Search Results for “hot body”

July 12, 2012
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Sharni Vinson Has A Blast On A Beach In Miami.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Aussies? Yes? Well let me mention it again anyway. I have a serious soft spot for all things Australian. It’s just a thing with me, I suppose. With that said, I don’t just love Sharni Vinson because she’s Australian. I love her because she’s gorgeous but not in the typical sense. She has a fantastic body of course but there’s something unique and different about her. All of that is on display here in these photos from Miami. On top of being beautiful, Sharni is also a very talented lady. I loved her on “Home and Away” and she was one of the only things I liked about “Step Up 3D”. I hope things continue going well for this woman and I hope I get to write about her again soon.

July 4, 2012
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Jessica Alba Is A Babe. Also, The Sky Is Blue.

Sometimes I have a hard time writing about women like Jessica Alba because really, how many different ways can I say Jessica Alba is a smoking hot babe? That doesn’t mean I don’t absolutely adore her, of course because I definitely do. It just means I can’t really write anything about her that isn’t just really stating the obvious. Here at the Versace Haute Couture fashion show in Paris, Jessica is just as gorgeous as one expects her to be. I love her eyes. I love her hair. I love her body. I just love her in general. I don’t always agree with some of the things she says but I always respect the fact that she speaks her mind. While I’m not the biggest fan of Jessica’s acting, as a celebrity, I really enjoy her and for me, that counts for a lot. She was fantastic in “Machete” though, wasn’t she?

June 27, 2012
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Jessica Biel Looks Stunning In Puerto Rico, Surprising No One

I’m sure there are people out there that would disagree with me on this one, but I look at Jessica Biel and I pretty much see the ideal woman. She’s stunning. She has an incredible body, a beautiful face but she also seems to have the laid back sort of attitude I find so appealing. If I had to make a list of the most beautiful actresses working in the industry today, I’d put Jessica pretty close to the top of that list. I’m a little surprised she’s engaged to Justin Timberlake to be honest. I don’t have anything against Justin. I think he seems like a pretty cool guy and he’s definitely a talented musician (not crazy over his acting but I think he has potential there too). I just never pictured Jessica as the marriage type. Here in Puerto Rico, Jessica looks fabulous all soaking wet enjoying the fine day on the beach. I don’t think it would be possible for me to love these pictures more.

June 25, 2012
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Candice Swanepoel Is So Sexy I May Die

It’s been a while since I mentioned that Candice Swanepoel gets me hot in ways not fit to discuss here. I don’t necessarily mean in a lesbian sort of way as I consider myself straight. I mean, more in an indescribable, so hot I might go blind sort of way. As a woman, I like to think I know what makes a woman attractive but chances are good that I don’t. Here’s what I like about Candice – her body, her eyes, her mouth and her uncanny ability to look innocent and sweet wearing nothing but underwear. If I could choose to look like one person in the world, it would be Candice. Since I can’t, I’ll just settle for looking at her which is more than an acceptable alternative.

June 25, 2012

Jennifer Love Hewitt Topless In A Cowboy Hat

I like Jennifer Love Hewitt. I’ve liked her for a long time – since her Party of Five days. While I never actually watched Party of Five, or The Ghost Whisperer for that matter, I like JLH as a personality. She seems like the type of girl you could just hang out with and talk about… I don’t know. Whatever normal girls talk about. She seems down to earth. What I like most about her is she’s always been able to laugh at herself. That changed somewhere along the way, though. I think it was around the time she was vilified by the media for daring to put on a few pounds. It’s a shame, really. God forbid a woman look healthy. Anyway, since then, Jennifer has seemed a little more humorless and that’s sad. Then pictures like these come along and I remember what I loved most about her. I’m not talking about her body – although, let’s be honest, that’s a hard body not to love. I’m talking about her playfulness and her ability to look almost innocent while taking her clothes off for the camera. She’s sexy and sweet – an irresistible combination if you can get it right and Jennifer definitely gets it right.

June 25, 2012
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Kelly Brook Is Getting Back In Shape.

I have never been on the “Kelly Brook is fat” train. I think it’s ridiculous, actually but I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Regardless, anyone that feels Kelly isn’t exactly looking her best these days will be sure to like these photos. Here we see Kelly taking a jog and looking fantastic as she does it. Her body looks great and she looks fit. I’m a bit hesitant to say she’s getting “back in shape” because I don’t really feel she was ever out of shape to begin with. It’s still nice to see her getting out and getting active. She looks healthy and I think that’s important. Good for Kelly. I love these photos and I love this girl.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }