Search Results for “me”

January 7, 2013

Courtney Stodden Is One Trashy Girl.

Another day, another chance to dress like a complete skank and strut around like being a skank is some kind of accomplishment. If ‘Teen Bride’ Courtney Stodden wasn’t married to a 50-some year old man (she married him when she was 16, if you haven’t heard the story) I’d almost feel bad for the guy. It’s clear she’s married to him for fame and not anything remotely resembling love. I wanted to give them a shot but hearing her say things like “sometimes I forget I’m married” cements the belief that she’s just some wannabe starlet bimbo that’s willing to do anything it takes to be famous. This is what she wears strolling around her home in the Hollywood Hills. Her husband looks happy enough, I guess. Clearly having a hot wife is more important to him than having a wife that loves him, respects him or has even the tiniest sliver of respect for herself. This is a woman even Playboy wanted nothing to do with. In ten years, I can’t even imagine where this girl will be. I guess it’s better not to think about it.

January 5, 2013
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Gorgeous Abigail Clancy Lingerie Shoot.

Abigail Clancy is just a beauty, isn’t she? I love her face. I’m not sure what it is about her face that I love so much but there’s just something very … almost angelic about it. Her pretty eyes and those pouty lips – very appealing. Of course, her body is also incredible. I love the fact that she isn’t rail thin. She has curves in all the right places and knows how to play up those curves for the camera. She always looks so confident and self assured without looking like she’s full of herself. She’s just a beautiful young woman who seems to know and love who she is. I think that’s fantastic. I love these photos.

January 5, 2013

Nicole Minetti Nearly Spills Out Of Her Bikini.

Ah, Nicole Minetti. So beautiful, so willing to show off her incredible body whenever the opportunity presents itself. I don’t think there’s much about this woman I don’t love. I mean, she’s such a stunning woman and doesn’t seem to be at all shy or inhibited. She’s a woman that’s comfortable with herself and feels good about who she is. How can a girl not respect that? While she’s mostly known for being part of a major scandal, it’s important to note she’s also an accomplished dancer and was making a name for herself well before the scandal broke. I don’t like women whose only claim to fame is some sort of scandal but I think Nicole would’ve eventually become famous for her talents on the dance floor anyway so I’m fine with her. More than fine, in fact. I love this girl.

January 5, 2013
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Julianne Hough And Ryan Seacrest Start 2013 In St. Barth.

The other day, I wrote a post about Karina Smirnoff and mentioned I believe she’s one of the most attractive professional dancers on “Dancing with the Stars”. If I was talked about past and present professional dancers on the show, Julianne Hough I would’ve mentioned Julianne Hough on the list as well because she is certainly one of the most attractive women to ever dance on the show. I miss seeing her every season but she’s trying to launch her own career and I think that’s fantastic as well. In these photos (shot on January 4, 2013 in St. Barth), Julianne and boyfriend, Ryan Seacrest, are looking as happy as ever. I love these two. They make such a fantastic couple. I hope they have a happy 2013. They certainly started it off right.

January 5, 2013
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Olivia Wilde Makes It All Feel Better.

So I’m sick and that sucks. It’s not entirely unexpected. I am, after all, the sickliest person I know. That doesn’t change the fact that being sick sucks. You know what doesn’t suck though? These photos of Olivia Wilde. On a day when just getting out of bed was a chore, Olivia’s general loveliness has made me feel better. Could it be that Olivia Wilde is the cure for the common cold? I have no scientific data to back up that hypothesis but I’m not about to argue with what works. While I have a hunch this is an older set of photos, I’m not going to complain at all. I’ll take whatever Olivia Wilde photos are offered to me, especially when they’re this sexy.

January 5, 2013
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Sexy Olcay Gulsen Bikini Pics From Miami.

I don’t normally pay a lot of attention to fashion designers but Olcay Gulsen is a designer I’ll make an exception for. First, her label “SuperTrash” is one of the few labels I actually pay attention to. Second, she’s just ridiculously sexy. Third, she’s focused, dedicated and has put in a ton of work to get where she is today – all things I respect very much. In these photos from Miami, Olcay looks gorgeous, taking a little time out to enjoy a day relaxing with some friends. If you’re not sure who she is, check out her Wikipedia entry. It only highlights her accomplishments but it’ll at least give you an idea of why this girl impresses me so much. I’m thrilled with these pictures, mainly because they’ve given me the chance to write about her.

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  • patricia sherratt { who the mystery man ? }
  • David { Most likely stinky. }
  • David { Kelly has had my loins boiling for many years. Hot, Hot, ... }
  • { working that body }
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  • { awesome awesome miley!!! }
  • { awesome miley!! }
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