Search Results for “celebrity ass”

December 28, 2011

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Model Nena Ristic

Sometimes I log in here, browse through my assignments and wonder how it’s possible I haven’t heard of some of the women I’m posting about. Now, let’s be clear. I’m a straight female but I have what I feel is a healthy appreciation for the female body. I love looking at gorgeous women. It’s kind of a thing for me. Sure I get jealous sometimes because there’s no chance I’d ever look as good in a bikini as, well, any of the women I post about here but mostly I just feel a sort of quiet admiration. That’s how I feel when I look at these pictures of Swiss model Nena Ristic in Miami. The woman is a total knockout. I have no idea how I’m just hearing about her now. I was considering a list of the “100 Hottest Models of 2011” for another website I write for but decided against it. Were I making such a list, Nena would most definitely be on it.

December 23, 2011

Gorgeous Sandra Bullock On The Tonight Show

Sandra Bullock is the kind of woman the new generation of Hollywood starlets should really be looking to for inspiration if they want long and successful careers. While Sandra’s really made her name in romantic comedies, let’s not forget the lady has an Academy Award for her brilliant performance in “The Blind Side”. More than that though, Sandy is the epitome of grace and class. She got through one of the most explosive cheating scandals in recent Hollywood history virtually unscathed. Why? Not just because her ex is a d-bag of the highest order but because she had the good sense to stay out of the spotlight and only address the scandal briefly and after an appropriate amount of time. She is also a woman completely capable at laughing at herself. I’ll admit, some of her career choices have baffled me. Anyone remember “All About Steve”. When the film was awarded multiple Razzies, the film industry’s highest dishonor, Sandra not only showed up to accept her award for “Worst Actress”, she showed up with a wheelbarrow full of “Steve” DVDs. It’s that kind of thing that shows this isn’t a girl that takes herself too seriously, despite being a huge name in Hollywood. I missed her appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” in Burbank but I’m going to go ahead and assume Sandy was as funny and charming as she was beautiful. This lady was my very first girl crush. Perhaps it shows a little.

December 23, 2011

Sarah Harding In Tight Jeans

I’ve never really been a big fan of Girls Aloud but I’ve always been a big fan of Sarah Harding. I’m not sure how that’s possible but there it is. I love this girl. She’s got a fantastic smile and a lovely body. The former is a bigger selling point for me than the latter though. I love a girl with a killer smile. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that my own smile leaves a lot to be desired. Psychology aside, there’s just something about Sarah that gets to me. Here in London, Sarah takes a pretty basic look – jeans and a jacket – and makes it work for her. As I’ve made clear in past posts, I don’t like big sunglasses and that’s no exception here but that’s really just a personal pet peeve. Sarah looks gorgeous, relaxed and casual. I think these could be among my favorite pictures of this stunner.

December 20, 2011

Sexi Leilani Dowding In Swimsuit Photoshoot

The last time I posted about Leilani Dowding, I spoke of the fact that I’d never heard of her until I was assigned the set of pictures I was posting about. A helpful reader pointed out that Leilani is pretty well known in the UK as a Page 3 girl. Since that time, I’ve done a little reading about the girl and have learned, well, not really much more than I knew back then. I suppose it’s not really a bit deal. In my research, I found tons of super sexy pictures of the girl so it was hardly time wasted. I have to admit though, these swimsuit shots are among the sexiest pictures I’ve ever seen of her. While her swimsuit doesn’t leave much to the imagination, she doesn’t look trashy. She also looks relaxed and at easy which is always nice to see. I’m a big fan of this girl and look forward to more photo sets of her.

December 11, 2011

Wet Catherine Tyldesley In A One Piece Swimsuit

You know, the one piece swimsuit really doesn’t get its due praise. The bikini really gets all the attention but every now and then pictures like these ones of English actress Catherine Tyldesley emerge and the one piece steals back a little bit of that attention. Done right, the one piece bathing suit can be every bit as sexy as the bikini simply because it leaves more to the imagination and hides any potential problem areas. While these aren’t the sexiest beach pics I’ve ever seen, they’re definitely among the classiest and most tasteful. Catherine looks lovely but more than that, she looks comfortable. Very nicely done.

December 8, 2011

Sexy Amanda Seyfried Walks Her Dog

I’m pretty sure I don’t need to say this, but I’m going to say it anyway just in case anyone missed it the first hundred times. I love Amanda Seyfried. I’ve loved her since “Mean Girls”. She’s stunning. What do I love more than Amanda? Animals! That pretty much makes this set of pictures a dream come true for me. Amanda looks incredible as always but to be honest, as I always try to be, I’m actually more excited to see the dog. I love a woman that loves animals. Because this is HQ Celebrity though, I do feel the need to mention Amanda’s ass at least once since it looks awesome in her stretch pants. So yeah, Amanda has a nice can.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
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