Search Results for “hot bikini”

October 12, 2012
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Jennifer Nicole Lee In A Teeny Tiny Bikini.

I know I sometimes give Jennifer Nicole Lee a hard time for her, shall we say, risque fashion choices but I’m okay with the bikini she’s wearing in these photos from Las Vegas. While she’s clearly showing a lot of skin, she’s also hanging out by the pool. If there’s ever an appropriate time to show skin in public, it’s pool side or on the beach. I’m not crazy about the over styled hair and what appears to be a fair bit of makeup because I like to see a more natural look at the beach but she looks good, so I can’t complain too much. I like Jennifer, even though I do give her a hard time and these photos are great – some of my favorites of this stunner.

October 12, 2012

Sexy New Bikini Pics Of Gemma Atkinson.

I have to say there’s always something exciting about opening up a new batch of Gemma Atkinson bikini pics. I always know they’ll be hot and this new batch of the beautiful glamour model in Aruba certainly haven’t disappointed. This woman is a stunner – absolutely gorgeous. I love the tiny little tattoo on the small of her back. It draws the eye to that lovely behind but it isn’t overwhelming or distracting. It’s a nice, delicate touch and I really find that appealing. I love tattoos on a beautiful girl and while I do like bigger pieces of body art, there is definitely something to be said for a lovely peek-a-boo piece like Gemma’s. All in all, these photos are a real treat and didn’t disappoint in the least.

October 11, 2012

Sexy Tulisa Contostavlos Bikini Pics.

Tulisa Contostavlos is a beautiful woman. There really isn’t any room for argument there. She has a pretty face and a fantastic body. I also happen to think she’s a talented young woman with a fun personality. There really isn’t a whole lot I don’t like about her. I love these photos of Tulisa because she really seems to be having a great time, relaxing and enjoying herself on the beach. It just so happens that she’s looking gorgeous as she does it. I like the bun she’s wearing in her hair in a few of the photos because it really lets us see that gorgeous face of hers but she also looks fantastic with her hair down. Tulisa is a beautiful woman and I love having the chance to write about her.

October 10, 2012

New Larsa Pippen Bikini Pics.

Before I even begin writing this post, I can almost read the comments that will appear after this post is published. People are almost certainly going to criticize Larsa Pippen’s body but hey, that’s people for you. I personally think she looks fantastic. She isn’t a bean pole but I like that. While I appreciate a skinny girl, I also appreciate a woman with some curves. I think that’s what I like most about these pictures. This is a lady who looks great in a bikini and she knows it. Her confidence is sexy to me. That’s just one woman’s opinion though. Isn’t that the great thing about opinions? Everyone has their own and we don’t always have to agree.

October 7, 2012
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Sexy Bikini Pics Of Gorgeous Samara Weaving.

I will admit this just this once. I am seriously addicted to Australian soap, “Home and Away”. So much tremendous talent has come from that show. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Samara Weaving’s name is one day added to that list. She’s talented, beautiful and seems driven to succeed. Here on Sydney Beach, Samara looks incredible. I love the fact that she doesn’t seem to notice or care about the cameras snapping away at her every move. She’s just a pretty girl enjoying a day at the beach. I always find that so refreshing. While it’s hard to say where her career will go from here, I really do hope it includes lots of great opportunities. She deserves them.

September 26, 2012

Melissa Satta Shows Off Her Bikini Body On The Runway In Milan

I’m positive I’ve mentioned my love of Melissa Satta a time or two but I think it’s worth repeating. I love this woman. She’s gorgeous and she knows how to walk the runway with confidence and poise. In these Melissa Satta bikini photos from the runway in Milan, all the things I love most about this woman are on clear display. Her gorgeous body, her beautiful smile, that long flowing hair – in my eyes, this lady is perfection. Some might argue that walking down a runway isn’t a big deal but there are definitely women out there who don’t do it nearly as well as Melissa. She doesn’t look posed or over polished. There is a natural ease about her stage presence and I like that. I’ve never been to a live fashion show – doesn’t seem like my type of deal – but I’d gladly go see one if Melissa was one of the featured models.

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