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June 10, 2013

Michelle Keegan Has A Laugh In Mayfair

I think Michelle Keegan is a beautiful young woman and a bit part of the appeal for me is that killer smile of hers. That smile just makes me want to smile and that’s not something I do very often. I think these photos, snapped at the Jersey Boys musical in London & Nobu in Mayfair, are great. They’re fun. They’re lighthearted. These two just look like they’re having a great time and that’s always nice to see. Of course, I can’t write this post without mentioning how incredible Michelle looks here. I love the dress and the shoes. I also love the fact that, despite all the photographers snapping away, she manages to avoid the panties shot. This is just a girl out having a good time with her boy. Great shots.

June 10, 2013
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Rihanna Looking Sexy In Belgium

I don’t see a lot of photos of Rihanna I don’t like but these ones … well, I’m not a big fan. They’re not bad photos by any stretch of the imagination. They’re just not my favorites. Snapped as Rihanna was leaving her hotel in Antwerp, Belgium, Rihanna just doesn’t look like the Rihanna I know and love. She looks pretty and her legs are incredible but I don’t know. I guess I just find this set of photos a little on the boring side. I’m also not a big fan of the outfit she’s wearing or the yellowy blond. It looks a bit like she’s wearing a bad Halloween wig under the hat. I do love the shows and even the glasses but the rest of the outfit just isn’t doing anything for me.

June 10, 2013
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Kate Upton Shows Off Her Cleavage On Set

I am such a fantastically big fan of Kate Upton it’s a little ridiculous. I love everything about this woman. Of course she’s an incredibly beautiful, incredibly sexy woman but she also has this whole girl-next-door thing going on and I really find that appealing. Here on the set of The Other Woman in NY, Kate is looking adorable yet sexy at the same time. I’m sure the sexy part has something to do with the fact that her breasts are very nearly falling out of her shirt but it might be more than that. I don’t know. There’s just something about Kate Upton I find so incredibly appealing. I adore her. I can’t wait to see just how high this girl’s star rises.

June 9, 2013

Rihanna Shows Off Her Cleavage In Paris

Only a few short hours ago, I was writing about a set of photos in which I said Rihanna looked fairly normal. Here I am now writing about these photos in which we see the Rihanna I know and love so much. Heading out in this red jumpsuit in Paris, Rihanna is showing off her body in an outfit that more than a few would consider outrageous. In all honesty, I’ve seen far worse. I think the color works really well on her, I adore the hairstyle she’s rocking and her body looks out of this world. Did I like the slightly more conservative photos? Yes. Do I prefer these racier photos. I’d like to say no but I’d be lying and I’m not a liar. Great photos all around.

June 9, 2013

Denise Milani Shows Off Her Ginormous Boobs

I know it may seem like I focus on the boobs when I write about Denise Milani but seriously – how is it possible to focus on anything else? She clearly has no problem showing them off but to be fair, I’m quite certain there is no way she can do anything other than show them off. Those things would still stand out if she was wearing a parka. It’s just a little ridiculous. I think the boobs are a bit too big but I’m sure a whole lot of men out there disagree with me. Monsterboobs aside, I really do like these photos. Denise has such a pretty face and such a unique look. I really like this girl and I really love these shots.

June 9, 2013
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Myleene Klass Goes For Glamour

I suppose I’m kind of spoiled when it comes to Myleene Klass. I write about her on a fairly regular basis and nearly every time I do, the girl is wearing nothing but a bikini. For that reason, I was a bit disappointed when I opened this photo set and say Myleene was fully clothed. That disappointment did not last. Here at the Glamour Women of the Year Awards in London, Myleene is looking incredible. She chose the perfect dress for an event that has glamour right in the name. She looks sexy, yes, but she also does look very glamorous. I love the way the dress compliments her body without showing a whole lot of skin. I do like revealing dresses but I also like dresses that leave something to the imagination. For me, this look works on all levels. Great photos.

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