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June 23, 2013
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Rita Ora Looks Gorgeous In London

I’ve given Rita Ora a lot of guff in the past and have said I don’t find her especially attractive. That is not the case with these photos. I think she looks absolutely lovely here. I am not a huge fan of the outfit but it’s very Rita. She likes loud patterns and bold colors so I’d say this look about nails it on all fronts. It’s also very flattering and shows off her gorgeous legs so yes, I’d have to say I’m a fan. In these photos, snapped as Rita leaves the Sony Music Studios in London, Rita shows off what I like most about her – her bold personality. This is a young lady who likes to look good but also isn’t afraid of taking chances with her fashion. She also manages to take those chances without looking like she’s trying to be shocking or outrageous. Great photos.

June 22, 2013
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Rihanna And Her Boot-Pants

So as I was looking at the top part of this first photo from Rihanna’s night out in London, I had a pretty good hunch there was going to be something crazy going on with the bottom of her outfit. Her hair looks so normal, as does her dress and when it comes to Rihanna, “night out” outfits are usually anything but normal. Then I saw the boots. I swear those boots could almost double as pants. If the dress was a bit longer, I probably would have assumed they were actually pants that just happened to match her shoes really, really well. Does that mean I don’t like the outfit? Of course not! One of the things I love most about Rihanna is her fearless fashion. I also happen to think she looks great in these photos. I don’t love the boots and would’ve preferred to see this rather simple dress paired with something a little less bold but then it wouldn’t really be a Rihanna outfit. I think these pictures are great.

June 22, 2013
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Carmen Ortega And Her Green Gown

As most of you probably know, I’m a little hot and cold when it comes to Carmen Ortega. I’ve seen some absolutely stunning photos of her and I’ve seen other photos I didn’t like quite as much. These photos fall into the later category. She looks good, sure, but I don’t know. There’s just something about this set I’m not really feeling. Her body, as always, is incredible but there’s something going on here that I’m not crazy about. Perhaps I’m not really feeling the poses she’s striking here. Maybe it’s something about the way her hair and makeup has been done. In any event, these aren’t my favorite Carmen Ortega photos but they’re not really bad photos by any stretch of the imagination. They’re just not my cup of tea.

June 21, 2013
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Elena Papavasiliou On The Beach In Greece

Until these photos popped up, I had no idea who Elena Papavasiliou was. I’d never heard her name and I’d never seen her face. I’m glad that has now changed. My research turned up little information aside from the fact that Elena is a tv host and actress from Greece whom many consider to be the sexiest tv host in Greece. Although I don’t know many tv hosts from Greece, it isn’t hard for me to imagine she is. I mean, just look at these photos from Mykonos. The lady looks stunning. I really like these photos. Elena looks like she’s having a great time and I always find that appealing. These are great photos. I hope I have the opportunity to write about her again soon.

June 21, 2013
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I Don’t Find Farrah Abraham All That Attractive Anymore

I’m almost positive Farrah Abraham’s sex tape scandal has far more to do with her sudden lack of appeal than any changes in her appearance. I used to think this girl was a different kind of reality star. She seemed interested in working to extend her 15 minutes of fame (gained, by the way, for appearing on Teen Mom) and I appreciated that. Sure she rose to fame on a reality show but she was acting and modeling as well and I thought that was respectable. As it turns out though, I was pretty much entirely wrong about her. She isn’t much different than Heidi Montag, Courtney Stodden or any of the other little talent “media stars” that become famous for a scandal or a crappy reality show and then scratch and claw to extend that 15 minutes further. She’s just another reality star willing to do anything to stay in the spotlight, even if it means taking it up the rear on camera. I guess it worked for Kim Kardashian but at least Kim is hot. In these photos, snapped at a pool party in Las Vegas, Farrah looks pretty enough to keep cameras snapping but I don’t think she’s really anything special anymore. Maybe if she’d been honest about the sex tape, I’d respect her a little more but she lied and that made me lose whatever respect I had for her.

June 21, 2013

Nicole Scherzinger Checks Her Boobs

I guess when a lady wears a dress like the one Nicole Scherzinger is wearing in these photos, the occasional nip slip check is important. As Nicole hits the latest round of X Factor auditions in Manchester, she clearly has her boobs on her mind and who can blame her? Her boobs are on my mind too. Slip checking aside, these photos are fantastic. I was once a big Nicole Scherzinger fan but reports of her big ego sort of cooled that a bit. I still like her a lot and I still think she’s a beautiful, talented woman. I’m just not as big of a fan as I used to be. In these photos though, Nicole looks fantastic. The dress she’s wearing is fantastic. All in all, just a great set of photos.

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