Fernanda Marin is not one of those women and while that makes me sad in one respect, it also kind of makes me happy. I’d love to see Fernanda more often because I think she’s one of the hottest women we’ve ever featured on the site, it’s nice to only see her once in a while because then her photo sets seem extra special. Take these shots of Fernanda in Malibu, for example. They’re just shots of her looking hot at the beach. We see photos like this all the time yet somehow, they seem hotter with Fernanda in them. That isn’t because she’s necessarily hotter than a Bar Rafaeli or a Adriana Lima. It’s because we don’t see her nearly as often. And, of course, also because she’s super freaking hot. Can’t forget that part.

May 2, 2014
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Sara Sampaio Stops My Heart

I’m not all that familiar with Sara Sampaio. I’m sure I know the name but I just couldn’t bring her face to mind when I read her name on my assignments list. When I opened the photos, I became fairly certain I don’t know who Sara is because a face like that? Oh yes. I would remember a face like that. And let’s not even get started on her body. Sara is pretty much my ideal. The lady is lovely and these shots are fantastic. Yes, I’m still not exactly sure who she is but I can promise you I’ll be remembering her next time.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }