Search Results for “celebrity ass”

July 14, 2013
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Alyssa Miller In A Sexy Bikini Photoshoot

I don’t really like Alyssa Miller all that much and I feel bad about that because it’s not the woman’s fault at all. She’s incredibly beautiful. She has a killer body. She also just happens to share the same first name as one of my all time biggest girl crushes, Alyssa Milano. I can’t seem to stop myself from comparing them even though they really have little in common other than their first names. And the dark hair. Maybe that is part of it as well. My personal weirdness aside, Alyssa looks great in these photos. I just can’t help wishing I was looking at some classic Alyssa Milano bikini photos instead. It doesn’t matter though. Most of the people who look at these photos are going to love them and that’s really all that counts.

July 13, 2013
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Sexy Red Carpet Shots Of Diane Kruger

Diane Kruger is one of those women I always love but have a hard time remembering. It’s not really that I forget who she is. It’s more that I forget she exists. When I saw her name on my assignments list, I had a sort of “oh yeah, this girl!” moment followed immediately by the knowledge that the photos I was about to see were going to be gorgeous. They are. Very much so. I’m not entirely sure I love the dress Diane is wearing here but it doesn’t matter. She could wear a garbage bag and make it look sexy. There is nothing about this woman I’m not in love with. I’m thrilled I had the chance to write about her.

July 13, 2013
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Jordana Brewster Shows Off Her Stems

I think I’ve mentioned before that I think the true test of whether or not a woman has especially nice legs is whether or not those legs still look incredible when the woman is wearing flat shoes. Jordana Brewster has passed that test in these photos. She looks downright leggy in these shots, snapped as she headed out in Century City. I love this woman. I love that she doesn’t seem to feel the need to dress up just to head out and run a few errands. That isn’t to say she doesn’t look incredible though. She very obviously does. I really like Jordana. She’s great on Dallas, even though I do feel her storyline is starting to head into “ridiculous” territory. I think she’s fantastic and I think these photos are as well.

July 12, 2013
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Sofia Vergara In Stretch Pants At The Airport

I stand by my assertion that Sofia Vergara is one of the most beautiful women on television but I need to follow that up with a confession: I’m not really feeling these photos snapped at LAX Airport. I’m going to cut Sofia some serious slack though. It’s an airport and as I said a few days ago in regards to Pam Anderson, airports aren’t exactly known for offering glamour shot opportunities. All told though, Sofia still looks pretty fantastic. I suppose I just don’t find airport shots all that special. I’m  not going to complain too much though. Thrilling or not, Sofia Vergara shots are Sofia Vergara shots and I’m happy to have them. I love this lady, even if I don’t love these photos.

July 11, 2013
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Courtney Stodden Looks Like A Tramp

Sometimes I feel like I’m too hard or Courtney Stodden. Then I see photos like these ones and realize that no, no I am not. I get that she’s a pretty girl but she’d be so much more attractive if she had even the tiniest bit of class. I really hate writing about her because I feel like I’m just encouraging her more but this is my job so here we all are. In these photos, Courtney looks to be in her mid to late thirties. If this is what she looks like now, at 18, just imagine what she’s going to look like when she actually hits 30. What bothers me is that she already seems to have gone under the knife. Those are not the breasts she had when we first started seeing her. I worry about this girl. I see her story having a very bad ending. I only hope someone steps in and tells her to smarten up before something terrible happens.

July 10, 2013
Comments Off on Brandi Glanville Is A Drunken Mess

Brandi Glanville Is A Drunken Mess

I know these pictures have been around the internet and back by now but we had to post them anyway. Seeing drunken photos of celebrities isn’t really all that unusual. Seeing photos of celebrities this drunk is most definitely unusual. I mean, come on, Brandi Glanville. I know Brandi is not exactly known for being the classiest chick on the block but these photos of Brandi Glanville drunk in London are about ten different kinds of crazy. Let’s be fair though. People like to give her a hard time over these photos but I know I’ve been there a time or two. I’ve never flashed my ass or had my boobs pop out but that’s because I don’t often wear outfits like the one Brandi is wearing here. I feel for the guy carrying her to the car. I just hope she knows him or this whole set of photos is very, very disturbing.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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