Search Results for “jennifer”

September 5, 2012

Jennifer Lopez And Her Beautiful Family

Father time has certainly been kind to Jennifer Lopez. The woman looks just as gorgeous now as she did when she first broke out in the business, perhaps even more so. Jennifer has been blessed in ways beyond her physical appearance though. She seems to have built a lovely family for herself. In these photos, we see Jennifer with boyfriend, Casper Smart, and her daughter (with ex-husband, Marc Anthony), Emme, as they have a nice family day in the pool. I have to admit, Jennifer never looks quite as happy and quite as at peace as she looks when she’s with her children. She must lead a very hectic life with her music career back in shape so it’s great to see her spending a little time relaxing and taking a little time for her family.

August 23, 2012

Jennifer Lopez Is Always Going To Be Gorgeous.

These photos from Wet Republic in LA just seem to reinforce a belief I’ve held for the last several years – Jennifer Lopez is never going to age and she’s going to look stunning forever. It’s a little ridiculous. If anything, she’s only gotten more attractive as the years have passed. She looks more mature now than when she did when she first started getting noticed in the industry but that more mature look really works for her. She is simply stunning. Her bone structure is incredible and she clearly knows how to take care of herself. I’m not sure how I feel about her relationship with Casper Smart but that’s her business, not mine. If she’s having fun and he treats her with respect, all the more power to her. Love seeing J-Lo doing so well. I hope that continues even though she’s no longer an “American Idol” judge. She will be missed.

August 19, 2012

Jennifer Nicole Lee Shows Off Her Hard Work Appropriately.

In the past, I’ve posted pictures of Jennifer Nicole Lee and have given her a bit of a hard time about the clothing she chose to wear. The post about the gold “dress” she wore to the grocery store and the post about the black whatever you would call it she wore to run errands come to mind. Here’s why I had a problem with those pictures but not these ones. In the other photos, Jennifer was just out and about doing day to day things dressed up like a street walker. I don’t think that’s necessary or appropriate. In these photos, Jennifer is wearing even less but I’m okay with it because these are professional photo shoot pictures in a professional environment. She is a fitness guru. She needs to show off her fit body as part of her job. I would be more inclined to follow her fitness advice based on these photos because she clearly knows a thing or two about getting/staying in shape. It’s all about context and I don’t think Jennifer’s figured that out just yet.

August 12, 2012

Jennifer Nicole Lee Likes To Test Me.

I love Jennifer Nicole Lee … in theory. Her story is inspiring and she’s worked incredibly hard to get where she is in her life. I respect that and I respect her for that so there is a big part of me that wants to look the other way on this one. I can’t though. It wouldn’t be fair to the other celebs I would trash for wearing this outfit or have trashed for wearing similar outfits. I wrote a post about Kate Beckinsale yesterday and mentioned that there is often a fine line between self confident and arrogant. There is also sometimes a fine line between sexy and sleazy. With this outfit, I feel Jennifer has done somersaults over both of those lines. Jennifer works hard to look the way she looks but in these photos she just looks like a working girl, if you get my meaning. Yes she looks sexy but she also looks entirely trashy. I’d expect to see an outfit like this on someone like Shauna Sands or that “Teen Bride” bimbo – not a fitness guru who expects to be taken seriously. I know this all sounds harsh, but it’s my opinion. I really do adore Jennifer and I respect what she’s done with her life but if anyone else were wearing this kind of getup while apparently running errands, I’d be writing the same thing. Sorry Jennifer – just not a fan of this look.

August 1, 2012
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Jennifer Nicole Lee Is Showing Off Her Body Again.

I will never give Jennifer Nicole Lee a hard time for wearing a teeny tiny bikini in the brightest possible colors to the beach because this is a woman who has earned the right to flaunt her body. I would likely be doing the same thing if I looked half as good as her. Not saying I couldn’t be nice and toned if I was willing to put in the time and effort because I probably could be. I’m just far too lazy for that sort of thing. A while back, I did give Jennifer a bit of a hard time for wearing a skimpy outfit shopping but that had nothing to do with Jennifer and everything to do with the fact that I think there is a time and place for skimpy clothing and the grocery store isn’t it. Whatever though. These photos are incredibly hot and so is Jennifer. Kudos to her for having the guts to change her life for the better.

July 30, 2012

Jennifer Nicole Lee Is In Just Ridiculous Shape.

I feel like I say the same thing about Jennifer Nicole Lee every time I post about her but I honestly can’t help it. Her story inspires me to make changes in my life to be happier with who I am and how I look and I think that’s important. She wasn’t happy with her body after she had children so she decided to do something about it. She started working out, changed her diet and took better care of herself. Now she looks like this. That impresses the holy heck out of me. The fact that she was able to parlay that hard work and dedication into a career as a fitness guru is sort of beside the point. The point is that she wasn’t happy so she did something about it. Here in Miami, Jennifer gives us a look at the result of her hard work and I appreciate that. While I don’t think I’d personally like to have the super muscular body she has, I definitely like the fact that she saw what she wanted for herself and went for it and then shared her story with the world to encourage others to do the same. I don’t always agree with her fashion choices but I respect and admire her all the same.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
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