Search Results for “hot body”

December 30, 2011

A Bikini Beach Day For Mischa Barton

I haven’t really had the chance to mention how much I love Mischa Barton lately so perhaps I’ll take the chance to do that now. I love Mischa Barton like I love puppies. There. Done. Okay, on to the pictures. Here in Miami, Mischa displays all the things I love most about her and no, her body isn’t one of them, spectacular as it is. I love her style. She’s so unique. There’s something very glamorous about her even when she’s just hanging out on the beach. I love her attitude. She seems like such a relaxed and laid back person. Most of all, I love the fact that past issues aside, she seems to be healthy and happy now. She isn’t scary skinny like she used to be. I think she looks perfect the way she is. I hope one day, should she decide to, she can get her career back on track and we can get back to talking about her work as an actress again instead of her personal life.

December 29, 2011

Serena Williams Is Not Fat

It feels like every post about Serena Williams brings comments about her weight and it’s kind of ridiculous. There is a world of difference between fat and athletic and Serena is definitely the latter not the former. She’s an athlete and she’s built like an athlete. Sure there are many excellent female athletes out there that fall into more typical definitions of sexy – big boobs, slim waists etc – but there’s nothing typical about Serena and to me, that’s what makes her most appealing. I think Selena is an incredibly sexy woman and I love her body. Here in Miami, Serena spends a little time out with friends and she looks absolutely beautiful.

December 28, 2011

Sexy Bikini Pics Of Model Nena Ristic

Sometimes I log in here, browse through my assignments and wonder how it’s possible I haven’t heard of some of the women I’m posting about. Now, let’s be clear. I’m a straight female but I have what I feel is a healthy appreciation for the female body. I love looking at gorgeous women. It’s kind of a thing for me. Sure I get jealous sometimes because there’s no chance I’d ever look as good in a bikini as, well, any of the women I post about here but mostly I just feel a sort of quiet admiration. That’s how I feel when I look at these pictures of Swiss model Nena Ristic in Miami. The woman is a total knockout. I have no idea how I’m just hearing about her now. I was considering a list of the “100 Hottest Models of 2011” for another website I write for but decided against it. Were I making such a list, Nena would most definitely be on it.

December 27, 2011

Teen Bride Courtney Stodden Gets Festive

I know these pictures are a little old by now but honestly, I just didn’t know what to write about them. I try to be a fair, logical person. I really do. It doesn’t always work, but I at least put in the effort. When I look at these pictures though, silly things like logic and reason fly out the window and I just can’t think of anything good to say about them at all. Sure she’s hot but she’s a freaking child. Forget being married to a man old enough to literally be her father. Forget that her mother signed off on the whole mess. There is no way a girl her age (sixteen for those of you who don’t know) should be posing for pictures like these. There is just no… I can’t… my head actually hurts right now. Surely someone in that girl’s life has enough common sense to say, hey, I get that it’s Christmas but you might be taking the “ho ho ho” thing a little too seriously. This just skeezes me out. The first picture alone has me questioning what little faith I had left in humanity. The worst part? I’m writing about this girl at all. She’s now a celebrity and why? Because she married an old man and is far too willing to show off her not even fully matured body yet. Someone please do the right thing and get this girl some freaking clothes and a whole lot of help.

December 27, 2011

I Don’t Get Brooke Hogan

I know before I even start this that it’s going to make some people angry. I can’t help it. It’s my job to give my opinion and my opinion of Brooke Hogan isn’t a very good one. I just don’t get why people consider her attractive. Is it the blond hair? I’m being entirely sincere in asking because I genuinely don’t understand the appeal. She’s 23. That is shocking to me. Perhaps I’m being harsh but when I look at her, I see a much older girl. I have to give credit where it’s due though. She does have a fairly nice body but honestly, the overall package just doesn’t work for me. I like these pictures of her, taken recently in Florida, more than I love some of her pictures but that isn’t saying much. Perhaps I should feel bad for being honest but she’s Brooke Hogan and is still far hotter than I could ever hope to be. I’m sure she couldn’t care less what I think.

December 23, 2011

Sarah Harding In Tight Jeans

I’ve never really been a big fan of Girls Aloud but I’ve always been a big fan of Sarah Harding. I’m not sure how that’s possible but there it is. I love this girl. She’s got a fantastic smile and a lovely body. The former is a bigger selling point for me than the latter though. I love a girl with a killer smile. Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that my own smile leaves a lot to be desired. Psychology aside, there’s just something about Sarah that gets to me. Here in London, Sarah takes a pretty basic look – jeans and a jacket – and makes it work for her. As I’ve made clear in past posts, I don’t like big sunglasses and that’s no exception here but that’s really just a personal pet peeve. Sarah looks gorgeous, relaxed and casual. I think these could be among my favorite pictures of this stunner.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }