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July 27, 2013

Alyssa Milano Looks Kind Of Weird But Still Gorgeous

So I’ve been watching Alyssa Milano’s new series, Mistresses, and I have to say it’s really nice to see Alyssa on something that actually has a chance at getting a second season. I’m not sure the ratings guarantee that but it hasn’t been a miserable failure. Is it a good show? Well, it’s very heavy on the drama but I think that’s part of why it works. It’s a nighttime soap, more or less, but it’s a great show to get sucked into as a guilty pleasure. I know I’m excited to see what happens next. In these photos, snapped in New York City, Alyssa looks great but there’s something weird going on with her face in that first photo. Maybe the eye makeup is too dark or something. In any event, she still looks good. I swear I’ve been in love with this woman since I was but a young thing. Maybe I’m a little biased.

July 27, 2013
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Vanessa Hudgens Can Be A Very Classy Young Lady

Yeah, yeah – I had a pretty big problem with Vanessa Hudgens way back in the day but that’s been over for a while now. I’ll blame all of that on temporary insanity or something because over the last year or so, Vanessa has really grown on me. She’s grown on me to the point that she’s now one of my favorite young entertainers in the entertainment industry today. In these photos, snapped as she arrives for a meal at Covent Garden in London, Vanessa looks incredible. I like the pants suit she’s wearing. It’s bold but not over the top. It also flatters her beautifully. She’s seen her fair share of scandals but those days seem to be behind her now. Lovely young lady. I wish nothing but the best for her.

July 26, 2013
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Nicole Scherzinger Looks Hot At The X Factor Auditions In London

So lately I’ve been a little hard on Nicole Scherzinger. I heard some things her former bandmates have said about her and I let those things color my opinion of her. Maybe that wasn’t fair. Nicole has never really given me the “diva” vibe so maybe her former bandmates were wrong about her or maybe they were right and she really is a bit of an ego monster. Either way, I’ve never met her so I don’t know for sure so maybe from now on, I’ll just give her the benefit of the doubt. Part of the reason for this decision is the fact that I really do like Nicole a lot. I think she’s incredibly beautiful and incredibly talented. Her beauty is on full display in these photos from the X Factor auditions in London. Great photos of a very beautiful woman.

July 26, 2013

Miley Cyrus And Her Weird Eyes

So, for the most part, I’m really liking these Miley Cyrus photos. I think she looks cute and I really like the dress she’s chosen. It’s sexy without being especially revealing and that’s not something we always see with Miley these days. With all that said, I have to talk about the first photo in this set. What the heck is she doing with her face? There’s just something so weird about that expression. It’s like someone has just given her the world’s worst present but she’s trying to pretend she likes it. “Gym socks … wow. Thanks.” I’ve been there, Miley. I’ve been there.

July 26, 2013

Elizabeth Hurley Gets Her PDA On In Las Vegas

Man, I love Elizabeth Hurley. She’s just such a very, very beautiful woman. My love her her is a big part of the reason I love these photos, snapped at a hotel pool in Las Vegas, so very much. It’s nice to see her happy and she certainly looks happy here. I know she’s occasionally had a rough go of it in the romance department but maybe that has finally come to an end and she’s met the right man. And of course she looks fabulous here. I mean, it’s Elizabeth Hurley. She always looks fabulous.

July 26, 2013
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Rihanna Rocks Some Slutz Wear With No Bra

I’m not sure I’ve mention this before, but I really, really like Rihanna. I think she’s gorgeous, talented and has an incredible body. That incredibly body is certainly on display here as we see her leaving her hotel in Manchester. I love the outfit although I have to admit, I think I would like the outfit a bit more if she had a bra on. I find the loose and jiggly boobs a little distracting. Overall though, I think these are great photos. Rihanna looks like she’s having a good time, laughing with her friend about one thing or another. I also really like the pants. I’m not sure why but I think they’re fantastic. I would wear those pants although I think I would choose a shirt that’s a little less revealing if I were wearing it. While I am thinking about getting my belly button pierced sometime this weekend, I don’t think very many people are going to get to see it.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }