Search Results for “celebrity ass”

July 10, 2012
Comments Off on Paris Hilton Living The Paris Hilton Lifestyle.

Paris Hilton Living The Paris Hilton Lifestyle.

I really don’t know why I like Paris Hilton as much as I do. I really shouldn’t. She’s pretty much everything I hate in a celebrity. She’s arrogant, shallow and famous for being famous. Even so, I like her. I don’t think she’s actually all that attractive when compared to some of her contemporaries. Some could say she’s in the same class of celebrity as Kim Kardashian and I find Kim much more attractive. I also like Kim a lot less than Paris. So what gives? I don’t know. I guess I’m just complicated like that. Anyway, on to the photos. Here in Sao Paulo, Paris looks adorable. I love the two piece swim suit she’s wearing and I love the fact that she seems to be having a typically ‘Paris Hilton’ good time. While I don’t think I’d enjoy spending time with her, it is kind of fascinating to watch Paris being Paris and I suppose that appeals to me in a very strange way.

July 10, 2012
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Eva Amurri Martino And Her Beach Bum.

I am a huge Susan Sarandon fan and was excited to learn her daughter, the beautiful Eva Amurri (now Eva Amurri Martina) was planning to follow in her famous mother’s footsteps. Perhaps what I like most about Eva is the fact that she doesn’t use her mother’s last name – a last name that would easily open a few doors for her in the entertainment industry. Instead, she’s trying to make it on her own talent and it’s really no wonder. This lady has talent to spare. While Eva isn’t the most classically attractive woman in the entertainment industry, there is something unique about her that I find absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to see where Eva’s career takes her and am hoping for nothing but bright things in her future.

July 5, 2012

Melissa Satta And Kevin Prince Boateng Get Sexy On A Boat.

Melissa Satta is a babe. That’s pretty obvious. That ass of hers is amazing. Kevin Prince Boateng is a lucky, lucky man. I like these photos for many reasons. I obviously enjoy the fact that Melissa I get to look at Melissa in a bikini but beyond that Kevin is not too hard on the eyes either. I love a man with tattoos so Kevin is obviously appealing. More than both of those factors though, I like the fact that these two look so happy together. Of course looks can be deceiving but they seem to be having a nice day together. With so many celebrity break ups in the news these days, it’s nice to see a couple that seems to be in a good place in their relationship.

July 5, 2012

Sexy New Performance Pics Of Jennifer Lopez

Brazil has some passionate music fans. If you need evidence, just check out the tweets to some of today’s most popular music artists. Just glancing over them briefly, you’ll see dozens of requests for said artist to perform in Brazil. Jennifer Lopez heard that call (or more likely her manager did) and hit the stage at the Arte Music Festival in Brazil and thank heavens she did. This woman couldn’t be more beautiful. Sometimes I find myself just staring at her face and thinking about how perfect her bone structure is. Stunning doesn’t begin to cover it. Am I a fan of her music? Not so much but I’m a big fan of how she looks while she performs it, so I guess that’s half the battle.

July 4, 2012

Melanie Brown Gets Spicy In LA

Oh Melanie Brown, how I’ve missed you. So full of life and personality. Melanie Brown, Mel B, Scary Spice – I don’t care what name this woman goes by. I love her regardless. Back when the Spice Girls were at the height of their fame, Mel B was my favorite. I even have a Mel B Barbie doll. As the years pass, I only love her more. She has the same fiery, fun loving personality she always did and I find that so incredibly appealing. Out of all of the Spice Girls, she was the one I felt embodied “Girl Power” the most. Here in LA, Mel makes me miss the glory days of the Spice Girls but also reminds me that it doesn’t matter how much time passes, Scary Spice will always be able to spice up my life.

July 3, 2012
Comments Off on Erin Andrews Enjoys A Little Time In The Sun

Erin Andrews Enjoys A Little Time In The Sun

It’s hard to see Erin Andrews without thinking about the massive “peeping tom” scandal that brought her to the attention of the general public. While she had some level of fame before someone filmed her walking around naked in her hotel room without her knowledge, that invasion of privacy really put her name on the map to those who aren’t big sports buffs (like myself, for example). Even so, in the years that have followed, Erin has really tried hard to distance herself from that scandal while still staying relevant. I think she’s done a great job. Here in Miami, she doesn’t seem terribly worried that one chapter of her career is ending, probably because she knows it just means a new chapter is just beginning.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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  • { awesome miley!! }
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