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February 6, 2011

Gemma Merna All Wet In Pink And White Bikini

You know what I like most about British actress Gemma Merna? She’s the real deal. She’s honest. She has admitted to having breast enlargement surgery at the ripe old age of twenty-one instead of going the typical route of, you know, lying about it completely to anyone who dares ask. I’m not a fan of fake breasts but I am a fan of honesty. More than that, she doesn’t talk about the surgery as a huge mistake or as something she regrets which is definitely the trendy way to go. Instead she says it was a great decision that made her feel more confident. To be fair, big boobs or small boobs, I can’t really see much for her to feel self conscious about. The girl is gorgeous. Either way, kudos to her for being honest and open even if I think cosmetic surgery at twenty-one (or any age, really) is completely ridiculous.

February 5, 2011
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Britney Spears In Frisky Family Photo Shoot

This is the Britney Spears the world wants to see, right? Look at how happy and healthy she seems to be. She’s playing with her kids and having fun. It’s great. It’s like the head shaving, umbrella wielding Britney is a distant, and unpleasant memory but at the same time, it still feels so very recent. It seems like just yesterday people were making fun of her bat poop crazy behavior; slowly realizing that there was something seriously wrong with the girl. Yeah. Then it wasn’t so funny anymore. Mental hospitals and conservatorships followed and now here we are with Britney looking like she’s back to her old self. Hopefully she doesn’t end up in the same spot all over again. Britney has all the makings of a great comeback story as long as she keeps herself together.

February 5, 2011

Kelly Brook Shows Off Her Fantastic Body

There have long been rumors the Kelly Brook isn’t 100% natural and looking at these pictures – especially in the bikini top region – it isn’t hard to tell what part of her anatomy those rumors have focused on. Are Kelly Brook’s boobs real? Well, enhanced by a surgeon or just a very nicely fitting bikini top, they are spectacular – just like the rest of her body. I like Kelly. She’s sexy, confident and not afraid to show off that stunning body of hers. This model, actress and swim wear designer obviously works hard to stay in shape and if you’re gonna work for it, you might as well flaunt it.

February 4, 2011
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Cheryl Burke Has Fun In The Water

It took me a long time to admit in public that I watch Dancing With the Stars. I’m kind of the anti-everything popular girl but every now and then, I have to give in and find a guilty pleasure. Dancing With the Stars is one of those pleasures. I didn’t really know how I felt about Cheryl Burke on the show. She can be a bit grating from time to time, but she’s hot, so I guess that’s okay. She also knows the competition which gives her bonus points in my book. Then there are these pictures of Cheryl on the beach; reminding everyone that she was a star before the show. She’s a gorgeous girl – absolutely lovely; even if she can be a bit on the annoying side.

February 4, 2011
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Lara Bingle Gets Some Sun In Sydney

Lara Bingle is one of those lucky women who can look good no matter what they do. I don’t understand women like that, myself. Okay, to be honest, I am passionately jealous about women like that. I can look good too but it takes hours in front of a mirror. I have a feeling Lara rolls out of bed in the morning looking hot. Sickening. I kid, of course. Here in Sydney, Lara shows off why she’s such a popular model. Look at her. She’s not only gorgeous but she’s also relaxed. She looks like she’s just enjoying her day in the sun and no one can blame her for that.

February 4, 2011
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Hot Minka Kelly At Airport Security

Sometimes it has got to suck to be working airport security. You have to deal with rude people and the knowledge that you’ll have a lot of questions to answer if anyone happens to get by you with something they shouldn’t have. It probably happens all the time. Other times, Friday Night Lights beauty Minka Kelly arrives and you have the grueling task of convincing yourself patting her down just because she’s hot is actually a bad idea. Have you ever seen that episode of Punk’d where Ashton Kutcher sets up celebrities trying to enter the MTV building by ensuring they aren’t able to pass through the metal detector without setting it off; causing said celebrities to have to strip down. That has got to be a serious temptation for the men working security here.

Recent Comments

  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
  • { spell check recently? }
  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
  • { salu }