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May 27, 2013
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Classic Lindsay Lohan Photo Shoot

I can’t say for sure who shot these photos of Lindsay Lohan or when they were taken but I can say for sure I remember seeing the photos and loving them just as much then as I do now. I’ve always felt Lindsay Lohan is a beautiful woman and I’ve been rooting for her to make a comeback – or at least get herself in a healthy place in her life – since all of her personal troubles began. With rumors coming out that she’s doing really well in Betty Ford this time, I have nothing but hope for her future. Maybe this time she really will make a change for the better and we’ll see a healthier, happier Lindsay on the other side of it all. I really am hoping for her.

May 27, 2013

Carla Ossa Is Too Hot For Me To Deal With

How is it even possible that Carla Ossa has mostly flown under the radar for me? This woman is pretty much the embodiment of my ideal woman. She has a beautiful face, gorgeous flowing locks and a ridiculously hot body. Every single one of these pictures is out of this world hot. I love this woman’s eyes. The way she looks into the camera melts me like butter. I think I’d have to say the first picture is my favorite simply because of the pose but I’m not kidding – each one is incredibly sexy. I don’t know much about her aside from the fact that she’s a Colombian born model who has worked for some pretty big names. I can tell you for sure – I will not forget the name Carla Ossa again.

May 27, 2013
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Heidi Klum Makes An Interesting Choice With Her Earrings

This is the second set of photos of Heidi Klum we’ve posted from Cannes and while I was a big fan of the first set, I’m not sure I’m as in to this one. She looks great and all but I find those earrings incredibly distracting. I’m also not a big fan of the dress. I guess I’m just kind of up in the air about this look overall. I think the entire look would’ve worked much better with a slightly less loud pair of earrings. I guess I can’t complain too much. She’s still Heidi Klum which means she still looks fantastic. I just think she would’ve looked even better with some slightly altered fashion choices.

May 27, 2013

Mariah Carey Shows Off Her Legs On Good Morning America

Earlier, I wrote a bit about how Nicole Scherzinger’s reported diva-tude changed my opinion of her. Mariah Carey has a lengendary diva-tude but I love her anyway. Why? Because Mariah earned it. Mariah has had the kind of career that warrants a little bit of a diva attitude. She may not have had a major hit in a while but that doesn’t change the fact that this woman has had one heck of a great career. It’s nice to see she’s still at it too. As Mariah performs on Good Morning America, we get to see Mariah back in her element. I wasn’t a fan of her as a judge on American Idol but I can’t argue with her talent as a vocalist and damn, the girl is looking great. I adore Mariah. I hope her next single breaks records.

May 27, 2013
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Sexy Paris Hilton Photo Shoot

I few short hours ago, I posted a little bit about my lack of understanding for the hate Nicole Kidman seems to get. Paris Hilton also gets a lot of hate but at least with her, I get what the hate is about. She seems incredibly full of herself, has no real discernible talent and  is the kind of spoiled little rich girl everyone loves to hate. I think that’s part of the reason I like her so much. She is who she is. She doesn’t try to hide the fact that she’s spoiled. While she does occasionally try to prove she has some sort of talent (she has a new album coming out, remember?) I don’t really hold that against her. If I had Paris’ fame and money, I’d probably put out an album too. The truth is, I know I should dislike the woman. She is everything I hate about today’s celebrity culture but I just don’t. I like Paris Hilton and I can’t even help it.

May 27, 2013
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Nicole Kidman Looks Like A Pretty Porcelain Doll

People like to talk a lotta smack about Nicole Kidman but I think she’s fantastic. She’s a talented actress and a beautiful woman. I have never understood why people dislike her so very much. It just doesn’t make sense but I guess that’s the way it goes sometimes. There is always someone that becomes a popular target to hate on and I guess for people of a certain age, that person is Nicole. I just never bought into that. In these photos from Cannes, Nicole looks beautiful. Here’s something though. I had no idea she was pregnant. Congrats are in order for Nicole and her also gorgeous and talented husband, Keith Urban. I love these two as a couple. Thrilled to pieces for both of them!

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